The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning

The High Priestess tarot card shows a female figure seated on a throne. There is a pillar on each side of the priestess with the words B and J.

The Priestess has a scroll partially hidden rested on her left arm. The word on that scroll is TAROT. Her robe shows pomegranates.

A crescent moon rests at her feet, this represents the cycles of life. The priestess is closely connected to her intuition.

Upright Meaning of High Priestess Tarot Card

The High Priestess tarot card is a sign of inner exploration and trusting in your intuition. You are called to trust in your intuition and find an outlet for your inner voice.

Your psychic abilities are heightened at this time, it is important to pay attention to your dreams, and the angel numbers that are occurring in your life are playing an important role in delivering messages to you.

The Element of the unknown plays heavily with the High Priestess tarot card. It is possible that there are things that are hidden from you. Things that are in plain sight could hold important messages for you at this time.

If you find yourself drawn to the mystical elements of life, and decide to embark on a journey of self-discovery, then the high priestess is calling you to look beneath the surface.

Reverse Meaning of the High Priestess Tarot Card

The High Priestess is an indication of a struggle to trust your intuition. You could be ignoring your gut feelings and repressing important emotions that are trying to tell you something.

This could lead to confusion as well as an inner conflict. A disconnection from your spiritual side can hinder your ability to make important decisions.

In another light, the Priestess is a sign of hidden agendas and secrets. There could be people around you that are highly deceptive.

They may portray themselves as your friend or act like a loving family member, however, they have an ulterior motive in terms of their reasons for engaging with you.

High Priestess Tarot Card in Love

In Love, The high Priestess is an embodiment of a person that is strongly connected to her intuition. She listens to her dreams and pays attention to the signs.

If you are in a relationship, it is likely that you have experience in love, there are times in your connection when you can read their mind and know what they are going to say before they say it. The two of you are in sync and have a deep understanding of one another.

Your connection with this person can be a soulmate relationship that has a strong foundation of love, you could feel as if you have known this person in a previous lifetime. There are threads that connect the two of you, that bring the two of you together.

If you are single, you could be looking for someone to share your life with, however, you are well-versed in your desires, beliefs and romantic aspirations, therefore, you are not willing to settle for anyone that is not on your level.

The key is recognizing that your potential suitors may find you to be intimidating, they could see you as reclusive and cold. You are called to be more welcoming and loving to new suitors. Have an open mind and remain open to people surprising you.

High Priestess Tarot Card in Health

In health, you are called to be reclusive and secretive with your beauty techniques. Moreover, the priestess calls on you to seek assistance from medical professionals.

Look for individuals that are highly educated and have a strong knowledge of your profession.

If your intuition is calling on you to slow down and recharge your battery, then listen to it.

High Priestess Tarot Card in Wealth

In wealth, you possess the secret sauce to making money and being a success. You know your worth and value your time. You invest yourself in projects that are worth your time.

If you are feeling inclined to take certain opportunities, then you should listen to your gut and follow through. You are being led to your highest purpose.

How to embody the Priestess Archetype:

  • Tap into hidden knowledge.
  • Recognize your duality.
  • Be mysterious.
  • Listen to your intuition.

Questions to ask when you receive the High Priestess tarot card?

  • What insights am I currently overlooking?
  • How can I better listen to my intuition?
  • What mysteries am I being called to explore?
  • How can I balance my inner and outer worlds?
  • What is my subconscious trying to tell me?
  • How can I develop a deeper connection with my inner wisdom?

Read next: Fool Tarot Card, Magician Tarot Card, Emperor Tarot Card, Empress Tarot Card, Hierophant Tarot Card.

Complete Tarot Meanings List.


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.