In the Seven of Swords, there is a figure escaping with five swords, leaving behind two swords. He is attempting to go unnoticed, however he is being watched very closely. The background shows a bright yellow background which represents ‘assumed intelligence‘, however showcases lack of foresight and proper planning.
Upright Meaning of the Seven of Swords
In upright, the Seven of Swords is a sign of deception. You could be involved in a situation where you have to be secretive due to the shady people around you. There could be individuals that are looking for ways to take advantage of a situation. If you have been noticing red flags and they possess questionable behavior, then this tarot card is a sign to take a closer look at their intentions.
This is the time to approach the situation with a well-thought out plan, it it time to be resourceful, and find solutions. If you are avoiding a challenging situation that may involve an element of confrontation, instead of avoiding the issue, it is important to face these challenges with honesty and courage.
Reverse Meaning of the Seven of Swords
In reverse, this tarot card is a sign of dealing with the aftermath of deception. This the part where the truth comes out, and the seemingly deceptive act is revealed for what it is, ‘what an utter embarrassment‘, especially if you were the one in the fallout. If other people were the source of the drama, they could be dealing with the guilt and shame of being caught out.
Instead of hiding from their actions, the deceitful person should own up to their behaviors and take accountability. Furthermore, behavior that is manipulative and deceitful in nature can exacerbate the situation, so if you’re feeling trapped in a situation, then this card in reverse can be a sign of liberation and freeing yourself from this toxic dynamic.
Seven of Swords in Love & Feelings
In love, the Seven of Swords is one of the worst cards to receive in a reading, it is a sign of mistrust and dishonesty. You could be dealing with an untrustworthy person, someone that has crossed the line and went too far. This behavior is calling for open dialogue. This is the time to face the music and really question things. You cannot bury your head in the sand since avoiding the situation will only make the situation worst.
If you are single, then you could be facing a complex conundrum where you do not trust the potential suitors available to you. You could have the belief that men are cheaters or untrustworthy, in this case, it is important to evaluate your values and ideas on love. Can you find it in yourself to let go of these beliefs that are not serving you?
As feelings, this tarot card is a sign that your person is not being completely honest with you. You have to pay careful attention to their words and actions, if they are not matching up, then it is possible that they are being intentionally deceitful towards you.
The Seven of Swords in Health
In health, the Seven of Swords illustrates an inability of addressing health issues in a proper way. You could feel as if you cannot trust people and their opinion, so instead, you seek out a second opinion, which is advisable. Sometimes, finding a person with more experience and wisdom can be incredibly helpful. Another important aspect of this card is to avoid self-medicating in a manner that is detrimental to your health. You are also called to stopped running away from any emotional burdens.
Seven of Swords in Wealth
In wealth, this tarot card is a sign of being cautious with your financial affairs, consider the type of people you are working with, do they have shady behaviors, are they deceitful in nature? Can you do your research and take a measured approach when it comes to money matters?
Where necessary, you are called to take an unconventional approach to achieve your financial growth, this is to ensure that other individuals are not harmed along the way.
In another light, the seven of swords is calling you to be smart and clever in your approach. If you have an opportunity to get ahead and get wind of a trend that can potentially make you richer than you are, then this is the sign to jump onto the bandwagon and do so. Make sure to do you due diligence and check to ensure that you are dealing with reputable companies.
Seven of Swords as Yes or No?
Its a No.
Six Questions to ask when you get the Seven of Swords in a tarot reading?
What am I trying to escape from? Is there a situation where I need to be more cautious & strategic? What hidden factors should I be aware of? How can I ensure my actions are ethical and transparent?
Read next: Eight of Swords Tarot Card, Nine of Swords Tarot Card, Ten of Swords Tarot Card.