Two of Pentacles Meaning

The Two of Pentacles shows a figure that is juggling two pentacles in his hands. The figure stands on the seashore, with waves crashing in the background.

The Ships on the horizon suggests changeability and the passage of time. Amidst the Juggler’s chaos and desire to keep up, life moves on.

The infinity symbol is a sign that holds the two pentacles is a sign of the eternity. Humans have always been busy, since the start of time, whether it was from a place of living in caves, hunting food and learning to make fire, there has never been a time when humans have stopped evolving in some shape or form. Some countries have seen massive progress, whilst others have moved at their own pace.

Upright Meaning

When the Two of Pentacles appears in your reading, it is heralds a time of responsibility and you could be busy with several obligations. Your work and family could be demanding your attention. Also, you may find yourself being pulled in many directions.

There is a constant juggling act associated with this tarot card, the need to keep up and not drop a pentacle. Luckily, the figure though with a stressed expression on his face manages to keep up. It shows his ability to handle challenges in unpredictable situations.

With this energy, you are being called to find a balance between your inner world and external world. It is necessary to stay emotionally centered even facing difficult situations.

The Two of Pentacles also advises you to consider the time-management tools in order to ensure the completion of tasks. You can make progress by allocating your time and energy appropriately.

If you are feeling overwhelmed and scattered, trust that you have the inner strength to move forward with grace.

Reverse Meaning

The Two of Pentacles in reverse warns against over-commitment and spreading yourself thin. You could be taking on too many responsibilities, thus leading to a state of exhaustion and tiredness. This is a good time to evaluate your commitments and set proper boundaries to avoid burnout.

Furthermore, if you are dealing with resistance to change and fear the uncertainties that come along in life, it might be necessary to evaluate old patterns and habits.

Two of Pentacles in Love & Feelings.

In love, the Two of Pentacles shows a relationship that is tense and stressful, there is always something going on that is keeping one person on their toes. This could be difficult to deal with especially in the long-term. The changeability and stress caused by the ups and down will eventually take a toll.

If you find your relationship is not balancing itself out in a healthy manner, it might be time to have a talk. Trying to make one person happy in a one-sided situation is a terrible idea. Relationships are give and take, and the two of pentacles energy brings the relentless need to keep up with something that could go on forever.

For example: If you are dealing with a person that has been playing games or giving mixed signals, the two of pentacles is not a positive sign of that dynamic ending soon.

If your are looking for love, then you may find yourself attracting partners that make you feel up one moment and down the next moment. In this situation, it is important to figure what you want and what you are willing to accept in a relationship.

As feelings, your person feels indecisive on your relationship. They are going back and forth, they cannot make up their mind and this is causing a growing disparity between the two of you.

Instead of finding a solution to the chaos, they are precipitating the chaos. The worst part is that they have no idea that they are doing this, they are so caught up in the drama.

Two of Pentacles in Health

In health, the Two of Pentacles shows a busy lifestyle where there is little time for self-care. You are constantly on the move and your schedule does not allow you to have time to yourself.

In this situation, you could find your health suffering as well as your peace of mind. You may feel like you would like to eat healthier but since you are always working, you don’t have the time to do so.

For others, if you want to exercise more, you may feel like you need to shuffle things around for that to happen. In these circumstances, it is important to remember that life is an ebb and flow.

Two of Pentacles in Wealth

In wealth, the Two of Pentacles is a sign of finding ways to manage your resources effectively. There might be the need to balance your checkbooks. You are also called to make better decisions for your future.

On a deeper level, the Two of pentacles requires you to find a healthy relationship with money and warns against trying to ”Keep up with the Jones’‘. Live within your means and remember, your material possessions do not have to define you as a person. You are worthy just as you are and deserve happiness.

Two of Pentacles as Yes or No?

Its a No.

Questions to Ask when you get the Two of Pentacles in a tarot reading?

  • What areas of my life are currently demanding my attention?
  • What strategies can I employ to maintain balance in my life?
  • Are there any patterns of behavior that might be hindering my ability to find equilibrium, and how can I address them?
  • How can I prioritize my goals to ensure that I’m making progress in all areas of my life?

Read next: Three of Pentacles. Four of Pentacles, Five of Pentacles, Six of Pentacles.

Complete List to Tarot Meanings.


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.