Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning

The Hanged Man Tarot Card shows a serene figure handing up upside-down from a tree. The expression of the man is serene and at ease in his composure. This signifies his willingness to surrender and let go of his worldly concerns.

Upright Meaning of Hanged Man Tarot Card

The Hanged Man tarot card is a sign that you are surrendering your worries to the divine. You are choosing to let go off your anxiety, concerns and troubles.

This is a time of profound introspection, as you search for deeper meaning to your life, you are searching for meaning.

Pausing and reflecting on your life choices can foster personal growth. Doing so will enable you gain a new perspective on why things happen in the manner that they do, and establishing the core patterns can help you break free out of your present dilemma.

Releasing your attachment will lead to a state of emotional and spiritual attachment. This period of suspension can be disorientating, but it can lead you to the path of powerful self-discovery.

Reverse Meaning of Hanged Man Tarot Card

In reverse, the Hanged man tarot card is an indication of your resistance to change. You are reluctant to let go of old patterns, this will inadvertently result in stagnation and prevent important transformation.

An unwillingness to sacrifice certain people, places and situations can create discord in your personal life.

If you are feeling stuck and trapped by the expectations of other people and institutions can create feelings of discomfort. When it does not feel good, when it does not help you grow as a person, it is not a true representative of who you are or where you should be, the universe is calling for you to change and transform for your highest good.

Take a look at your beliefs, are you engaging in self-limiting behavior? Keep in mind that you could be holding yourself back from your destiny.

Hanged Man Tarot Card in Love

In love, the Hanged man is calling you to look within yourself. Are you seeking validation from your person in order to feel loved? If you are, then you could be caught up in an unhealthy dynamic that is creating chaos in your personal life.

You are being called to release emotional baggage and heal your old wounds. By embracing vulnerability, you are opening up yourself to more authentic and fulfilling connections in your personal life.

Some relationships have to be sacrificed, this is not limited to your intimate relationships, it can extend to your friends and family members.

Especially, if they are full of negativity and drama. If you are dealing with narcissist, then this is the time to question why are you giving these types of individuals your attention and time?

You can break free from control dramas and create a more meaningful life that is peaceful and full of happiness.

It is important for you to release stagnant relationships that add no value to your life. If you have been dealing with a person that has been stringing you along and you have been hopeful for change, then taking a pause to reflect on why is this happening can be helpful to establish the reason for this pattern.

If you are searching for love, then this is a crucial time to establish what you want from a relationship. What and who will make you happy? How do you want to be loved by another human-being?

Hanged Man Tarot Card in Health

In Health, this tarot card is a sign to listen to your body’s signals. If you have been grinding at work, and not taking time to recharge, then you need to take a different approach to your health goals.

The hanged man tarot card has an important message for you to surrender things that you cannot control, sometimes you have to slow down and prioritize your mental health.

Hanged Man Tarot Card in Wealth

In Wealth, you could have made a sacrifice in your career. You could have moved to another location to take a job opportunity. There is a chance of sacrificing a relationship in order to live out your dreams.

This is something that you will have thoughts about for some time, it is not a sacrifice that was taken light. You are pausing to gain a deeper understanding of this decision. Instead of jumping onto investment opportunities, you are reflecting on its overall impact on your life.

You are called to rethink your financial strategies, and to implement plans that have the power to change your life. You are reminded to avoid impulsive actions and consider your long-term goals.

Pursuing immediate gains over long-term gains can be detrimental to your overall goals.

How to Embody the Hanged Man Archetype.

  • Change your perspective.
  • Surrender the need for control.
  • Practice Stillness.
  • Recognize that sacrifice is necessary part of your evolution.

Questions to ask when you receive the Hanged Man in a tarot reading.

  • What might I gain by letting go of my perspective?
  • In what areas of my life should I consider taking a step back to gain clarity?
  • What sacrifices might be necessary for me to move forward or grow?
  • How can I embrace a period of uncertainty with patience?
  • What can I learn from my current situation if I look at it from a different angle?
  • How might suspending action be a strategic choice right now?

Read next: Justice Tarot Card, Death Tarot Card, Temperance Tarot Card, Devil Tarot Card, Tower Tarot Card, Star Tarot Card.

Complete List of Tarot Meanings