The Ten of Wands Tarot Card shows a figure that is carrying the weight of ten wands on his back. The bent posture is indicative of his personal struggle and exhaustion.
The character portrayed in the tarot card shows a determination to reach ones destination. In the background, we see a clear sky as well as a home with luscious trees surrounding it.
Upright Meaning
When you receive the Ten of Wands in upright position, it is a sign that you are currently under stress and feeling overwhelmed by your responsibilities. There could be a lot on your plate. Life could be demanding and with all of the obligations and tasks, you could be experiencing exhaustion and burnout.
You are being urged to take a closer look at your situation and to be honest with yourself. If you have been feeling strained and under pressure. Question whether some of your tasks are necessary and if not perhaps they can be delegated to someone else. The Ten of Wands calls for release of unnecessary burdens.
Reverse Meaning
In reverse, the wands start to fall off. The circumstances may have changed or altered in a manner in which the universe forced you to De-stress. There is also a potential of releasing the internalized stress that has been building up inside of you.
One thing is for certain, when people overwork, it is as a result of an emotional build up to compensate for something else. There could be an avoidance or denial off some other issue that needs to be dealt with in a more appropriate manner.
There is an importance of recognizing that we can only do so much in a day, a week or in a month. However, if the task is so large that it will take some time to complete, it is best to break it down into smaller and more manageable parts.
This will prevent burn out and provide you with relief. Remember life is not just about working or carrying the load of other people. It is also about recharging, recuperating and doing the things you love the most such as your hobbies or spending time with loved ones.
Ten of Wands in Love & Feelings.
In terms of love, the Ten of Wands tarot card means that your current relationship is proving to be strenuous then relaxing. There is a need for communication and finding ways to share responsibilities This is a time to compromise in the relationship.
If you are dealing with a person that is unwilling to do so, there is a need to question whether the relationship is helping you live your best life or if you are settling for a connection in order to not feel alone.
If you are single and looking for love, then you could be feeling stressed out about your biological clock and if you are older, there could be a fear of growing old alone.
The key aspect of the Ten of Wands is to not settle for a relationship and not put too much pressure on yourself to find a mate. It is important to look for a healthy relationship that soothes your soul and brings you a sense of peace instead of getting into a relationship for the sake of it.
As Feelings, your person is feeling overwhelmed with stress. Things are not how they hoped it would be, there are too many things to do in order for the relationship to succeed. This is creating a lot of burdens in the connection and proving to be a great challenge. There is a need to address your person’s emotions and get to the bottom of it.
Ten of Wands in Health.
When it comes to Health, the Ten of Wands is a sign of physical exhaustion. You could have over-strained your body and it has taken a toll on you. This can occur in strenuous workouts and even possibly by over-working in your career.
If you have been feeling overwhelmed and under pressure, you may need to find more relaxing workout routines or simply decompress with Yoga and Tai Chi.
Meditation can also prove useful for those of you that have a ton of things going on in your life. If you have children, your responsibilities will naturally be doubled and this may cause added stress to your daily life, it may be worth your time to look at activities for your children to participate in, especially if they are high energy kids.
Ten of Wands in Wealth.
In terms of Wealth, the Ten of Wands Tarot card represents the financial obligations and burdens that you could be facing. You could feel bogged down by your desire to be financially free, others could be dealing with student loan debts or mortgages.
It is important to find a way to not take on too much debt and reduce spending to ensure that you are in the green when it comes to your credit score.
At the end of the day, you are being encouraged to find ways to lighten your load when it comes to finances and form a healthy relationship with money.
Ten of Wands as Yes or No?
Its a No.
Questions to Ask when you receive the Ten of Wands in a Tarot reading?
- What burdens am I currently carrying that might be overwhelming me?
- How can I better delegate responsibilities to lighten my load?
- What is the root cause of the stress I’m experiencing?
- Are there obligations I can let go of to improve my well-being?
- How can I manage my time more effectively to avoid burnout?
- What long-term changes can I implement to prevent this level of stress in the future?
Read next:Ā King of Wands Tarot Card, Queen of Wands, Knight of Wands, Page of Wands.