The Fool Tarot Card Meaning

The Fool Tarot Card shows a young man standing at the edge of a mountain, his posture suggests that he is open and receptive to the journey ahead.

He carries a black stick with a bag attached to the edge of it. The small bag represents all of his possessions, the fool is carrying minimal possessions as he does not want to be hindered by too many things.

The background of the tarot card shows a yellow background which suggests curiosity, a desire to learn and acquire knowledge. The Fool is unburdened by the past and cannot wait to be free of it. In fact, he has had enough and is eager to start a new chapter.

A small white dog stands next to fool and barks wildly at his companion. The dog represents the Fool’s subconscious mind.

Upright Meaning of The Fool Tarot Card

In upright, the Fool tarot card is a sign of a new beginning. You are on the verge of starting a new chapter. Your curiosity pushes you forward towards your new desires and needs.

You are willing to step out of your comfort zone in order to reach your goals. More than that, you have complete faith and trust in the divine.

Your instincts are guiding you towards your dreams and you cannot help but listen to the divine messages.

You are called to release all baggage from the past, and live in the present moment. At this point, you must pursue your dreams without fear of failure.

Your innocence and attitude to life can serve you well. As you approach your dreams and do so with childlike wonder, you are opening up your heart and mind to new opportunities.

This is leading in the direction of uncharted territories but this does not scare you.

You are fully aware of the fact that a few miscalculated steps could be assistance from the divine, and this can result in unexpected success for you.

Reverse Meaning of the Fool Tarot Card

In reverse, you are called to revise your plan. Take a closer look at your objectives, are they realistic? Sometimes, you can have a dream or desire, and it might not play out as you want it.

In fact, the universe can reroute you to a better destination. You have to keep your mind and heart open to that possibility.

This is the time to not be hasty, to not make impulsive decisions and to forge ahead. If you have pursuing your goals with a sense of naivety, you are called to remain practical.

Do not try to disarm your curious spirit by avoiding adventure, simply put measures in place to ensure that you have a balance between your objectives and practicality.

This energy can also be symbolic of being called to do something by the divine, such as step up and take action, yet your refusal to do so inhibits your progress.

The Fool Tarot Card in Love

In love, the Fool is carefree. He is open to raw, unadulterated love that he presents himself without any reservations or preconceived notions.

He is willing to take chances, in fact he wears his heart on his sleeve. This is the time to be spontaneous and playful with your partner. To find and embrace one another’s quirks. Create an environment of laughter, express yourself with love and affection.

If you are single, you called to be open to the possibility of love, to embrace a potential suitor and have fun. Go out on interesting dates, allow yourself to be open to the universe.

In another light, if someone has been exhibiting red flags, and your subconscious has been barking at you, then it is important for you to listen to that and not ignore it.

The Fool Tarot Card in Health

In health, this tarot card is a sign of vitality, exuberance and well-being. Take a lighthearted approach to your health, embrace fun activities that make you smile.

Move towards activities that are fun in nature, allow for your inner child to come out, enjoy your playful interactions with other people. Consider learning to dance, and hike, this can contribute to your health and a positive outlook on life.

If you have been carrying any emotional baggage, then it is time to release them and embrace a fresh perspective.

The Fool Tarot Card in Wealth

In Wealth, this tarot card is a sign of abundance and prosperity. The fool is the embodiment of a carefree spirit, you want to live life and enjoy it at the same time. In many ways, the fool represents a nomadic way of life.

Such as a travel vlogger or a person that works in different countries and is not limited to one location. You have the freedom to travel, work and enjoy life.

Your world is not rigid and your career allows you to live a wonderful life without the burden of responsibilities. You can go where you please and do what you please, at any time.

The fool carries minimal possessions, so you are not encumbered by too many things. In this sense, you are called to find contentment in life and to live simply. Remain open to life’s surprises. In many ways, this sort of detachment can lead you to unexpected financial gains.

How to embody the Fool Archetype:

  • Open your mind to new possibilities.
  • Take Chances.
  • Live in the moment.
  • Engage in playful behavior.

Questions to ask when you receive the Fool tarot card?

  • What new opportunities are present in my life?
  • In what areas of my life should I be more spontaneous?
  • What risks are worth taking at this moment?
  • How can I approach my current situation with a fresh perspective?
  • Where might I need to exercise more caution?

Read next: The Magician Tarot Card, High Priestess Tarot Card, Emperor Tarot Card, Empress Tarot Card.

Complete List to Tarot Card Meanings


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.