Hermit Tarot Card Meaning

The Hermit Tarot Card shows a solitary figure that is standing on the edge of a snowy mountain, he is on a journey of enlightenment. He holds a lantern with a star inside of it, this illuminates his path ahead. In his other hands, he carries a staff that symbolizes his authority.

His face is obscured, he is unbothered by the desire to be seen, the hermit is embarking on an internal journey.

The backdrop of the card shows a barren landscape which correlates to his personal isolation and solitude that comes with the pursuit of higher wisdom.

Upright Meaning 

The hermit is calling on you to go within and find your soul wisdom. There is a need for you take a step back from the external world. Two things that can help in your journey is meditation and keeping a journal to record your thoughts.

As you seek solitude to gain insight into your world, you will be surprised by the answers that are revealed to you. There is a chance of discovering hidden truths and a deeper understanding of your world.

Taking a break from the chaos of the world can help you gain perspective on your life. There is an opportunity for important revelations regarding people, and their hidden agenda.

Reverse Meaning

In reverse, the Hermit tarot card is a sign of refusing to look within your soul and analyze your situation. Questions such as why are you in your particular situation, What is the cause of your dilemma? These questions are pushed to the side and ignored.

The journey within is abandoned and ignored in favor of the physical world. Instead of finding the patterns of behaviors, the triggers that have caused provocation, adversity and challenges in your world are left to persist, and wreak further havoc in your world.

You could be dealing with distractions from the external world, and this is preventing you from confronting your true feelings and thoughts.

If you have been feeling lost or disconnected from your inner compass. This sense of confusion and lack of clarity can cloud your purpose and cause fear of self-reflection.

Most people are terrified of sitting alone with their thoughts, and facing their shadow. If you truly want to witness change, this inner work is necessary to foster your personal wisdom.

The Hermit Tarot Card in Love

In love, there is something occurring in your relationship that is calling on your attention. External pressures and influences are causing stress in your relationship.

Take a look at factors such as how your family engages with your partner? Is it a healthy interaction? Does your partner feel a sense of love and happiness in your connection?

If the interactions are unhealthy and toxic, there is a need for you to go within and make an important distinction between your loyalty to your family and the love for your significant other.

The broader implications of this analogy will help you decide what is more important to your happiness?

Does your relationship make you happy? Is it worth fighting for? Does your partner feel your love and compassion? If not, then it might be time to consider how you communicate to your partner.

If you are single and looking for love, the Hermit tarot card calls on you to analyze your personal life. If you have a history of failed relationships, there is a need to question why did this happen? Why did the relationship not work? What were the factors that caused the demise of the relationship?

The Hermit Tarot Card in Health

The Hermit tarot card is calling on you to look at your health in an objective manner. This is a fast paced world, and sometimes a lot is demanded and expected of you.

Making your health a priority is emphasized at this time. Pushing aside negative people and habits can open up the door to a better way of living your life.

Seeking solitude can provide you with a strong foundation to work with, you can organize your thoughts and discover new ways of healing. Consider healing music, meditation and yoga as a means of spiritual growth.

The Hermit Tarot Card in Wealth

In wealth, the Hermit heralds a time of decision making. You are given choices. Choosing the path of solitude to figure out a way forward is exercising your choice. Sometimes, you can be overwhelmed by your financial obligations, and needs. It does not have to be this way.

You can use your gifts and talents to your advantage. Quieting your thoughts can prove useful, especially when you are seeking an understanding of your situation.

How to Embody the Hermit Archetype.

  • Set time aside for solitude.
  • Simplify your life.
  • Create a deeper connection to yourself.
  • Use your wisdom to guide others.

Questions to ask when you receive the Hermit Tarot Card?

  • What do I need to contemplate at this moment in my life?
  • How can withdrawing from my usual environment benefit me now?
  • Who or what am I being called to move away from, in order to find peace?
  • How can I be a light for others after I have found my own way?

Read next: Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card, Justice Tarot Card, Hanged Man Tarot Card, Death Tarot Card, Temperance Tarot Card.

Complete Tarot Meanings List.