Nine of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Nine of Wands Tarot Card shows a figure standing in a defensive position. He is leaning on a wand and appears vigilant and highly alert. The background of this tarot card has eight more wands, they are arranged next to one another on a vertical line.

The figure’s stance is that of a guard, someone that watches over something. He may have reason to due to past experiences. What he is guarding is not exactly clear in the image.

One thing that is certain is that the figure is highly aware of his surroundings, he is taking nothing for granted and feels wounded by the challenges he may have faced in the past.

His past battles may have left scars that run deep, but he is no victim, he is clearly ready for battle and won’t turn down a fight should one show up. His steadfast attitude and defensive position indicates a mind that is prepared for battle.

Upright Meaning

The Nine of Wands is a powerful sign of resilience, you may have been persevering for so long that you lost apart of yourself. Your sense of peace could be a distant thought that evades you.

If you have been immersed in drama or faced challenges that have caused you to question your beliefs, it is important to remind yourself that you are not alone.

You are being called to draw upon your inner strength to overcome your temporary obstacles. It is important for you to not give up. Remaining determined in the eye of the storm is the key to getting out of it.

Reverse Meaning

When you receive the Nine of Wands in reverse, it is a positive sign that you are coming out of your difficult situation and the challenges you were facing in the past are fading away. Since you are almost over the threshold, you should avoid working yourself to the point of exhaustion. There is a need to practice self-care. Taking breaks can be crucial and prioritizing your well-being can help you in your future prospects.

Nine of Wands in Love & Feelings.

In love, the Nine of Wands is a sign that you need to protect your emotional boundaries. If you have been pushed around in any shape or way, it is important for you be cautious and aware of the person you are dealing with, if they are bringing unhealthy patterns into your life.

You may need to have an honest conversation on any lingering issues that could be undermining the future of the relationship.

If the person you are dealing with refuses to change, it might be time to seek counselling, if all else fails, going your separate ways could be the best thing for both of you.

If you have recently left a relationship that was mentally abusive and cruel, it is important to heal those emotional wounds that have troubled you before entering a new relationship.

Your person is feeling for lack of better word, defensive. They feel like you have caused them a certain level of pain. This has caused a ripple effect and they are questioning your motions and if you genuinely want the best for them.

This is a dangerous area of contention as they could become overwhelmed and decide to call it quits.

Nine of Wands in Health

In matters of health, the Nine of Wands is a symbol of your resilience, if you have faced medical challenges and overcome them, you will have realized that you have deeper cores of inner strength that you may not have known, when the human body is challenged with life or death, in many ways it strives to find ways to heal itself.

Nine of Wands in Wealth

The Nine of Wands represents your ability to protect and defend yourself. This tarot card reminds you to be adaptable and push through any foreseeable and unforeseeable challenges. By being persistent, you can overcome your challenges with ease. This is the time to pursue opportunities that prove to be lucrative.

Moreover, when this tarot card shows up for your career, it can mean that you are dealing with a potential hostile working environment. This might not be good for your mental health and take a toll on your well-being.

It is important to not get dragged into workplace dramas and keep a far distance from attention seeking people. You can create boundaries and not engage with these individuals. If that does not work, consider transferring to another department or changing jobs.

Nine of Wands as Yes or No?

Its a No.

Questions to Ask when you receive the Nine of Wands in a tarot reading?

  • What challenges have I endured, and how have they prepared me for what’s next?
  • How can I maintain my resilience as I approach the final stages of this chapter?
  • What boundaries do I need to reinforce to protect myself?
  • How can I gather strength to persevere through this challenge?
  • In what ways can I reassess my strategies to ensure success?
  • What lessons have I learned about endurance?

    Read next: Ten of Wands Tarot Card, Page of Wands, Knight of Wands, Queen of Wands, King of Wands.

    Complete List of Tarot Meanings.


    Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.