Devil Tarot Card Meaning

The Devil Tarot Card shows ominous figure standing over a man and woman, they are bound together with an iron chain.

The Chain is loose and can easily be removed if they choose to do so. The Androgynous Devil has imposing wings which are stretched outwards.

Above the Devil’s head, there is an inverted pentagram which symbolizes the perversion of spiritual energies and the absolute distortion of truth.

Upright Meaning of the Devil Tarot Card

In upright, the Devil tarot card is a sign of your physical desires, unhealthy behaviors and attachments. Right now, you could be struggling with your inner demons and obsessions.

You are called to confront the darker aspects of your inner world and break free from the chains that bind you to those elements.

The Devil is a powerful reminder of actions and consequences. This is a time to take a closer look at your relationships, thought patterns and habits.

What is holding you back from personal growth and enlightenment? When you acknowledge your shadow self, you can liberate yourself.

There could be external influences that are manipulating and controlling you.

You are reminded to be cautious of toxic and harmful relationships and free yourself from oppressive environments.

Reverse Meaning of the Devil Tarot Card

When the Devil card appears in reverse, its meaning takes a slightly different turn. In this position, the card encourages liberation from the self-imposed chains of negative behaviors and limiting beliefs.

It signals a time of breaking free from the grip of addictions, toxic relationships, or any oppressive circumstances. This reversal offers hope and the promise of newfound freedom and personal growth.

In this context, the Devil card suggests that the individual has recognized the need for change and is actively working towards overcoming their challenges.

It indicates a period of healing, self-awareness, and reclaiming personal power. This is a time to trust in one’s inner strength and embrace the potential for transformation.

Devil Tarot Card in Love

In Love, this tarot card is a sign of an intense relationship with a person. There could be a push-pull dynamic that is both alluring and infuriating. You may have become consumed by your emotions and inadvertently created an unhealthy pattern rooted in dependency.

Your partner may be cruel, abusive and possessive. Co-dependent behaviors can be suffocating. One person could cling onto the other, without allowing freedom for growth.

There could be substance abusive, over-drinking and mingling with the wrong people within the relationship, thus creating more chaos.

The Devil Tarot Card can also be a sign of affairs, sexual fantasies and BDSM. These entanglements can be dangerous and unhealthy for both parties concerned. Choosing to engage with this type of recklessness is a cry for help.

Trying to fit in with people that embody these qualities is a red flag. Its time to assess where things went so wrong, this is not a normal behavior in any sense of the word. It is important to dissociate with bad influences and get help.

If you have been dating someone that brings out your worst qualities, one thing can lead to the other and result in unhealthy tendencies that can be detrimental to your well-being.

In cases where you have been dealing with abuse, toxic partners, individuals that suffer from multiple disorders, the devil tarot card is calling on you to break free and escape these situations.

Devil Tarot Card in Health

In health, there could be a tendency to indulge in binge-eating and other forms of eating disorders. There could have been abuse in early childhood or neglect, and it has created an intense need to change aspects of your body through cosmetic surgery.

Changing your body gives you the impression of having control over yourself. The temptation to appeal to the opposite sex can be an alluring fantasy. You could find yourself wanting to stand out and look different from other women or men.

The Devil tarot card is also strongly rooted in the psychological element of your inner world. There is a need to reflect on who you and who you are becoming, some people are unable to hold up a mirror to themselves.

They might be extremely damaged emotionally and mentally, yet they could choose to linger around other individuals that are not, seeking to gain strength, it is important to recognize that some of these individuals are energy vampires and best to remove them as quickly as possible.

Devil Tarot Card in Wealth

In Wealth, the Devil is a sign of material attachments and obsession with money. You can find this type of greed and unethical behaviors in the upper echelons of society too.

It can appear dressed up in a business suit with smart talk and know-it-all attitude. Do not be swayed by appearances, as these individuals are empty vessels.

They may use money to inflate their egos, but deep within their soul, they could be void of any happiness.

Furthermore, having money and lots of it is not a sign of evil. You can also be highly successful and connected to God. We see many examples of it in society.

The key is not allowing money to control you, also it is important to live a spiritually balanced life. One that is rooted in kindness, understanding and compassion.

How to Embody the Devil Archetype?

  • Reclaim your Personal Power.
  • Confront your Shadow.
  • Write down a list of your attachments & find ways to dissolve it.
  • Foster understanding over your actions and how they relate to other people.

Questions to ask when you receive the Devil Tarot Card in a tarot reading.

  • What am I dependent on in my life right now?
  • How might these attachments be hindering my happiness?
  • What insecurities are controlling my decisions?
  • In what ways might I be deceiving myself or allowing others to deceive me?
  • How can I break free from unhealthy patterns or toxic relationships?
  • What steps can I take to reclaim my autonomy in this situation?

Read next: Tower Tarot Card, Star Tarot Card, Moon Tarot Card, Sun Tarot Card, Judgement Tarot Card, World Tarot Card.

Complete List to Tarot Meanings.


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.