The Two of Swords shows a woman seated on a stone bench. She is turned away from the sea and holding two swords which are in a cross shape. Her eyes are covered with a blindfold, which indicates an unwillingness to face her situation.
Despite her situation, she is serene, peaceful and composed. She is allowing her intuition to lead the way, and she is trusting that she has the wisdom to make the right decision.
The water is a sign of her emotions. Deep inside of her, there is something brewing inside of her subconscious mind.
Upright Meaning of Two of SwordsĀ
This energy can be interpreted in two ways. On one hand, the Two of Swords can represent a moment of peace. Choosing to remain serene, despite the chaos. The ocean behind the woman appears to be rough. Metaphorically, the rustling movement on the ocean can be a reflection of her emotional state.
Therefore, you are called to maintain a state of peace and inner-knowing, this is the time to trust yourself.
In another light, if you are facing an uncertain situation, then this is the time to face your own personal truth. If you are facing two choices, then you may feel torn, especially if you are feeling forced to make a decision. When the path is not clear, it can be a very scary thing to do something that you do not want to do.
You are being called to pause and reflect. This is a good time to weigh your options. The crossed swords as shown in the Ace of Swords, stand as a symbol to find equilibrium, to seek balance and to find the courage to face the truth.
With faith in your intuitive ability, you be led to thoughtful actions. It is important to take into account the most important elements. On that basis, you will be able to tune out the noise, and tune into your inner wisdom.
Reverse Meaning of Two of Swords
In reverse, the Two of Swords translates to grappling with uncertainty. Your hesitancy to make a decision or to trust in yourself has compromised your ability to make a choice. Remember not making a choice is a choice.
Have you heard of the term, ”Analysis Paralysis?” This happens when a person overthinks something to such an extent that they fail to make a decision, thus causing the option to disappear.
Typically, you find this situation when a person is dragging in their heels to settle down and get married, they have a person available, however, they believe that the grass is greener on the other side.
So they refuse to make a decision and one day, the person they were dating breaks up with them. A few months later, the person they were dating has married someone else. Too late.
You are called to make a pros and cons list, thereafter decide on what path is right for you. On the other hand, the two of swords is a sign that you are confident to make a decision using your rational mind, rather than simply trusting in your intuition.
Two of Swords in Love & Feelings
In Love, this tarot card is a sign of refusing to see something. This could be red flags, green flags and purple flags. When a person is deeply in love, they have their rose colored blinders on, so its not easy to see a person’s flaws.
Right now, something is glaring in your face and asking you to see it. It could be a white lie or a big lie. It could be a slip of the tongue from a certain person, and that requires your attention.
Remember, the Two of Swords in love is not limited to romantic relationships, it can also be indicative of your family relations. If you are facing a difficult situation, then you are called to open the doorways of communication.
If you are single, this energy can mean that you are refusing to see the possibilities in front of you. There could be underlying emotions that are churning inside of you, crying for you attention.
Your gut instinct could be saying, ”Don’t settle” whilst your fears are screaming, ”You don’t want to be old and alone”. If you are facing this dilemma, it is time to calm down, reconnect the best version of yourself and raise your standards.
The Two of Swords is a sign that your person is feeling indecisive and unsure about their feelings. They are choosing to not act on their emotions out of fear of making the wrong decision.
Two of Swords in Health
In health, the Two of Swords is a symbol of holistic therapies. You could be facing a set of circumstances that is causing your stress.
Instead of jumping onto different health band-wagons, you are deciding to take time to assess your options. As a result, you are called to evaluate your thought patterns and sift out things that cause tension in your life.
Seeking support from trusted therapists can help you find emotional blockages that cause indecisiveness. Once you gain clarity on your situation, you can move forward in a positive manner.
Two of Swords Wealth
In Wealth, this tarot card is a sign of careful decision-making. Instead of chasing different ways to make money, or taking on more work.
You are called to be discerning with your time and effort. You are advised to follow opportunities that can produce tangible results.
Furthermore, the Two of Swords is a symbol of assessing your financial situation, you are objectively weighing the pros and cons of different investment opportunities.
You could find a middle ground between caution and taking action in order to prevent missing crucial opportunities.
When faced with joining a partnership, this tarot card is advising you to gather your facts and allow your intuition to lead the way.
Two of Swords as Yes or No.
Its a No.
Questions to ask when you receive the Two of Swords in a Tarot Reading?
- What decision am I avoiding?
- What am I not seeing?
- What internal conflicts are influencing me?
- What are the potential consequences of each choice?
- What is the Path to Clarity?
Read next: Three of Swords.