Four of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Four of Wands Tarot Card is a positive energy that shows people celebrating. The individuals in this tarot card are in a good mood. They are wearing their best clothes and holding bouquets of flowers. They are standing close to a floral archway. There is a sense of harmony and joy in this tarot card.

Behind them, there is a solid foundation and can serve as a representation of wealth. There appears to be a tent and a group of individuals that appear to be talking and enjoying themselves.

In many ways, this scene is reminiscent of wedding celebrations. In the modern sense, it can represent bridal showers, graduation parties, birthday parties, etc.

There is a sense of peace connected to this tarot card. Everyone appears to be a good mood. Everyone is enjoying one another’s company. This merriment is a strong indication of happiness and contentment that is often experienced with people that truly care for one another.

Upright Meaning of the Four of Wands Tarot Card

This Tarot Card in the Upright position means that there are reasons for you to celebrate. This is a time to bask in the joy of your accomplishments. You are supported and loved by individuals that want you succeed. They want to see you happy and living your best life. And you want the same for them.

The Four of Wands can mean that there will be an upcoming event that will bring you a lot of happiness. You could be reuniting with friends and family and celebrating something crucial in your life or their lives.

There is a sense of belonging, a sense of feeling loved and cared for that is most reflective of this tarot card. This tarot card truly evokes a feeling of being loved on an unconditional level. One can refer to this energy as having found your crowd, your people.

Reverse Meaning of the Four of Wands Tarot Card

In reverse, the Four of Wands can represent a fallout with friends or family. Lacking a solid foundation of supportive individuals that want to see you happy. You could be surrounded by individuals that do not have your best interest at heart. There could be tension in your close relations. You may feel disconnected from your loved ones.

The building in the background is upside down, this means that your structural foundation of what a family should be has been disrupted. You may need to take a closer look at your upbringing and ask yourself what was lacking and how can you compensate for it?

This might require inner work, healing and forming a deeper understanding of yourself. Choosing to not engage with individuals and isolate can be good for some individuals. But in most cases, it is wonderful to have a handful of individuals that want the best for you.

If you do not have family members to lean upon or lack friends and would like to make some, consider joining groups or activities that will help you forge new bonds. Essentially, people are people, and there are Eight billion of them on this planet. There is no need for you to be lonely.

Four of Wands in Love & Feelings.

When it comes to Love, the four of wands can mean that you are celebrating something important. You could find yourself engaged to the love of your life.

There could be the renewal of vows. A Wedding anniversary or even a renewal of vows. The possibilities are endless and the core message is celebrating the idea of happiness and what it truly means for each and everyone of us.

If you are single, you could meet someone or be introduced to someone by a family member or friend. This could occur at a social outing, it could happen suddenly and unexpectedly and could bring you a great deal of happiness. You are advised to be open to the possibility of love as this energy could turn into a beautiful love story.

As feelings, the Four of Wands is a sign that your person sees you as a potential life partner. They could have given it a lot of thought and felt a desire to settle down and create a meaningful life.

Four of Wands in Health

When you receive the Four of Wands in Health, it means that you could be going through something and you have individuals around you that love and support you.

This could be vice versa. This tarot card can also symbolize good news that you have been eager to receive regarding your health. This energy is a positive indication of healing and recovery.

Perhaps you had a health scare and it turns out that there is nothing to worry about, human mortality is a difficult concept for many, the fragility of the human body is something that challenges the strongest of individuals. The key message of the Four of Wands tarot card is to nurture our health and take care of ourselves.

Maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle is a choice and it often has to come from a place of love. Inner peace can also help create steady and stable emotions. Surrounding yourself with positive individuals can also give your well-being a boost.

Four of Wands in Wealth

When it comes to Finance, the Four of Wands can represent a promotion, starting a new company, seeing the success of ones effort. It can also be a symbol of winning the lottery.

This card is the celebration of abundance, having everything you need and more. This is a time to celebrate your financial accomplishments and give yourself a pat on the back.

You could reward yourself with a holiday abroad, you could throw a party to celebrate life. There are a number of ways to enjoy this energy and yourself. The key aspect is realizing that you deserve all the good things life has to offer and that you are worthy of happiness.

Four of Wands as Yes or No?

Its a Yes.

Questions to ask when your receive the Four of Wands in a tarot reading?

  • How can I build on this foundation?
  • Who are the people that contribute to my sense of security and happiness?
  • What can I do to foster a greater sense of community and shared joy?
  • How does this moment of celebration prepare me for future challenges?
  • What are the next goals I should set as I enjoy this period of stability?

    Read next: Five of Wands, Six of Wands, Seven of Wands.

    Complete List of Tarot Meanings.


    Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.