Justice Tarot Card Meaning

The Justice Tarot Card shows a female seated on a throne. She holds a double-edged sword in one hand. It represents truth and clarity. In the other hand, she holds a Justice scale which is a symbol of fairness and balance.

The figure looks directly at you, which is a sign that she is focused on finding the truth. At the same time, she chooses to remain impartial to external influences. That means that the chorus of the crowd plays no role in determining the truth of the matter.

She wears a red gown which represents passion, power and the ability to use her influence to affect change.

Upright Meaning

The Justice tarot card is calling on you to remain objective, honest and fair in your dealings. You are at an important stage in your life, there is a potential to reach a fair resolution.

If you have been dealing with legal matters or situations that are calling for objectivity, then you are called to remain rational in times of change.

This is the time to take responsible for your actions and deal with the consequences of your choices.

At this point, if there are questionable elements in your life, then there is a need for you to find the answers, and to remain unbiased as you discover the truth.

You will be rewarded for your integrity and accountability. Striving for balance whilst you maintain your moral compass can be incredibly useful for you.

Reverse Meaning

In reverse, the Justice Tarot Card is a refusal to face the truth. There could have been an injustice that is playing out, yet you are the blow out of that injustice.

If someone was unkind to you, and you are dealing with difficult emotions, you could be in denial over what happened.

There could also be false accusations that are being thrown around, these rumors could be causing discord in your personal life. If you have been hearing things about certain people, it is important to remain objective and not get swayed by the gossip. Do not feed into that toxicity.

Also, the Justice tarot card can be a sign of legal problems, things that require your attention and need to be resolved require an element of honesty.

If you can deal with issues in an objective manner, and resolve the issue in an amicable manner, then you are recommended to take that path. Remember, legal problems are an indication of an injustice that needs to be fixed.

Look at your emotional well-being and how you are coping with unfavorable situations.

Justice Tarot Card in Love

In love, there is a need to address imbalances in your relationships. You are called to weigh your relationship in terms of the pros and cons.

Consider writing a list of the good elements and the bad, and then ask yourself if your current relationship is worth the energy and effort that you are putting into it?

In another sense, the Justice can represent relationship contracts such as a marriage certificate, the two of you have taken the next step to solidify the union.

Spiritually, the Justice can also be a sign of a soul contract, one that was concluded when the two of you were not in the physical form.

This tarot card is also an indication of facing the truth and true intentions being revealed in the course of a relationship.

If you are single and looking for love, you are called to be honest with yourself and want you want from a relationship. Alternatively, you could meet someone that is divorced and looking for love.

Justice Tarot Card in Health

In health, the Justice tarot card is a sign of connecting with yourself on a deeper level, you are called to embrace ethical medical practices, and read hospital contracts and medical insurance contracts properly to ensure that you are not taken by surprise.

Health assessments and visits to your Doctor can provide you with a better understanding of your health and well-being.

Justice Tarot Card in Wealth

In wealth, the Justice Tarot Card is a sign of taking an honest approach in your dealings with business partners and co-workers. You are choosing to be fair in your dealings. Taking the win/win approach can be beneficial for all parties.

Avoid any temptations of dishonesty, cheating and deceit. These type of behaviors will not serve you in the long term. Moreover, stick to your business principles.

Honor your contractual obligations, and have a sense of integrity and kindness as it will be repaid to you.

How to Embody the Justice Archetype.

  • Practice integrity.
  • Treat everyone equally.
  • Remain objective.
  • Advocate for fairness.

Questions to ask when you receive the Justice Tarot Card in a reading?

  • What areas of my life are currently out of balance, and how can I restore equilibrium?
  • Am I being completely honest with myself in my current situation?
  • How can I ensure that my actions are aligned with my values?
  • What consequences might I face from my recent decisions, and am I prepared to accept them?
  • Where do I need to take responsibility for my actions in my life?

Read next: Hanged Man Tarot Card, Death Tarot Card, Temperance Tarot Card, Devil Tarot Card.

Complete List of Tarot Meanings


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.