Three of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

The Three of Swords shows three swords piercing a red heart. In the grey background, there are clouds and raindrops. The color grey is a sign of indifference, whilst the red color is a stark contrast that represents the danger, passion and sacrifice that has happened in a situation.

Upright Meaning of the Three of Swords

In upright, the Three of Swords is a sign of emotional pain and sorrow. There could be a situation that is playing out in your life, it could upending your life in an unpredictable fashion. This set of circumstances could be something you saw coming, or it could be something that took you by surprise.

Many individuals handle pain in their own way, the disappointment could impact your emotional well-being on a deep level. The key is to release your emotions and to deal with unresolved trauma.

Denial is an emotion that can provide a temporary relief, however in the long-term it prolongs the suffering. This is a time to confront the pain, dissolve it and move forward with a different mindset. Remind yourself daily of your inner strength.

Reverse Meaning of Three of Swords

In reverse, this tarot card means that you have gained clarity and understanding in your situation. Instead of turning away from the pain, you have the courage to face your dilemma, you are focused on compassion towards yourself and possibly to the person that has caused the pain (Betrayal).

The Three of Swords can also highlight other forms of grief such as losing a loved one. Or dealing with another type of issue that is causing a sense of sadness. Whatever the case may be, this tarot card is calling on you to accept the situation, mourn and give yourself time to heal. This will help you in the grieving process.

Three of Swords in Love & Feelings

In love, the Three of Swords is a sign of losing faith in a person. You could have experienced betrayal, infidelity, deception, envy, jealousy, etc.

There are a number of scenarios that can play out with this energy. Basically if it caused you pain and sadness, then the Three of Swords is a reflection of that energy. If you are in love with a person, and this person does not feel the same way, then it could be a sign of unrequited love. In situations where you are pursuing potential relationships with individuals that do not feel as deeply as you, then you are called to take a closer at yourself. What is causing this behavior?

Sometimes, when people pursue unavailable people, it can be attributed to low confidence, low self-esteem and not being able to claim the love you deserve. In these cases, it can be a sign for you to re-evaluate your beliefs. If you have recently went through a break-up, then clearly you are meant for another person. For some individuals, heartbreak can completely turn you off love.

The key is recognizing that you have the power to decide whether you choose to love again, and a past heartbreak should not determine your future happiness. Every ending is the potential for a new beginning. With the Three of Swords, your person is feeling heartbroken and sad over certain events. Something has caused your person to feel a lot of pain and they are having a hard time processing their emotions.

Three of Swords in Health

In health, this tarot card relates heavily to emotional health and your reaction to physical ailments. Although, some situations can be profoundly stressful, it can cause heartbreak, especially when it relates to serious matters.

The key is recognizing where you need to give your attention. During the course of the day, you can choose to see your blessings or your shortcomings. Life goes on, whether you choose to look on the bright side or choose to focus on what is causing sadness. Emotional stress can play out in a number ways, some people choose to eat their pain, others choose to over-drink, or other toxic habits. Finding ways to deal with emotional wounds is crucial to putting your health first.

Three of Swords in Wealth

In wealth, this tarot card can be an indication of dealing with financial blows. There could be setbacks that caused a loss of resources.

If you have been disappointed in business ventures, unexpected expenses, or facing financial instability. Remind yourself, that at any point in time, you can turn it around. You have the power to deal with the ebbs and flows of life with grace and patience.

If you are facing something that has been disappointing, then you are in a position to make better decisions that will drastically improve your life. It really is your choice. Being resilient in uncertain times is key to future success. By pushing forward, regardless of obstacles, you can forge into new territory and make a difference in the world.

Three of Swords as Yes or No.

Its a No.

Questions to ask when you receive the Three of Swords in a tarot reading?

What emotional pain am I currently experiencing? How can I begin to heal from this emotional hurt? What lessons can I learn from this difficult experience? Are there any unresolved issues causing me distress? How can I express my feelings more effectively? What steps can I take to forgive past hurts?

Read next: Four of Swords Tarot Card, Five of Swords, Six of Swords, Seven of Swords, Eight of Swords, Nine of Swords.