Six of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

The Six of Swords shows a small boat traversing on calm waters. In the boat, there is a male figure rowing the boat towards land, with a woman and child seated to the front of the boat.

There are six swords piercing the boat, a sign that things have been patched together in an effort to prevent everything from falling apart.

Upright Meaning

In upright, the Six of Swords holds an important message on transition, change and healing. You are on a journey towards a peaceful environment and leaving behind a challenging situation.

There are two scenarios that can play out for you in this situation. You could have been dealing with hostility in your previous environment, there could be individuals that were acting unfairly towards you. Luckily, this tarot card is a sign of hope, you are not alone on this journey.

There are individuals in your life that are present and willing to help you move away from difficulties. The key is to appreciate these individuals as they represent your own personal saviors.

Six of Swords Reverse Meaning

In reverse, it is a sign of holding onto a situation that is causing you distress. You could be delaying your process of healing. Whether it is a toxic situation that is riddled with emotional, mental or physical abuse.

You are choosing to remain in a situation that is not good for you. Along with that, there is also the notion of carrying emotional baggage.

Perhaps you are experiencing a form of Stockholm syndrome. Power struggles, abuse and a constant need for validation can keep you feeling trapped and unable to escape.

In this case, you are cautioned in your dealings with your abuser. You are called to dig deep into the root of your issues and face some uncomfortable truths.

It is easy to blame individuals for their behaviors and actions, however, the person that allows the abuse has to have the courage to face their fears and not allow any further harm to their mental well-being.

For some people, this can take years, for others they can instantly move on. Depending on the arrangement with your abuser, it can be difficult to leave a marriage or a relationship. In this case, you are called to find resources for individuals in your circumstances.

Remember the Six of Swords is a sign of releasing what no longer serves you. The best way to do that is to move forward.

Six of Swords in Love & Feelings.

In love, this tarot card is a sign of overcoming challenges and obstacles. You could have been through some difficulties with your partner and the two of you have decided to move away from an environment. An example of this would be an interfering mother-in-law or sister-in-law.

You are leaving behind old patterns, habits and behaviors that are detrimental to your state of mind. It is crucial to remember that you always have a choice.

If you are single and looking for love, you could have left a relationship, in search of another. You could have a child or figuratively speaking, the child can represent a hope, if you do not have children. The hope is to create a family and start a new life. Or to find someone that supports your dreams and goals.

As feelings, the Six of Swords is a sign that your person is feeling overwhelmed by your relationship. They are choosing to actively distance themselves from you, whether physically, emotionally or mentally. They feel the need to move away from the connection as it is causing distress.

Six of Swords in Health

In health, this tarot card is a sign of mind-body connection. The manner in which you treat your mind and mental well-being plays out in your body in some shape or form. Choosing to disengage with certain routines or unhealthy behaviors can help you heal other aspects of yourself.

Six of Swords in Wealth

In wealth, the Six of Swords is a sign of transitioning away from your financial struggles, towards prosperity and stability. You are taking action and making positive changes in your life, you are planning for your future and recognizing that you have the power to make a better tomorrow.

This is the time to embrace an abundance mindset and trust that your efforts will yield positive results. Furthermore, your personal interests are not just limited to you, there is a deep desire to make a better life for yourself and your family. You are in a position to make a difference and small steps can result in massive change.

Six of Swords as Yes or No.

It is a No.

Questions to ask when you receive the Six of Swords in a tarot reading?

  • What am I moving away from, and what am I moving towards?
  • How can I handle this period of transition?
  • What lessons should I carry with me from past experiences?
  • Is this move bringing me closer to peace?
  • What is guiding force during this time of change?

Read next: Seven of Swords Tarot Card, Eight of Swords Tarot Card, Nine of Swords Tarot Card.