Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

In the Nine of Pentacles, there is a figure standing in a glamorous outfit. She has a bird perched on her hand. She exudes an air of grace and confidence. In the background, there are ripe vines covered with pentacles that highlight her abundance.

Upright Meaning

In upright, the Nine of Pentacles carries a message of abundance, personal accomplishment and self-sufficiency. When you receive this tarot card, it means that you are on the path towards independence, your achievements speak for themselves. You are a financially prudent individual that has a gift for business.

At its core, this energy shows contentment and an enjoyment towards finer things in life. You have achieved success in your career or business and now can sit back and enjoy all the good things in life. This is a time to acknowledge the lifestyle you have achieved, you have every reason to be proud of yourself.

Reverse Meaning

In reverse, it means that you could have lost sight of yourself. If you are questioning your value and second-guessing yourself, your message is to re-evaluate your insecurities. If your self esteem has taken a knock, then perhaps its time to find your way back to yourself.

In situations where you are you experiencing imbalances in your life, or lost some aspect of your independence, then you may need to take a closer look at your social circle, your closest friends or loved ones could be shaking your identity to its core.

When this occurs, it could be time to trim the vines and prune your lifestyle to cater for more positive individuals that inspire you and motivate you. You are being called to remove negative individuals or to set strong boundaries.

If you are depending on one source of income, then it could be time to diversify your income streams. Take a closer look at your portfolios and evaluate what is working and what is not.

Nine of Pentacles in Love & Feelings.

In love, the Nine of Pentacles is a sign of enjoying your life and your independence. You have high standards and expectations when it comes to love. You are not willing to settle for a relationship that is not meeting you on your level. You are fully aware of your worth and the value you bring into a relationship.

In committed relationships, you are in a partnership with a person that is on the same level of you, this person respects you and wants to see you succeed. The two of you enjoy each another’s company. There is love in this connection, there is also the ability to focus on other aspects of your life, such as your career, self-love and your well-being.

In cases where you are looking for love and cannot find someone that is meeting your expectations, then it might be time to evaluate what you want from a relationship. Do you want a person that is materially abundant or emotionally supportive?

Life is about balance. Typically, a relationship will thrive with one Alpha and one Beta. There has to be compromise. This allows for a healthier relationship. Now, this does not mean you have to settle for a person that is uneducated, lazy and simply expects you to provide for them.

It means that you need to understand that people are in different stages of growth in their personal journey, however if a person is willing to learn and improve themselves in life, that is a good starting place to start a relationship.

As Feelings, your person is prioritizing their needs above yours, this is about them, not you. Its their independence, their way of life. Perhaps, they like to be single and have their options open. This person might be charming and interesting, but many people see them as a prize. In other words, the competition is high.

Nine of Pentacles in Health

In health, the Nine of Pentacles is a sign of taking time out to work out and beautify yourself. Going to the spa and taking vacations is important to your well-being.

Travelling first class is a luxury you can afford, so spoiling yourself is a starting point of recognizing your worth. Now, if you have money and don’t care to spend it in those ways, you should find ways to make your life easier and more comfortable.

For example, you could invest in a home with a sauna, built in spa, a beautiful garden to relax in, there are many ways you can improve your health by investing in worthwhile things.

Nine of Pentacles in Wealth

In wealth, the Nine of Pentacles is a sign of having a diversified income portfolio. You could have a string of income properties, investments in companies, stocks and bonds, etc.

This tarot card is all about financial stability and the achievement of financial goals. You are reaping the fruits of your labor and enjoying life and all it has to offer you. This is a good time to focus on building a solid foundation and continue on your path of success.

Nine of Pentacles as Yes or No.

Its a Yes.

Questions to ask when you get the Nine of Pentacles in a tarot reading?

  • In what ways can I enjoy the fruits of my labor?
  • What steps can I take to ensure continued prosperity?
  • How do I balance enjoying my successes with setting new goals?
  • What aspects of my life reflect my independence and stability?
  • How can I use my resources to enrich my personal growth?

Read next: Ten of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles.

Complete List of Tarot Meanings


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.