Page of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

In the Page of Cups, there is a young figure standing near the edge of water. The Page holds a golden cup which is has a fish peeking out of it. The fish is a sign of the page’s connection to intuition and subconscious emotions.

It is also a sign of the potential that emerges from the Page. The water represents the emotional aspect of this card, it is sign of connecting to ones inner child through your emotions.

Upright Meaning

When the Page appears in your tarot reading, it is sign of your emotional sensitivity to the world around you. This is a time of curiosity, imagination and you are embarking upon the path of exploration.

Your intuition could make you sensitive to your daydreams, angel numbers and other divine signs from the universe. Your heart could be guiding you in the direction of exploring your artistic talents.

Since you are emotional receptive to the world around you, your instinct will pinging new ideas to you. Take your time to make a note of it and move forward in that light.

Reverse Meaning

In reverse, the Page is highlighting emotional immaturity and a lack of practicality. You may lack the focus to carry out the task at hand. Your emotions could play a significant role in determining how you react to life. You are being advised to take a step back and address your reactions.

In another light, the Page is calling you to find meaning to your current predicament. Sometimes things are not meant to work out. You can feel inspired to do something, but it does not pan out the way you want it to, in this case, you may have to find another path to your objectives.

Page of Cups in Love & Feelings.

When the Page of Cups is in reverse, it shows a period of innocence in love. There is the possibility of new emotional experiences and romance. In this situation, you are open to new emotional experiences.

There is a sense of allowing yourself to be vulnerable in love. You feel open to expressing yourself. You are encouraged to be open to love, however it is important to be realistic in love and intimacy. Avoid the element of naivety.

If you are single, then the Page of Cups requires more effort in creating a lasting bond. By being too much in your head or heart, you may leave the other person guessing about your feelings.

You could find yourself in a situation where miscommunication occurs due to a lack of communication.

As feelings, the Page of Cups is a sign of gentle feelings. Its a light weight emotion that comes from a place of interest. Its as if to say, I like you and I enjoy talking to you. You brighten up my day. This person finds you fascinating and they often find themselves day-dreaming of you.

Page of Cups in Health

In health, the Page of Cups calls on exploring your healing in a compassionate manner. You are prompted to look at the emotional blocks and wounds that could be impacting your well-being. This card calls you to find healthy ways to express your emotions.

You could start by incorporating exciting routines into your workout schedule. Do things that make you feel alive. Also get in touch with your inner child. Laughing exercises can you help deal with difficult emotions.

Page of Cups in Wealth

In wealth, the Page’s energy brings about the possibility of exploring the potential of new opportunities. It is highly advised that you remain open to your creative ideas.

You could find ways to make more money and it could truly ignite your imagination in a powerful manner. Be willing to explore innovative solutions in business or career. Recognize your talents and gifts and allow them to come out into the open.

This is a significant time to nurture the opportunities that are coming towards. It is important to be realistic in your finances.

Creativity and imagination in finance can lead to lucrative opportunities. However, there is need to be balanced with your imaginative ideas.

Page of Cups as Yes or No?

Its a Yes.

Questions to ask when you receive the Page of Cups in a tarot reading?

  • What new emotional experiences are emerging for me at this time?
  • How can I remain receptive to intuitive messages that are coming my way?
  • In what ways can I nurture the development of my creative talents?
  • How can I communicate my feelings and connect with others in a heartfelt way?

Read next: Knight of Cups Tarot Card, Queen of Cups, King of Cups.

Complete List to Tarot Meanings.


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.