Two of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

The Two of Cups shows a couple that is deeply in love. They face one another as a declaration of their feelings, the are making a commitment to one another. Above their heads is an image of a caduceus.

The female figure is dressed in modest white clothing which symbolizes her purity and chastity. The male figure lovingly reaches towards her hand. The lion figure that is above their heads has angel wings attached to it, which represents protection from the divine.

Upright Meaning of the Two of Cups

The Two of Cups in the upright position is a sign of a deep love that flows between the divine feminine and divine masculine. It represents a romantic union that is rooted in a spiritual bond.

The card embodies the ideals of reciprocity, and an emotional investment to one another. With this energy, we see a display of understanding, open communication and desire.

The number Two is a symbol of partnerships, soulmates, twin-flames and a divine union. When you receive this tarot card in a reading, it means that you have potentially found a life partner that will remain dedicated and devoted to you.

The Two of Cups in the upright position signifies the enchanting energy of love, partnership, and soul connections. It represents the beginning of a powerful and emotionally fulfilling relationship, whether romantic, platonic, or even a profound spiritual bond.

The card embodies the idea of reciprocity, as both individuals bring equal emotional investment and commitment to the connection.

Furthermore, you are encouraged to be open, vulnerable and supportive of one another, thereby creating a space for personal growth and fulfillment.

Reverse Meaning of the Two of Cups

The Two of Cups in reverse has a different meaning. It signals emotional disconnection, a lack of support and understanding one another.

There could be misunderstandings, conflict and a difficulty in finding common ground. This creates emotional distance and prevents a genuine connection.

Two of Cups in Love & Feelings.

In love, the appearance of the Two of Cups is a symbol of a meaningful connection where there is openness and understanding. There is a great deal of affection and romance between two souls that have a powerful chemistry, emotional and spiritual bond.

If you are looking for love, it can symbolize that soon you will find someone that has your best interests at heart. This is the time to allow yourself to be vulnerable and open to love.

Surround yourself with individuals that are happily married and wise in their years. Gaining additional perspectives can help you have an amazing relationship with your new love or future love.

As feelings, the Two of Cups is a sign of a deep connection. Someone feels a deep desire to spend their life with you. They are committed, devoted and dedicated to you. This could be a soul connection that goes beyond the physical and extends to the spiritual.

Two of Cups in Health

When the Two of Cups appears in a health reading, it suggests that you have formed a balanced view on life and take time to honor and nurture your well-being. You are happy in your body and may have experienced some epiphany that fosters self love.

You are being called to surround yourself with individuals that uplift and inspire you. Consider finding support groups that help you stay on track with your objectives, this could be meditation groups, gym memberships, hobbies that bring out your true nature and foster a healthier relationship with yourself can have a powerful impact on your well-being.

Two of Cups in Wealth

In Wealth, the Two of Cups is a sign of a partnership. You could have entered into a business relationship with a person, the two of you could have shared interests in prosperity or a common interest in a specific project. This is a favorable time to consider alliances that align with your goals and values.

Another key message of the Two of Cups is that true wealth extends beyond material possessions. You can also enrich your life in other ways, such as emotional wealth and well-being.

You are in the process of finding a balance between work-life and nurturing your soul with emotional connections.

Remember it is also important to consider the role you play in making the world a better place. For some individuals this can extend to your charitable causes, the things you do to make an impact. This can also enhance your life experience in a considerable manner.

Two of Cups as a Yes or No?

Its a Yes.

Questions to ask when you receive the Two of Cups in a tarot reading?

  • What relationship in my life is currently becoming more significant?
  • How can I foster harmony in my partnerships?
  • What new partnerships are forming, and what potential do they hold?
  • In what ways can I balance my relationships?
  • How can this relationship help me grow as an individual?
  • What lessons are my close relationships teaching me about trust and cooperation?

    Read next: Three of Cups Tarot Card, Four of Cups Tarot Card, Five of Cups Tarot Card.

    Complete List of Tarot Meanings.


    Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.