Judgement Tarot Card Meaning

The Judgement Tarot Card shows figures rising up from coffins with the hands reached out. Archangel Gabriel hovers above blowing on a trumpet which symbolizes an awakening.

The Judgement represents a cycle, from birth until the end of life. When the trumpet is blown, the souls are risen from the dead and have to take accountability for their actions.

Upright Meaning of the Judgement Tarot Card

In upright, the Judgement tarot card is a sign of your personal reckoning, you are assessing your life in a candid manner. Your life choices, actions are starting to show results.

You are called to confront the past, let go of guilt and regret. You are on the verge of liberating yourself from past limitations. As you shed the old you, you are making way for transformation and growth.

Leaving behind self-imposed constraints is a powerful experience, you are empowering yourself to be a better version of you. Your higher self is calling on you to live your life in authentic manner.

Reverse Meaning of the Judgement Tarot Card

In reverse, the Judgement is indicating a fear of taking accountability. You are avoiding core issues that are causing chaos in your personal life. This avoidance is hindering your personal growth and you are missing out on opportunities for change.

If you have been refusing to learn important lessons, then it is time to take a close look at what is stopping you from doing so.

In cases where you are unable to let go of old habits and patterns, there is a chance of stagnation. You could feel as if people will judge you for doing things differently.

If you feel burdened by the expectations of others, you are called to focus on your authentic self. Stop allowing yourself to be influenced by other people, especially when it comes to your personal happiness.

Judgement Tarot Card in Love

In love, this tarot card is calling on you to awaken to the possibility of finding your soulmate. You are at a turning point, and this can result in your personal awakening, you could be led onto a path of dealing with your inner emotions, taking accountability for past actions, etc. This can result in finding the one.

When you do the internal work, you are able to look yourself in the mirror and take accountability of your actions.

If you have went through a breakup and felt as if there is still unfinished business, the Judgement tarot card is presenting the notion of second chances. The universe may grant you an opportunity give the relationship another shot.

Judgement Tarot Card in Health

In health, this tarot card is a sign of rising above the confines of physical and mental limitations. You are on the path of healing and recovering from a health issue.

As you do so, you are confronting inner demons and facing the past with courage and strength.

You may have encountered traumatic situations that caused you a lot of pain, it may have caused a lot of sadness. You are now on the path of healing.

Judgement Tarot Card in Wealth

In wealth, the Judgement tarot card is a sign of reflecting on your financial portfolio. You could be taking a closer look at the numbers and in the process learning from your mistakes. The angels are calling on you to assess where you are and where do you want to go.

If you are experiencing financial difficulties, it is time to be proactive and find a solution. The universe is granting you another opportunity, do not feel as if you have lost something.

There is something abundant heading your way, you can take the lessons you have learnt and apply yourself in a different way.

This is the time to make plans, to listen to the divine messages that the universe has for you. Do not shy away from this powerful lesson. Any challenges and difficulties you have faced are present to help you grow into the best version of yourself.

How to Embody the Judgement Archetype

  • Reflect on your life choices and decisions.
  • Make a list of behaviors & beliefs that you want to change.
  • Pursue your purpose and things that feel meaningful to you.
  • Commit to the path that leads to the best version of you.

Questions to ask when you receive the Judgement tarot card in a tarot reading.

  • What aspects of my past should I reassess to move forward more effectively?
  • Am I ready to make that decision which has been looming over me?
  • How can I release old grievances and heal past wounds?
  • What is my higher purpose, and am I aligning with it?
  • How can I evaluate my life honestly and make changes that reflect my true self?
  • What actions can I take to rise up and fulfill my destiny?

Read next: World Tarot Card

Complete List to Tarot Meanings