Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

In the Eight of Pentacles, there is a figure that is etching on a pentacle. Seven other pentacles are displayed along a standing tree, it is a symbol of his completed work. The figure has a strong focus on mastering his craft, perfecting his skill. His pursuit of excellence represents his desire and acquisition of material wealth.

Upright Meaning

In the upright position, the Eight of Pentacles is a sign of hard work, dedication and perfecting one’s skill. Right now, you are in crux of things, you are investing your time and energy and as expected, it is a little challenging, however, your determination is formidable and nothing can sway you.

At its core, this tarot card is encouraging you to adopt a disciplined and patient approach to your endeavors. This is more than just work ethic though, it is also a period of learning, growth and the desire to outgrow your current expertise through constant personal and professional growth.

When you think of a creative person or someone that is gifted a particular field, it is usually a result of constant effort. Always looking for ways to improve yourself is an instrumental element for success.

If you look closely at the Eight of Pentacles tarot card, you will notice that in the distant background there is a castle. This symbolizes the idea that the journey is just as important as the destination.

So many people spend so much time working that they don’t have time for themselves or their families. Therefore, you are being encouraged to also make time for yourself.

Reverse Meaning

In reverse, the Eight of Pentacles is indicating a potential challenge. You could be experiencing difficulty is maintaining your focus, meaning you have over-worked, you could be feeling burnt out. If you are starting to feel overwhelmed and find that your work is lacking progress, it means that it is time to take a step back.

This is a reminder to avoid losing yourself in your work. There is a need for you to find balance in your pursuit of perfect versus your need for rest and recuperation.

For individuals that become fixated on the idea that things have to be a certain way, you could be losing sight of the bigger picture. In this situation, your efforts do not have an opportunity to allow for mistakes and mishaps.

Remember, mistakes and mishaps can result into something that is beautiful and unexpected, and that may take your skills to another level. When you hit this plateau, it is important to remind yourself that its okay to make mistakes. Everything is going to be okay.

Eight of Pentacles in Love & Feelings.

In love, the Eight of Pentacles is a sign of investing your time into a healthy relationship. The two of you have your priorities right and are focused on a building a happy relationship.

The Eight of Pentacles is a sign of improving each another through one another, the relationship is more than just two people that are faithful to one another, it is also a partnership. Learning through one another can foster maturity, understanding and compassion.

In another light, this tarot card can also be interpreted in light of one person working too hard, and not investing their time or love in the relationship. Sometimes, this is necessary and it cannot be avoided. In these cases, there should be time set aside during the weekend to nurture the relationship to prevent growing apart.

As Feelings, your person feels the need to work on this connection. They see that you are worth the investment and they want to see this play out in a productive manner. It is possible that they could see you as their equal half, and so this connection is worth their time.

Eight of Pentacles in Health

In health, the Eight of Pentacles informs you that your health requires your attention and effort. Little steps like taking walks or eating healthier can help you move along your fitness journey. Consistent effort can help you achieve your goals.

Consider creating a routine that works with your busy life, find ways to stretch or take a 20 min jog. This can help refresh your mind and help you reach your destination.

Eight of Pentacles in Wealth

In wealth, the Eight of Pentacles shows your dedication to achieving financial stability and success. This energy calls on you to develop your talents and skills. Work on yourself. Discover new ways to create income streams and then work towards it.

If you are seeking financial prosperity, then consider exploring new opportunities of wealth creation. The energy of the Eight of Pentacles revolves around never giving up and consistently working towards your goals.

By creating a list of your career goals or tertiary goals, you can become clearer on your desired destination. This can push you towards achieving your goals in a more controlled manner.

Eight of Pentacles as Yes or No?

Its a Yes.

Questions to ask when you receive the Eight of Pentacles in a tarot card reading?

  • What skills am I currently developing, and how can I refine them?
  • How can I increase my focus at work?
  • How can I utilize my skills efficiently?
  • How can I make my routine more productive?

Read next: Nine of Pentacles, Ten of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles.

Complete List of Tarot Meanings.


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.