King of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

The King of Cups shows a dignified king seated on a throne. He is floating on the sea with a piece of concrete as his only protection. Amidst the turquoise blue ocean, he is adrift and all by himself.

He gazes to his right with a cup in his hand. He appears to be lost in thought. He has a deep connection to his feelings and carries with him an incredible amount of wisdom.

Upright Meaning of King of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

When the King of Cups is upright, it means that you are feeling deeply connected to your feelings. And, your level of emotional sensitivity could be heightened at this time. You may pick up on things that other people do not, you could feel like you have a deeper and more compassionate outlook to life.

The Key message of the King of Cups tarot card is to get in touch with the softer version of yourself. There are sensual aspects to your personality, adrift with your thoughts, you may appear aloof and emotionally detached. Many people might not see the swell of emotions that lingers below the surface.

Reverse Meaning of King of Cups Tarot Card

In reverse, the King of Cups is a sign of emotional turmoil. There is a lack of wisdom and an inability to handle one’s emotions. You may feel overwhelmed by your circumstances. Life could be challenging you to step out of that frame of mind and to go within.

There could be individuals that trigger you in a manner that throws you off course. You could feel overwhelmed by your emotions in a way that overwhelms your judgement.

Clearly, there are unresolved emotions that are clouding your mind. On a positive note, the King of Cups in reverse is a temporary phase and shouldn’t last long.

This tarot card in reverse could also mean emotional confrontations due to bottled up feelings. Finding a way to temper your moods could help you deal with this situation in a more healthier manner.

King of Cups in Love & Feelings

In Love, the King of Cups shows a loving individual that is open and receptive to love. He has a ton of wisdom and insight into the human heart, he has traversed the watery landscape of his inner psyche to the extent that he can easily understand people and their motives.

He is decisive and makes his emotional intelligence known to people around him. When you receive this tarot card, you are incredibly lucky to have found this man. at the highest version of himself, he will be thoughtful, romantic and loyal in a relationship.

There is a sense of maturity connected to him. He is emotionally stable and desires to be in a committed relationship. He thrives on forming meaningful connections.

At his lowest point, he can be manipulative, moody and stubborn. He can be immature if his emotions are imbalanced and also prone to cheating if he is not feeling emotionally fulfilled. There could be other factors that will affect his personality.

As feelings, your person is deeply attached to you. They might be hiding the true depth of their feelings. You are a large part of their life and they are highly invested in you. They see you as their long term partner and want to be your hero. This person won’t settle in life, they strive to have a partner to spend the rest of their lives with.

King of Cups in Health

In Health, the King of Cups suggests a time of connecting to the emotional aspect of your personality.

Depending on how you are feeling, the meaning of the King of Cups will vary. If you are feeling disconnected to your emotions. Practicing exercises that can help you understand yourself will be beneficial for you. Examples of this would be: Journaling your thoughts, therapy, learning how to read tarot.

In another light, if you are deeply connected from your feelings and need a break from them. There are a number of activities that you can participate in this instance. For example: Water boarding, Swimming, Kayaking, Surfing, Fishing, etc.

Your emotional health is an important aspect of who you are as a person. Interestingly, emotions govern most of a person’s actions. Therefore, learning how to manage them in times of stress can be useful for you.

King of Cups in Wealth

In wealth, the King of Cups is a sign of person that is deeply connected to their feelings. When they deal with money, they usually follow their heart. They can be incredibly shrewd and clever in their finances. The King of Cups is a sign of a person that takes his time to consider his options and then chooses the path that feels right to him.

The King of Cups is not one that makes impulsive decisions, if he has a family, he will typically consider their needs before his own. The King thinks long-term and is usually not swayed by get rich schemes.

In his older years, the King of Cups can become more frugal or flashy. Depending on how he handled his life in his youth, his outlook in life will invariably change in old age.

King of Cups as Yes or No?

Its a Yes.

Questions to ask when you receive the King of Cups in a Tarot Reading?

  1. How can I embody the King of Cups energy?
  2. What steps can I take to manage my complex emotions in a mature manner?
  3. How might the qualities of the King of Cups guide me in handling my current situation?
  4. Who in my life embodies the energy of the King of Cups, and how can I learn from their example?

Read next: Page of Cups, Knight of Cups, Queen of Cups.

Complete List of Tarot Meanings.


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.