Temperance Tarot Card Meaning

The Temperance Tarot card shows an angelic figure standing with chalices in her hands, she is pouring the contents of the chalice from one to the other. She stands with one foot on solid ground and the other in a flowing body of water.

This is a symbol of her connection to the earth. Her head is illuminated by light (halo) which represents her knowledge of divine order. She is connected to her personal wisdom and connects deeply to a higher power.

The act of pouring the contents from one chalice to the other is a sign of blending energies, even in the midst of opposing forces, she takes a gentle approach in order to accomplish equilibrium.

The background shows mountains with a winding path, it highlights the importance of finding balance along the way.

Upright Meaning of Temperance Tarot Card

The Temperance Tarot Card is calling on you to find balance and harmony in your life. There is a need for moderation in your affairs, if you have been too much in order to keep up with your obligations and responsibilities, then it is time to slow down.

Exercising self-control can help you gain a deeper understanding of your inner and outer world. Right now, you could be in the midst of re-discovering your purpose. There could have been significant changes that were transpiring in your personal life, and all of this was happening to teach you the value of patience.

If you have been chasing after your goals, you are called to exercise restraint, instead of pushing yourself to do more, it is time to find peace and harmony.

In situations where you find yourself in the hamster wheel of life, you are gently reminded that life is a continuous process, incorporating rituals that bring you peace of mind can help you create a healthier relationship with yourself.

There could be opposing forces in your life that are screaming for your attention, as you attempt to put out fires and deal with the chaos, you are called to pursue the spiritual path. This will create an internal peace within your soul.

Reverse Meaning of Temperance Tarot Card

In reverse, the Temperance tarot card is a sign of imbalance, you could be disregarding the need for moderation. As a result of your impatience, you could be making rash decisions that lack quality and substance.

This can create a sub-par effort on your part and complicate your life more. Hastiness results in discord, and that can open the doorway to misalignment with your goals. Trying to please everyone is a sign emotional wounds, and trying to make everyone happy is a sure-fire way to achieve failure.

You are called to address tension in your personal life and stop engaging in extreme behaviors that could show up as over-indulgence.

The Temperance Tarot Card in Love

In love, you are called to exercise patience with your partner. They could do things within the relationship that make you feel cornered, or challenged, in this case, you have to exercise moderation in your methods of communication.

Complaining, nagging and criticizing your partner can have an adverse effect on your relationship. Being able to compromise is key to the success of your relationship. Finding a common ground can prevent future fall-out.

If the two of you are dealing with conflict, you are called to find a peaceful resolution. Less expectations can also help foster a healthy relationship. Too often, we find one person expecting a lot from the other person, this can create a dangerous dynamic in the connection.

There is also a fine line in drawing boundaries in the relationship, especially when it comes to expectations. If a person comes in with the attitude, expect nothing from me, then there is an automatic assumption that the relationship will not fulfill any romantic needs.

If you find yourself in that situation, you may need to cut ties and find someone else to meet those needs.

Compromising with a person that is unwilling to compromise with you is madness. Break out of relationships that do not make you happy.

If you have been looking for love, then the Temperance tarot card is a sign to be patient and seek harmonious connections. Instead of jumping into a relationship with a sub-par person, wait for the right person to come along.

The Temperance Tarot Card in Health

In health, you are called to find physical and emotional harmony. When you exercise, the body releases serotonin, these chemicals are necessary for a peaceful mind, body and soul connection. It fosters a healthier response to stressful circumstances.

By embarking on a journey of moderation, you may find yourself reaching for one piece of chocolate instead of an entire bar. Choosing to exercise for Twenty minutes per day, three times per week is better than a brutal Two hour workout once a week.

The Temperance Tarot Card in Wealth

In Wealth, you are called to make prudent investments and be patient with its returns. Moderation in spending behaviors can also help you reach financial goals. In order to have financial freedom, it may be necessary to be avoid fiscal extremes.

Remain adaptable in your financial climate and take measures to protect your possessions. Avoid excessive risk and do your due diligence.

How do you Embody the Temperance Archetype?

  • Practice Patience.
  • Learn to be kind to yourself.
  • Find ways to harmonize all aspects of your life.
  • Practice compassion.

Questions to ask when you receive the Temperance Tarot Card

  • Where in my life do I need balance?
  • How can I integrate my thoughts and feelings to achieve inner harmony?
  • What areas of my life are calling for greater moderation?
  • How can I use patience to reach my goals?
  • In what ways can I blend conflicting elements in my life?
  • What can I do to maintain a calm and steady approach in my current situation?

Read next: Devil Tarot Card, Tower Tarot Card, Star Tarot Card, Moon Tarot Card, Sun Tarot Card.

Complete List of Tarot Meanings