Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Knight of Pentacles shows a figure mounted on a brown horse. The figure wears armor for protection and carries a pentacle in one hand. The background shows an plowed field that is fertile and brimming with opportunity for growth.

Upright Meaning

In upright, the Knight of Pentacles is a symbol of hard work, you have remained focused and committed to your objectives. Taking a practical approach has worked out in your favor.

For others, you are being called by spirit to sow your seeds and reap the rewards of your efforts. There is an opportunity to make progress and the results will bring consistent rewards. The Knight of Pentacles moves at his own pace, it is slower than the other knights, however his efforts are not to be disregarded.

Reverse Meaning

In Reverse, the Knight of Pentacles is a sign of things coming to a halt. You could have experienced an a major shift that has thrown you off your game. Some individuals could get lost in the details, and take too many precautions before taking action.

In this situation, you are being called to evaluate where things went wrong. This initial step can prove to be useful in future instances, as you will prepared to handle any disruptions later on.

Also, this tarot card can be a sign that you could be feeling impatient at how things are working out, apart of you could feel in a hurry to get things done. If you have been struggling with pessimism, you need to take a different route to your objectives. In this case, it is important for you to be optimistic.

Moreover, the Knight of Pentacles in reverse is not someone that can be forced or coerced into doing things that they do not want to, if you are dealing with someone like this or if this represents your energy, it means that you need to take a closer look at what is causing you to rebellious attitude?

Knight of Pentacles in Love & Feelings.

In love, the Knight of Pentacles represents a considerate, kind and thoughtful partner. You could be in a relationship with a person that enjoys your company, they invest time into your connection and do so with a lot of love. This person is reliable, consistent and dedicated to you.

If you are looking for love, then the Knight of Pentacles is calling on you to take a practical approach. You are called to be open to a relationship with a person that has formed a strong character, their intention and focus will be to form a lasting connection with the right person.

This individual takes love seriously, they do not play games and do not have a tendency to manipulate individuals. They are transparent in their approach in love. If you are looking for the same thing, then this could be the right person for you.

As Feelings, the Knight is a sign that your person is taking a cautious approach to this connection. They prefer to nurture relationships in a careful and methodical manner. Instead of jumping the gun, they would much rather have a deeper understanding of you. At this point, they are in the process of learning about you.

Knight of Pentacles in Health

In health, the Knight is a sign of taking a slow and methodical approach to your health. You feel as if things cannot be rushed and there are no short-cuts when it comes to your long-term goals. So instead of trying to accomplish everything in one gym session, you are comfortable with a setting a six-month turnaround. The key to your success is consistency and dedication.

Knight of Pentacles in Wealth

In Wealth, the Knight of Pentacles is the pursuit of material goals. You are on your path to success, you are in no hurry and know that you will reach your destination. Some individuals may have invested in the stock market, but instead of looking for quick gains, they plan to wait a few years and allow for things to take its course.

The power in remaining patient is that you have an opportunity to focus on other aspects of your world. For as long as you stay commitment to your long-term goals, things can’t go wrong.

Knight of Pentacles as Yes or No?

Its a Yes.

Questions to ask when you receive the Knight of Pentacles in a tarot reading?

  • What tasks require my immediate attention?
  • How can I develop more patience in pursuing my goals?
  • What practical steps can I take to ensure financial stability?
  • How can I better manage my time to improve productivity?
  • What should I commit to for the long haul, and why?

Read next: Queen of Pentacles, King of Pentacles.

Complete List of Tarot Meanings.


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.