Tower Tarot Card Meaning

The Tower Tarot Card shows a medieval fortress with a solid foundation. At the top of the tower, there is a crown which has been struck with a bolt of lightning strike, it has set the tower ablaze shattering it into pieces.

Flames and debris burst forth, signifying the collapse of the tower. The figures tumbling down show the destruction of the ego and false identities.

Upright Meaning of the Tower Tarot Card

The Tower tarot card is a sign of a wake-up call. There is a sudden and unavoidable transformation happening in your life. It can show up in the form of a crisis, revelation or upheaval.

This can be scary, however, the Tower’s destruction is paving the way for a fresh-start. One that can provide you with a profound peace of mind. It is time to let go of things that no longer serve you.

If you have been clinging to outdated beliefs, unhealthy relationships or toxic habits, then the tower is calling for immediate change. Life does not operate in a vacuum, there are many elements at play that can serve to enrich, inspire and motivate you.

Dealing with stagnant energies or passionless projects can take a toll on you. Doing the same thing over and over is monotonous and boring. When you have extracted all the excitement, fun and joy out of a situation, and it is time to move on, but you choose to stay, the Tower comes into shake things up and force change.

You could find yourself in a position where you outgrow people, places and situations. This is okay, we are not trees, we are not meant to stay in the same place for a long time. We are supposed to grow, expand and gain experience.

This is the time to foster a greater understanding of who you are and to foster a greater sense of purpose.

Reverse Meaning of the Tower Tarot Card

In reverse, the Tower is is demonstrating you hesitancy to confront the truth. You are suppressing the process of transformation, this is leading to chaos and prolonging the inevitable.

This tarot card is also a sign of maneuvering out of a difficult situation, if you have the foresight to make some changes now, you can avoid disaster later on.

However, this must be coupled with your desire for real transformation. It is pointless to say, I want things to change, I will make the changes, and then follow through with 60 percent of your time and effort, but not 100 percent.

If you are coming out of an upheaval, you are now at a point where you can heal and rebuild your life. Take a moment to reflect on the lessons you have learned during this period.

The Tower Tarot Card in Love

In Love, The Tower Tarot Card is a sign of a relationship falling apart. There are aspects to your relationship that are simply not working, the two of you do not see eye to eye.

There is a refusal to compromise with one another. This could be leading you down the path of calling it quits.

Harsh truths could be revealed during this time, and it could take a huge toll on the relationship. For those of you in a toxic relationship, your connection could be built on false ideals, lies and shady behavior.

You may have over-looked certain qualities in your partner as you were deeply in love and could not see the flaws, however as the days went by, they became more and more apparent. All of a sudden the issues can turn from a minor problem to a major one. This is the reason why relationships cannot be built on facades, lies, false identities and insinuations.

You can have a perfect and ideal relationship show up, but if one person has a tendency to misconstrue the truth or is living a double life, the connection will suffer in the long run.

And the foundation on which it was built will inevitable crumble. In most cases, that connection cannot be rebuilt with the same person. Too much damage has been done, and it is now too late.

The Tower Tarot Card in Health

The Tower is a sign of a health concern that has been left to simmer for too long. You are receiving a wake-up call to make changes to your routines. You cannot keep doing what you have been doing for so long. This is the time to take proactive measures, and live a healthier life.

The Tower Tarot Card in Wealth

In Wealth, the Tower is a symbol of financial upheavals and sudden changes. This is not always a bad thing. Sometimes, you have to give up the good to go for the great.

Some shake-ups can seem overwhelming on the surface of it, however there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

When you find yourself dealing with the collapse of old beliefs, structures and ideas that may have held you back, the Tower tarot card is an indication of powerful change which is mean’t to help you grow as a person.

How to Embody the Tower Archetype?

  • Face your fears.
  • Release your old identity.
  • Create an authentic foundation.
  • Practice resiliency.

Questions to ask when you receive the Tower Tarot Card

  • What structures in my life are currently being shaken up?
  • How can I deal with the sudden changes I am experiencing?
  • What lessons can I learn from this disruptive event?
  • How might this upheaval lead to a fresh start?
  • What can I do to rebuild more stable foundation?
  • How can I remain adaptable and open-minded during this time of crisis?

Read next: Star Tarot Card, Moon Tarot Card, Sun Tarot Card, Judgement Tarot Card, World Tarot Card.

Complete List to Tarot Meanings