World Tarot Card Meaning

The World Tarot Card shows a female figure standing at the center of a circular wreath. Four creatures appear at the corner of the card representing the four fixed signs of the zodiac: an ox (Taurus), the Eagle (Scorpio), Cherub (Aquarius) and a lion (Leo). The figure is calm and serene.

Upright Meaning of the World Tarot Card

The World Tarot Card is a sign of completion. You have finished an important cycle in your spiritual journey.

The universe is acknowledging your efforts and ability to embrace the light and the shadow aspects of your internal world.

You have a greater sense of awareness and this has resulted in your personal growth and enlightenment. There is cosmic force operating in your life and you are the co-creator of your destiny. Your steadfast determination and courage has paid off.

You could be traveling and exploring the world. As you gain experience and enrich your life, your consciousness expands and broadens your horizons.

Reverse Meaning of the World Tarot Card

In reverse, you could have unfinished business and you are in the process of tying up loose ends. You have not reached the end of your cycle but you are almost there.

This is a time to persist and to acknowledge that there are opportunities for growth. If you have lost sight of your purpose, then you could feel lost and unsure of the next step.

Embracing change means dealing with the unknown. This can be a scary process, especially if you do not know how to re-establish your connection to the universe. You are called to center your energy and tap into your life-force.

In order to create a sense of fulfillment, you have to acknowledge the end of one cycle, and the start of another. The universe wants to bless you with a newfound identity, but the only way for you to experience completion is to let go of the old you.

The World Tarot Card in Love

In love, you are in the process of establishing a divine connection with a person. You have gained a ton of experience and know what you want out of life. You will reap rewards as you move towards the new version of yourself.

Letting go of people and situations that no longer serve you is the first step. You cannot keep people in your life that have stopped evolving and growing. In life, you have a choice, you can grow and change or you can hold onto the old version of yourself.

The World tarot card is a sign of deepening your bond to a specific person, your relationship is in the process of gaining a new identity.

Perhaps the two of you are rising up to a higher level of consciousness. Instead of arguing and dealing with hostile energies, the two of you are choosing to sit down and communicate in a mature manner.

If you are looking for love, you could find someone that has a unique insight into the world. They have evolved in the manner in which they approach love. There is an element of self-love that is incorporated to every word and action that is exchanged between the two of you.

The World Tarot Card in Health

In health, the World is a sign of vitality, well-being and peace. You have reached a state of equilibrium. You feel at peace with your decisions and life.

As you embrace healing practices and celebrate your resilience, you are opening up the door to a greater understanding of the mind-body connection.

The World Tarot Card in Wealth

In Wealth, the World Tarot Card is a sign of success. Doorways of prosperity are opening up to you. You may have worked hard in your initiatives, your diligence has paid off.

The universe is acknowledging how far you have come along. You see money as an exchange of energy. You will only give your energy to things that evolve your consciousness.

You have risen above other people in terms of their needs and desires. You value your spirituality above all and will only engage with people that enrich your life.

When it comes to your career, you choose to engage with evolved individuals and choose to remain silent with individuals that are immature.

How to Embody the World Archetype

  • Expand your consciousness by learning something new.
  • Engage with different cultures, races and religions in order to create a deeper understanding of people.
  • Celebrate your achievements with the people you love.
  • Create a life plan for the next five years.

Questions to ask when you receive the World Tarot Card in a tarot reading.

  • What have I recently accomplished that I should acknowledge and celebrate?
  • How can I incorporate the lessons learned from this cycle before moving on to the next?
  • What new opportunities am I ready to embark on now?
  • How can I feel in harmony with the world around me?
  • In what ways can I share my wisdom with others?
  • How do I see myself contributing to the world, and what steps can I take to make that vision a reality?

Read next: Complete List of Tarot Meanings


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.