Magician Tarot Card Meaning

The Magician Tarot Card shows a figure standing in front of a table. On the table, there are four items. A Pentacle, a Cup, a wand and a sword. This tarot card is a symbol of potential energy.

Upright Meaning

When you receive the Magician, it is a sign of your creativity, skill and determination to complete a task. You possess the tools to bring your visions to fruition.

At this time, you are called to tap into your gifts, and bring your talents to the forefront. You have the power to turn your goals into reality.

This card serves as a call to action, you are being encouraged to take charge of your life. Make the most of opportunities in front of you. Communication and persuasion is calling on you to be adaptable. Flexibility in your ideas are key to harnessing the energies around you.

Reverse Meaning

In reverse, the magician is a sign of loss of focus, you are struggling to channel your energy. You may lack a sense of confidence, there is something that is overwhelming your ability to move forward.

You are warned to watch out for self-doubt and potential deceit that could hinder your progress.

Furthermore, this is not a good time to be manipulative or to try to control others to achieve your personal goals. Genuine and true transformation must come from within you. Dishonesty will create obstacles, you are called to go within and realign with your true purpose.

The Magician Tarot Card In Love

The Magician is a sign of a relationship that plays an important role in your life. You have a connection with a person that brings out the best in you. They inspire you to be a better version of yourself. As a result, your relationship thrives and grows with time.

Communication flows easily and the connection blossoms as it is built on a strong foundation. Sharing common interests and having a sense of a purpose pushes your relationship forward.

For individuals that are single, you are advised to take a stronger approach in finding love. What resources do you have on hand to help you find the ideal person?

In another light, the Magician tarot card is a sign of finding a person that has it all figured out. They have high standards and they are not willing to settle in love or life.

They are constantly excelling in their personal growth, career and health. Therefore, you are encouraged to get into the best shape of your life, to apply yourself in a manner that helps you grow as a person.

If you are looking for someone that ticks all the boxes, how can you be the best version of yourself, so that you can stand next to someone on that level?

Life is a constant learning experience, if you are dealing with insecurities or worries that have been recurring in previous connections, then you are called to take a closer look at the role you play in finding and dating these type of people.

What do you need to fix within yourself in order to appeal to your ideal person.

The Magician Tarot Card In Health

The magician tarot card is a sign of taking an active role in your health. You could be taking charge of your diet, exercise programs, and making powerful lifestyle changes.

There is an important correlation between the mind and body. At this time, it is recommended to take a balanced approach to your physical and mental goals. Your inner strength and resilience can help you overcome health concerns.

The Magician Tarot Card In Wealth

When it comes to financial matters. The Magician tarot card is sign that you have an opportunity to manifest financial prosperity. You are called to harness your financial skills and turn it into prosperity.

Listen to your intuition and trust your instincts when you are making financial decisions. Remember true wealth is built on the foundation of perseverance and offering something of value. This tarot card is calling on you to use all your tools to advance in your career.

How to Embody the Magician Archetype:

  • Take action.
  • Harness the tools at your disposal.
  • Remain versatile.
  • Bring your goals and visions to life.

Questions to ask when you receive Magician tarot card?

  • What skills do I currently possess that I can utilize more effectively?
  • How can I manifest my desires at this moment?
  • What creative projects should I focus on now?
  • In what ways can I take action to shape my own destiny?
  • How can I better align my intentions with my actions?
  • What opportunities for personal transformation are available to me right now?

Read next: High Priestess Tarot Card, Empress Tarot Card, Emperor Tarot Card.

Complete List to Tarot Card Meanings


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.