Star Tarot Card Meaning

The Star Tarot Card shows a bright star that illuminates the darkness. A naked woman kneels by the edge of a stream, holding two jugs, she is pouring water into the stream and onto the nearby ground. This represents her ability to nourish both the spiritual world (heaven) and the physical world (earth).

In the background, there are seven smaller starts, each representing the eight chakras; Crown chakra, third eye chakra, throat chakra, heart chakra, solar plexus chakra, sacral chakra and the root chakra.

Upright Meaning of the Star Tarot Card

The Star tarot card connects to your hopes, dreams and spiritual aspirations. You are reminded that even in the challenging phases of your life, there is a guiding light that leads you to a better life.

Having faith and trust in the universe is crucial at this time, this is a time to let go of past pains and disappointments. In order to facilitate this process, you have to release past pains and struggles that have caused you disappointment.

Cleansing your mind and soul can help you embrace your vulnerabilities and create a harmonious flow of universal energy.

This is the time to heal your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. The universe is supporting you every step of the way.

Reverse Meaning of the Star Tarot Card

In reverse, the Star tarot card is a temporary loss of faith and hope. It is signifying doubt and your vulnerability, you could be struggling to find meaning and purpose in your life.

This is a time to reflect on your fears and insecurities. If you are facing obstacles, and setbacks, recognize that this is a natural part of your life’s journey. You are called to not allow these temporary difficulties to deter you from your dreams.

You could be denying your spiritual side by choosing to focus on the material world. Your inner and outer world could be out of alignment. You are not nurturing your spirituality and choosing to ignore it.

Instead of healing your mind, body and soul connection, you are choosing to blame other people for what went wrong in your life. The Star tarot card is calling for acceptance, what is done, is done. Now is the time to do better and make peace with the past.

Star tarot card in Love

In love, you are called to seek out meaningful connections that nurture your well-being. You need to remain open to the possibility of unconditional love and communicate from a place of honesty and vulnerability.

Your relationship is calling on you to rise above your world concerns and focus inwards. You could be in the midst of a challenging situation, and the person you are in a relationship with offers you little support or love.

Instead of relying on this person to make you happy, you are recognizing that it is up to you to create happiness in your personal life.

If you are single, you are reminded that instead of jumping into a new relationship, it is time to take a break from love and to focus on yourself. Without finding a sense of peace, it is unlikely that another person can provide that for you.

Star Tarot Card in Health

In health, the Star is calling on you to focus on your aura and the energy you emit, you are being led to a path of healing your mind, body and soul connection. Aligning your chakras in a harmonious way can help foster feelings of peace, love and happiness.

Alternatively, you could have underwent a surgery or had a major health scare, you are out of the woods, and now you want to find balance and alignment. You are choosing to surround yourself with good people that nurture and love you.

Star Tarot Card in Wealth

The Star tarot card in finance is a sign of prosperity and fulfillment. You are living out your life’s passion and you love what you do, it brings a sense of peace and happiness to you.

You could be in alignment with your life’s purpose and find that you have released limiting beliefs that surround money. You realize that money is form of energy and the exchange of it is rooted in fairness, honesty and an exchange of services.

The Cultivation of a positive mindset will open up many doorways of abundance and prosperity. Remember, you have to surround yourself with positive individuals to ensure the proper flow of energy.

If there are individuals that complain about money, then its time to break away from these people and their limited mindsets. You are called to rise above their low vibrations and move towards people that have a healthier relationship with money.

How to Embody the Star Archetype?

  • Prioritize self-care & healing.
  • Embrace Spiritual Practices that align with your purpose.
  • Share your wisdom & insight with others.
  • Explore your creativity using your intuition.

Questions to ask when you receive the Star Tarot Card.

  • What gives me hope and how can I foster more of it in my life?
  • In what areas of my life am I experiencing renewal?
  • How can I be a source of inspiration to others?
  • What long-term goals should I focus on now?
  • How can I maintain a positive outlook?
  • What does spiritual well-being mean to me, and how can I enrich it?

Read next: Moon Tarot Card, Sun Tarot Card, Judgement Tarot Card, World Tarot Card.

Complete List to Tarot Meanings