Five of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Five of Wands Tarot Card shows a group of individuals in the heat of an argument. There is a fierce battle that is taking place and it could be rooted in a trivial disagreement or a more serious offence. With each participant wielding a wand, it poses a danger of escalating into something more hostile.

Each person person offers up their opinion but in a semi-aggressive manner, none seem to agree with the other’s perspective and the desire to assert oneself is creating an unpredictable situation.

These type of situations often occur in family relationships between siblings, in work situations that involve colleagues or perhaps even in situations among friends. Interestingly enough, there is not enough malice to cause genuine strive. This chaotic energy is propelled forward by a competitive energy and the need to be right.

The figures appear to be having their quarrel on uneven ground so there is no saying how this argument will play out and if all of them will emerge as friends thereafter. But one thing is for certain, they all believe in their point of view with a passionate fervor. It is after-all the Five of wands tarot card.

Upright Meaning

When you receive the Five of Wands in upright position, it means that you find yourself amidst some type of drama that is unfolding. This can be an issue with another person, or the issue could be something you are part and parcel off. The key aspect is having an understanding of the role you play in the matter. If it is something you genuinely believe in, are you getting your point across in a proper way. Are people hearing your point of view or are you listening closely to their point of view.

In some situations, certain things are worth fighting for, in others, it is simply a waste of time. In life, competition is necessary in order for there to be progress. Human beings have a need to move forwards and to constantly strive towards something new and better. This often means that others fall behind and their opinion falls to side.

The message is to take it all into account and welcome constructive debates that can foster growth and progress. In another light, there are times when you have to simply stand up for your believe and to defend yourself.

Reverse Meaning

In reverse, the Five of Wands indicates the avoidance of a conflict. Some arguments are being swept under the rug and are not entirely resolved. This can prove to be a hassle in the long term as it causes emotions to fester and to be bottled up in an unhealthy manner.

In these situations, it is necessary to consult with an expert to resolve this dilemma. Seeking counselling from a professional is not a sign of weakness but rather a bold step that is taken by individuals that know they need help.

Your path ahead requires maturity and realizing that sometimes you have to take the bull by the horns. When people fight and disagree, if there is a failure to resolve the situation, it results in a build up of anger and rage. The old adage that time heals old wounds does not work every-time.

Five of Wands in Love & Feelings.

When it comes to love, it means that disagreements have taken precedence over the relationship. The priority is not one another well-being and happiness but rather proving oneself to be right.

Within relationships, there is a great need to have compromise. Honest communication can solve many underlying issues. Finding a common ground can prove useful for the overall relationship.

Be aware of power struggles and the need to assert ones dominance. If you are dating someone that feels a need to do so, it could be due to some type of an insecurity that is festering in the background. Your message would be to seek advice on the relationship.

As feelings, your person is nit-picking at fruitless arguments. They could be feeling antsy and impulsive, something is troubling them and may have nothing to do with you. You have to protect your peace of mind and put your needs first. Avoid this person and try to resolve the issue at a later time, preferably in an amicable manner.

Five of Wands in Health

In health, the Five of Wands is a symbol of tension in your life. This often shows up in medical issues. You are being called to find balance and harmony within your physical and emotional well-being.

You are reminded that stress and conflict go hand in hand. Some conflicts are not worth your time and others require your attention. Setting stable boundaries and respecting one another can go a long way in having a more peaceful life. And having a peaceful life means that there is more room for a healthier lifestyle.

Five of Wands in Wealth

When it comes to money, wealth and prosperity, the Five of Wands means that there is some type of competition or challenge in your life. Business dealings could go awry, business partnerships might fall to the side and create unnecessary drama and conflict.

You are being called to be vigilant and aware of who you choose to do business with, if compromise is unachievable, perhaps you are not working with the right people. Potential adversaries could prove to be a nuisance at this time.

And it necessary to transform this energy into one that can be a win-win for all concerned. This is a time to handle situations with grace and integrity. Remember, people will remember you for your character and how you handled your challenges.

Five of Wands as Yes or No?

Its a No.

Questions to Ask when you receive the Five of Wands in a tarot reading?

  • What conflicts am I currently facing in my life?
  • How can I use competition as an opportunity for growth?
  • What strategies can I employ to resolve these conflicts effectively?
  • How can I ensure that my perspective is understood in the midst of disagreement?
  • What can I learn from the challenges presented?
  • How can I turn this period of struggle into a stepping stone for personal development?

    Read next: Six of Wands, Seven of Wands, Eight of Wands.

    Complete List of Tarot Meanings.


    Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.