Empress Tarot Card Meaning

The Empress Tarot Card shows a figure seated on a red-cushion seat. She is surrounded by nature, this is a sign of her deep love for earth.

Her robe is adorned with symbols of pomegranates, which represents fertility, abundance and prosperity.

She wears a crown that is decorated with stars. The stars are a representative of her connection to the cosmos.

In her right hand, she holds a scepter which shows her authority and creative power. The Empress embodies the essence of the divine feminine.

Upright Meaning of the Empress Tarot Card

When the Empress tarot card occurs in a reading, it is a sign of your flourishing endeavors. You may not sense the changes that are happening in your life, but they are present.

Your world is full of abundance and opportunities. This extends to creative spark, exciting ventures and passion projects.

The Empress also has a strong correlation to motherhood and fertility. It represents not just the physical act of giving birth, it also highlights birthing new ideas and concepts.

You could feel drawn to artistic endeavors, spending more time in nature, a desire to assert your power.

Reverse Meaning of the Empress Tarot Card

In reverse, this tarot card is a sign of not allowing yourself to feed into the positive ideas and thoughts that are flowing to you.

There is a disconnection to your divine power, and this could result in delays and challenges. You are called to recognize your personal power.

There is also a chance that you could be neglecting your own needs to satisfy other people’s desires. In this case, you are called to say no to things that do not serve your higher purpose. If it does not bring you happiness, do not concern with it.

In another light, the empress in reverse is a sign of blocking your blessings. This is the time to reconnect to the cosmos. Pay attention to the signs and engage with your subconscious mind. Allow your inner guidance to lead the way.

Empress Tarot Card in Love

In love, the Empress is a sign of a deeply loving relationship. Your partner can value your presence in their life. There is a recognition of value and knowing that you are irreplaceable.

It is likely that they have a deep respect for you and truly see you as the love of their life.

Right now, there is a flow of love in your life, it is heralding growth and a happiness. Your significant other can see you as the Divine feminine.

If you are single, your suitors find you as attractive. They are psychologically drawn to you as they can sense your fertility.

Interestingly, with the presence of ripe Pomegranates, it can be a sign of emotional fulfillment and attraction. There could be a person in your life that feels strongly drawn to you. And it is possible that they could want to have to have a relationship with you.

Empress Tarot Card in Health

This is a time to nurture yourself and take care of yourself. Consider incorporating beauty regimes. Going to the spa, taking care of your core needs is key to self-care.

Incorporate exercises that restore your vitality. Spend time in nature. Become a voice for important causes that places importance on self-love.

Empress Tarot Card in Wealth

In wealth, the empress is a sign of opportunities that are flowing towards you. You feel energized and wake up in the morning feeling good. You are thriving on passion projects.

This is the time to trust your instincts and trust the insight you are receiving from the cosmos. You have a powerful connection to the divine and can leverage your gifts for the greater good.

How to Embody the Empress Archetype:

  • Embrace your feminity.
  • Engage with your sensual side.
  • Connect with nature.
  • Prepare for abundance.

Questions to ask when you receive the Empress tarot card?

  • What aspect of my life needs more attention?
  • In what ways can I foster growth and creativity in my current situation?
  • What am I nurturing in my life right now, and is it leading to a fruitful outcome?

Read next: Emperor Tarot Card, Hierophant Tarot Card, Lovers Tarot Card, Chariot Tarot Card.

Complete List of Tarot Meanings