Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

In the Six of Pentacles, we see a wealthy figure that is dressed in beautiful garments. The figure overlooks two people that are on their knees begging and asking for help.

The wealthy figure decides on the amount of charity to give in that moment, he has the power to decide if the beggars get more or less.

Furthermore, the wealthy individual carries a scale, he carries it with him, he decides what is fair or not. In the backdrop, there is a lush garden of blooming flowers, it is a sign of abundance.

Upright Meaning

In the upright, the Six of Pentacles is a symbol of creating balance, allowing the exchange of resources in aspects of work or love. You could be in a position to share with others, right now there could be a flow of material, emotional and spiritual blessings towards you.

This is a time to be receptive to the kindness of others. If you are a naturally giving person, you need to approach your relationships with love and compassion. Make sure that you along with everyone else feels valued and respected.

The Six of Pentacles emphasizes the need to find equilibrium between giving and receiving. As wonderful as it is to give, it is also crucial to be willing to accept the gifts of the universe.

Reverse Meaning

In reverse, the Six of Pentacles is a sign of a disruption in the flow of giving and receiving. There is a lack of generosity in different aspects of life. Instead of accepting the idea of kindness to one another, there is a desire to reject it. The could be emotional wounds that have caused you pain and sadness.

You are being called to heal yourself on a deep level, and find your inner strength. Recognize your value, you are also worthy of receiving love on its highest level.

The danger is people-pleasing and having a desire to be liked by people. If you have not figured yourself out, then you are at a greater risk of being taken advantage of people.

There is also a chance of wanting to feel as if you belong to a group of people, a social circle, this could cause a lot of damage, especially if you are trying to fit in with the wrong crowd.

Six of Pentacles in Love & Feelings.

When you get this tarot card, it means that someone is the giver and someone is the receiver. When this dynamic is not balanced and one person only takes and takes, it is a sign of a unhealthy set of circumstances that will not help you grow as a person.

You are being encouraged to take a closer look at yourself, ”How have you been settling and failing yourself?” The failure to recognize your worth erodes into your self esteem. This causes damage in the long term. Settling for a relationship that does not make you feel great is not good for your overall well-being.

As feelings, your person wants to shower you with gifts and show you how much you mean to them, however the underlying energy is one of wanting to be seen as a savior. Its giving with the hope of receiving.

Life is about giving and receiving, in this situation, your person could be sincere and doing it from a good place, however in the case of meeting someone new, you have to pay closer attention to their intentions.

Six of Pentacles in Health

In health, the Six of Pentacles is a sign of giving to yourself and being rewarded with a healthy body. This tarot card connects to your overall well-being.

Think of your connection to a body as a symbiotic relationship between the physical and the spiritual. Having balance between the physical body and your spiritual mind means prioritizing your health at all times.

If you look at the wealthy figure in the Six of Pentacles tarot card, it represents the higher mind, whereas the body represents the two individuals that are dependent upon it.

When you combine both forces, it creates an energy that works in synergy to one another. The body cannot function without access to the higher mind.

In the same light, the manner in which you nourish your mind has to be in alignment with how you nourish your body. When you have accomplished that, it creates balance and order in your life.

Examples of this would be if you are working in a high stress job, relaxing activities are required to maintain synergy. However, if you are stay at home parent, then having some sporadic, spontaneous exercises such as cross-fit can provide a boost to your otherwise mundane life.

Six of Pentacles in Wealth

In wealth, this tarot card is a sign that your efforts will be rewarded. You could have been investing your time into a hobby, business or something that you are passionate about, this could have produced unexpected gains.

The Six of Pentacles encourages you to be willing to share your insight and help people that want to be helped. Remember, the Six of Pentacles emphasizes the exchange of resources, therefore do not hesitate to charge for your time.

Six of Pentacles as Yes or No.

Its a Maybe.

Questions to ask when you get the Six of Pentacles in a tarot reading?

  • What Skills can I share with the world and how much can I charge for my services?
  • How can I ensure fairness in my financial dealings?
  • What should I be mindful of when it comes to generosity?
  • How can I attract abundance into my life through acts of kindness?

Read next: Seven of Pentacles, Eight of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles.

Complete List of Tarot Meanings.


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.