Four of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

In the Four of Cups, a solitary figure is seated at the base of a tree. His legs and arms are crossed and he has a sullen expression on his face. Three cups are placed next to the man.

He has a cup extended to him but he so lost in thought, that he fails to truly notice it. The landscape is lush which is a sign of growth and potential. However, the figure’s introspective demeanor shows an inability to acknowledge it.

Four of Cups Upright Meaning

When the Four of Cups is in upright position, it highlights a period of introspection. You could be feeling a a sense of disconnection from the physical world. It is also a sign of searching for life’s existential questions. There is a strong desire to contemplate and search for a deeper meaning to life.

In many ways, a lot of people go through this, especially when they feel a lack of passion and joy. This is often accompanied by a lack of willingness to explore things that can make you happy.

In this situation, it is important for you to recognize your blessings. Hesitancy to explore your emotions can lead to complacency. Giving grace to yourself can help see the opportunities in front of you.

Sometimes, its good to have a period of reflection and to truly engage yourself in forming a better understanding of yourself and why you feel the way you do. This can be incredibly life-changing, especially if you are willing to evaluate the patterns and habits that have caused this temporary phase.

Four of Cups Reverse Meaning

In reverse, the Four of Cups is a sign of emotional stagnation, there is a hesitation to change. The act of being withdrawn and your refusal to engage with the world around you is causing you to miss out on important opportunities.

Avoid becoming fixated on negative emotions, self-pity which is potentially hindering your personal growth and progress. This is a time to embrace new experiences, step out of your comfort zone and start to see the joy in life.

Four of Cups Love & Feelings.

The Four of Cups in love is an example of a situation where love is available to you, yet you fail to acknowledge it in any shape or form. Often people become so caught up in what went wrong in the past that they fail to see what could right in the present moment.

Feelings of dissatisfaction is amplified with emotional detachment. This causes the people around you to feel unseen, and unheard. Many relationships have soured as a result of this dynamic. And, often when its too late, the people that refuse to see the joy that is being offered, find themselves waking up when its too late.

If you are experiencing monotony in your personal life, it might be time to infuse new energy into your world. Step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself to do new things. Friendly games between lovers such as monopoly or Jenga can infuse a new wave of energy in your relationship.

Your Person feels a sense of disappointment. They have missed their opportunity for love and have taken you for granted. This is a time of deep reflection.

They may have been focused on a former ex to even notice your presence. It is possible that they took a long time to acknowledge your presence and value, sadly, at this moment, it might be too late.

Four of Cups Health

In terms of health, the Four of Cups is a sign to get up and start walking. Stop sitting around feeling sullen and miserable. There is nothing like a good workout to get your blood pumping and boost your serotonin levels.

Exercise can help release emotional blockages. Try incorporating yoga into your routine, consider talking to trained therapist. Think about keeping a journal and jotting down your feelings.

If you are prone to overeating, sitting down will only make it worst. The Four of Cups is calling for you to be more active. Start thinking of ways to shake up your life.

Four of Cups Wealth

In wealth, the Four of Cups provides a powerful warning to avoid complacency and stop ignoring potential opportunities. If you are experiencing financial stagnation, this is a time to snap out of it.

Sometimes, you need a break from work and life’s responsibilities. However, the Four of Cups is calling on you to start looking at what is going well in your life. Take a step back and reassess your goals. This is the time to start asking yourself some important questions.

Four of Cups as a Yes or No?

Its a No.

Questions to ask when you get the Four of Cups:

  • Are you fulfilled by what you do?
  • Does it make you happy?
  • Is there something else that you would rather be doing?
  • If yes, what is the path towards attaining that objective?

The Four of Cups is a reminder that sometimes life does not go the way we anticipate, however in those moments we should rather focus on what is going well and move forward with the notion that things do get better.

It is so important to surround yourself with kind individuals that are joyous to be around, these individuals can truly uplift your mood and make you feel better, the key is recognizing their value and honoring it when it is there, instead of when its too late.

Read next: Five of Cups, Six of Cups, Seven of Cups.

Complete List of Tarot Meanings.


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.