Page of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

The Page of Swords shows a young person that holding a sword close to his chest. The Page’s face looks curious and skeptical. As he stares into the distance, his posture is defensive and his eyes are vigilant. The backdrop shows his hair tousling in the wind, as the clouds swirl, it stands as a symbol of pending change.

Upright Meaning

In upright, the Page is a sign of your thirst for knowledge. Your mind is curiously searching for answers, as you embrace this childlike wonder, you are open to new information. With mental alertness, you are able to spot the patterns, analyze your circumstances and therefore make informed decisions.

The Page’s swords is pointed towards the sky, it is an indication of your willingness to confront obstacles and rise above your challenges. You are called to choose your words wisely. As you organize your thoughts, you have the confidence to express your ideas with clarity and transparency.

Reverse Meaning

In reverse, the Page of Swords is indication of hitting a stumbling block. Your creativity could feel stifled, your desire to discover new information could be overtaken by your need to withdraw from the world.

There is a chance of scattered thoughts and an inability to focus on what you need to get done. You could be experiencing information overload.

Furthermore, the Page of Swords is also a sign of misusing your power or authority in an abusive or manipulative manner. At this time, it would be crucial to be humble, instead of using what you know against other people as it can have far-reaching consequences.

Page of Swords in Love & Feelings.

In love, this tarot card is calling on you to be analytical. Question things with the intention of finding a common ground. By understanding where you significant other is coming from can foster intimacy and trust.

Build upon your connection by expressing your thoughts and welcoming the observations of your partner. The only way to cut through misunderstandings is to confront challenges head-on.

If you are single, you are advised to remain open to meeting new people, by engaging in stimulating conversations, you can find a common mental spark that unites your ideals with your potential new love interest.

You are also cautioned from being judgmental and overly suspicious of new people. Giving dating prospects the benefit of the doubt can increase your chances of finding love. If you are prone to becoming defensive when meeting new people, ask yourself where does bias stem from?

As feelings, your person is feeling inquisitive, they have questions. They are also highly suspicious. They are questioning your motives and agenda. At this point, they trust no one. It is possible that they are looking for a fight or an argument.

Page of Swords in Health

In health, the Page of swords is calling on you to not take anything for granted. If you are experiencing aches and pains, or do not feel like yourself, then it might be time to have it checked out by a professional. Remain open to new activities to foster new paths to stimulate your mind, body and soul.

Also, it is important for you to get a second opinion where necessary. Speak to a number of professionals if there is something that is troubling you.

Stay away from negative individuals. Remember the Page of Swords is critical and highly vigilant, you have to consider everything from a rational point of view without becoming emotional. If you have questions, ask, do not hesitate to find out everything.

Page of Swords in Wealth

In Wealth, this tarot card is a sign of your curiosity serving you well. This encourages you to adopt a productive mindset, this will help you grow your finances. Look at your investments, the ways you budget and how your business ventures align with your future goals.

The Page has a powerful and sharp intellect, you are called to explore new income sources. What are your passions and how can you make money from it? This is the time to be aware the risks and rewards. Evaluate your decisions and how do they help you towards your goals?

Also, how do you communicate to yourself? Your inner talk also plays an important role in determining whether you succeed or fail, avoid negative talk.

Keep a journal and write down your thoughts. It is important to be kind to yourself. When you see other people succeed, celebrate for them and be happy for their accomplishments.

Page of Swords as Yes or No.

Its a No.

Questions to ask when you receive the Page of Swords in a tarot reading?

  • What new ideas am I encountering, and how should I engage with them?
  • How can I use my communication skills to my advantage?
  • Is there a situation requiring more scrutiny or critical thinking?
  • How can I stay honest in my communications?
  • What opportunities are available for learning?

Read next: Knight of Swords Tarot Card, Queen of Swords, King of Swords.