Eight of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

In the Eight of Cups, there is a figure walking away from a group of carefully arranged cups. The Cups represent a situation that has provided emotional fulfillment and happiness. The figure is on an introspective journey.

The moon is highlighted in this tarot card. It is a sign of the subconscious mind and the connection to the divine. The Lunar cycles of the moon varies according to the time of the month and this carries meaning with the Eight of cups.

The figure is on his own personal journey, he is determined to move forward, regardless of what he is leaving behind. The Eight of Cups represents letting go when a situation has served its purpose.

Upright Meaning

When the Eight of Cups is in upright position, it represents profound change as well the pursuit of spiritual fulfillment. This is the time to step of out your comfort zone, explore new horizons and seek deeper meaning to your life.

This card is a sign that you are receiving divine messages from the universe to walk away from a situation that no longer brings you joy or happiness. It is time to release emotional attachments that could be holding you back.

If you have been searching your soul for deeper meaning to your life, then the Eight of Cups is a sign that you are on the right path to move on from any lingering issues, situations or circumstances that no longer fulfill you.

Reverse Meaning

In reverse, the Eight of Cups means that you are hesitant to leave a situation behind. You could be feeling stuck. The familiar routines, places and people still hold power of you. You are being called to confront your fears and listen to your inner voice.

It is necessary for you to be honest with yourself in order to avoid stagnation. Remember true growth occurs when you are absolutely honest with yourself. Write down a list of pros and cons on staying and leaving and then determine the right course of action to take in order to live your best life.

Eight of Cups in Love & Feelings.

In love, the Eight of Cups is a reminder that personal growth involves walking away from relationships that no longer resonate with your authentic self. For those individuals in a relationship, it encourages open communication and suggests the need to make changes in order for the relationship to flourish.

On another hand, it can represent the need for emotional detachment in order to refocus on your needs in a relationship. This is the time to prioritize your needs.

If you are single, you could have been dealing with the emotional baggage of a prior relationship. It could have preventing you from forming healthier connections with new people. Cutting off communication with exes that have served their purpose is a good idea.

As feelings, your person is choosing to walk away from this situation. Whether it is emotionally or the physical act of walking away, staying seems more difficult than leaving. It may have taken along time to reach this decision. However, they may feel that it is the best thing to do for all parties concerned.

Eight of Cups in Health

In health, the Eight of Cups encourages you to take a step back from old habits and routines. If you have been triggered to overeat, smoke or any unhealthy habit that is preventing you from living your best life, the Eight of Cups is a sign that now is the time to face your emotions, heal old past wounds and release mentally draining burdens.

Physically, you are called to incorporate new fitness routines into your day to day life in order to live a healthier and more meaningful life.

Eight of Cups in Wealth

In wealth, the Eight of Cups represents a need to stop engaging in practices that waste your time an energy. Some individuals may find themselves leaving old jobs where there is no chance of career growth.

If you have been working tirelessly in an unfulfilling job, perhaps its time to gain new skills and to take a different path. Finding your passion is key with the Eight of Cups tarot card. Focusing on what brings you joy can help you move towards self-improvement.

Eight of Cups as Yes or No?

Its a No.

Questions to ask when you get the Eight of Cups in a Tarot Reading?

  • What is your intuition telling you to do?
  • What habits or attachments do you need to release at this time?
  • What resources do you have to help you make this transition?
  • What will provide you with emotional fulfillment?
  • What will make you happy?

Read next: Nine of Cups, Ten of Cups, Page of Cups

Complete List of Tarot Meanings.


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.