Sun Tarot Card Meaning

The Sun Tarot Card shows a naked child on top of a white horse, the child has a long red ribbon in its hands. In the backdrop there is a large sun with sunflowers behind a wall.

Upright Meaning of the Sun Tarot Card

The Sun is a sign of joy, success and happiness. Without it, there can be no growth or life. When you receive this tarot card, it is calling on you to live up to your fullest potential. There are things happening in your life that are illuminating the darkest corners of your world.

You are gaining clarity, and the truth that was hidden beneath the surface is coming to light. Your efforts and personal investments are coming to fruition.

You are surrounded by abundant energies. The people around you want the best for you. In fact, you are free to be yourself, you are loved for who you are and people appreciate your authenticity.

You have released past burdens and your inner child is shining through, at this time, you are called to celebrate life’s blessings.

This is a time when you have rediscovered your power, your spirit is soaring with potential and you are eager to approach life with enthusiasm.

Reverse Meaning of the Sun Tarot Card

You could be experiencing internal conflicts, lost in a sea of uncertainty, you are craving clarity. For whatever reason, it is hidden from you. Your judgement has become clouded and you are unable to see the truth.

Instead of celebrating life, you are having a hard time connecting with your inner-child. Worry and fear could have taken precedence.

You could feel over-confident, yet at the same time, something does not feel right. Overworking and trying to make everyone happy can manifest in your projects and relationships.

An inability to quieten your thoughts and find satisfaction could make you feel as if you are over-compensating for something that is missing. The missing part is your happiness.

Beware of excessive pride and ego, trying to push people around can backfire. This is not the time to engage in catty behaviors.

Sun Tarot Card in Love

In love, the Sun tarot card is a sign of finding a relationship that is emotionally fulfilling, the two of you have a mutual understanding of one another. There is a lot of joy and bliss in your connection.

This is a time when you can finally breath, you have found someone that lets you be the best version of yourself. You really enjoy their company, and the two of you have built a healthy and loving connection. As this connection burns brightly, the two of light up one another’s life.

If you are single, you are feeling confident in your skin. You are starting to recognize that you have something worthwhile to offer in a relationship. You are aware of your value and will not settle for sub-par relationships.

Sun Tarot Card in Health

In health, you are embracing a happier lifestyle. You feel strong and content. You feel motivated to exercise and eat well. There is nothing and no one that can disrupt your peace of mind. Your happiness comes first and you will not allow other people to disrupt that joy.

You are living your best life and you are surrounded by calm, happy people. Everyone is optimistic and your world is full of hope and healing.

Picture a bright sunny day at the beach, you feel good, the weather is good. Laughter is in the air and everything is so perfect. The blue waters at the beach dazzle with the rays of the sun. This is life. This is your life!

Sun Tarot Card in Wealth

In Wealth, the Sun tarot card is a sign of winning in business. You are surrounded by opportunities that hold a lot of promise. You can choose to increase your financial stability in a number of ways.

This tarot card is a sign of a breakthrough, new opportunities on the horizon are appearing out of nowhere. Your financial situation is turning around and you feel inspired to follow your passion.

You could have entered into a business deal, and you are now reaping the rewards of it. The Sun tarot card can highlight a windfall, winning the lottery, promotions, business success and more.

How to Embody the Sun Archetype

  • Celebrate life with your loved ones.
  • Focus on the positive aspects of your life.
  • Nurture your personal growth.
  • Practice kindness and generosity.

Questions to ask when you receive the Sun Tarot Card in a tarot reading.

  • In what areas of my life am I currently experiencing joy and success?
  • How can I create more happiness in my daily life?
  • What achievements should I celebrate right now?
  • How can my inner child guide me in making decisions?
  • What helps me feel energized and alive, and how can I do more of that?

Read next: Judgement Tarot Card, World Tarot Card.

Complete List to Tarot Meanings.


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.