Tarot Spread for Singles

Tarot spread for singles is designed for individuals that want to take matters into their own hands. If you are done with waiting for love and want to be proactive, then read on. This tarot spread will help you get clear on finding the love of your life.

Tarot Spread For Singles

Singles tarot spread.

Guidance on the Tarot Spread for Singles.

What is my current outlook on relationships?

This card reflects your current emotional state and how you view your potential relationships. What are fears, expectations and hopes for love?

What do I desire in a relationship?

What do you want from a life partner? What are your desires when it comes to love? The tarot card that comes out will give you a powerful clue in this aspect.

What is my Communication Style?

How do you communicate? Do you communicate in a calm and relaxed manner? Do people feel at ease when they talk to you? Do you raise your voice or do you take a step back to re-frame your point of view?

What are my boundaries in a relationship?

In what areas do you draw the line? When is it enough? Do you respect the person that you are talking to? Are you receiving respect in return? The tarot card that comes out will help you see areas of contention, that may require your attention.

What am I looking for in a partner?

What are the qualities of a man or women that will make you happy? The tarot card that shows up in this position may highlight an aspect of a personality that you desire in a life partner.

Complete List of Tarot Meanings


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.