Lovers Tarot Card Meaning

The Lovers Tarot Card shows a man and woman, standing nude, the man glares at the female. She stares upwards towards the heavens, looking at the angel above.

With the presence of the angel, there is a sense of spiritual guidance and divine love. The background shows a mountain, with two trees at the side of each lover. (Male & Female)

A serpent is entwined around a tree, symbolic of the Adam & Eve story from the bible.

Upright Meaning of Lovers Tarot Card

The Lovers is a sign of unity, harmony and dealing with choices. You are dealing with a significant situation playing out right now. It is important as you are aligning your conscious mind with your subconscious mind.

You are led to people, places and situations that are divinely orchestrated, and not of it can be taken for granted. This is the time to pay attention to the signs.

This external guidance is communicating important information to you. You need to look at your dreams and angel numbers at this time.

You could form partnerships with new people, this could be helpful for you in the long term. Furthermore, the two of you could help one another in many ways.

In another light, the Lovers is a sign of dealing with choices. Important choices that can determine the outcome of your life.

You are called to pay attention to the possibilities that will unfold as a result of these choices.

Reverse Meaning of Lovers Tarot Card

In reverse, the Lovers is a sign of refusing to make a choice. There is a hesitancy on your part to look at your situation from an objective standpoint.

You could feel as if there is a breakdown of communication, your partners, friends and family members could be dealing with conflict. Incompatible ideals are threatening to cause damage to the relationship.

If you are feeling indecisive and have a fear of commitment, then you are called to evaluate the path ahead. Instead of making a wrong decision, hindering your personal growth.

The Lovers Tarot Card in Love

You may share a deep and powerful connection with a person, this is not a superficial attraction, it is a soulful bond. This relationship is nurtured by a higher power.

This person came into your life for a reason, they felt a strong connection to you, the attraction was palpable. However, it was not so much the chemistry that could carry this forward, it is the spiritual aspects of it. The two of you were brought together to learn things about one another, through each other.

This is a sign of divine lessons, and the thing about divine lessons is that once it is learnt, the two of you may not have a common and shared goal after the fact. If the lovers keep recurring in your reading, it could be a sign that an important choice has to be made in the relationship.

Do the two of you stay together after the lesson has been learnt? Or rather, Do the two of you drift apart?

This is the dilemma that the Lovers brings into the equation. If challenges are not addressed, then it creates a weird conundrum and cycle that might be unhealthy in the long term.

Many people are afraid of letting go of a connection as it brought clarity into who they are as a person, and their purpose in this life.

It is never a good idea to hold onto something that has served its purpose and offers no valuable lessons.

The Lovers Tarot Card in Health

In health, the Lovers is a sign of surrounding yourself with a strong and supportive group.

There is a divine power that is governing over your life, it is leading you to make decisions that are for your highest good. You are called to pay attention to these messages.

You could be placed in an unusual situation, where you have to decide between two paths. You can go left or right in a medical intervention or a health treatment.

You may feel as if you do not know the right path, allow yourself to absorb the pros and cons of each situation, as you evaluate it, ask your inner voice for guidance on what will turn out for the best, what is right for you? Then trust your intuition.

The Lovers Tarot Card in Wealth

In wealth, the Lovers tarot card relates to friendships, partnerships and collaborations. There are people in your life that can help you reach your goals.

You have the power to align with your values and find people that match your frequency. At this time, you have outlets of expression for abundance and doors are opening up for you.

You are warned against simply entering into business deals with people that are untrustworthy. Make sure to do your due diligence, and trust your instinct.

How to Embody the Lovers Archetype:

  • Cultivate meaningful relationships.
  • Be deliberate in your choices.
  • Practice self-love.
  • Engage in fair communication.

Questions to ask when you receive the Lovers tarot card?

  • What choices are currently before me, and how do they align with my true values?
  • In what ways can I improve communication in my relationships?
  • How can I foster greater harmony in my personal life?
  • What am I passionate about?
  • How does this situation reflect a need for self-love?
  • What lessons about love am I currently learning?

Read next: The Chariot Tarot Card, The Strength Tarot Card, The Hermit Tarot Card, The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

The Complete List to Tarot Meanings


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.