Ten of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

The Ten of Swords shows a figure flat on the ground, with his back to the sky, he appears to have ten swords piercing his back. The sky shows dark clouds, with the sun on the horizon, it is a symbol of the darkest hour before dawn. This tarot card embodies the idea that both pain and acceptance can occur side by side in the same sphere of existence.

Upright Meaning of Ten of Swords

In upright, the Ten of Swords is a culmination of a challenging journey. It is a sign that you need to release the burdens that are weighing you down. This is the time to accept the unavoidable end of a situation, this signifies that a chapter is ending, and you have done all that you could have, however to no avail. The symbol of the sun rising is a sign that in the darkest moment, there is still hope. The painful ending that you are experiencing is giving birth to a new chapter. At this point, all you can do is accept it as fate and rise from the ashes.

Reverse Meaning of Ten of Swords

In reverse, this tarot card is a sign of a refusal to acknowledge that something has ended. There is a need for you to release old patterns and beliefs that are hindering your progress. Avoiding closure is prolonging your suffering and as a result, you are choosing to remain stuck in a fruitless situation.

Interestingly, the Ten of Swords can show up as a symphony of emotions, one moment you could feel up and making progress, and the next you could feel the need to hold onto the past. Remember, the inability to release old patterns is preventing movement and growth. Ultimately, Life is cycle of endings and new beginnings. With the flow of life’s ever-changing tides, you can discover of the power you have in the present moment.

Ten of Swords in Love & Feelings.

In Love, the Ten of Swords shows poignant emotions, you could have experienced a painful heartbreak. Facing the end of the relationship could leave you feeling vulnerable as well as emotionally exhausted. You could be questioning your judgement and wondering if you’re to blame?

There will be a slew of emotions that can overwhelm you, the key is accepting the pain and moving forward. When you find yourself in a toxic or unhealthy relationship, the ten of swords can serve as a catalyst for a pending breakup. This is giving you a forewarning and whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.

If you are single and looking for love, this tarot card is a sign of you dealing with your pain, rather than putting a band-aid on it. Instead of immediately dating someone new, you are choosing to go through the motions of your emotions, by making peace with the past and organizing your thoughts, you are making way for a better life. As feelings, your person feels downtrodden, they could be playing the role of the victim and feel like the world is against them. They are having a hard time accepting responsibility for their actions.

Ten of Swords in Health

In health, this tarot card can be a sign of exhaustion, despair and an inevitable ending. Perhaps someone close to you has passed on, or you are facing a seemingly difficult challenge that is ongoing and feels like it is never going to end, during this time of crisis, it is important for you to evaluate your situation.

Moreover, you could be seeing the back-end of a difficult situation. As it comes to end, you are starting to feel vibrant and alive. If you’ve faced some type of a betrayal and it took a toll on your health, you are redefining yourself and have found new coping mechanisms. Start to honor your body and mind. Consider seeking help from professionals.

Ten of Swords in Wealth

In wealth, the Ten of Swords is a sign of your difficulties coming to an end. There was no way around this issue, and the only way to overcome it was for it to end, it is as simple as that, you are moving towards new opportunities and will soon start to feel motivated and inspired.

You have ended a difficult financial chapter, and cultivating an attitude of abundance through gratitude. You have learnt some powerful lessons and will now make wiser choices moving forward.

Ten of Swords as a Yes or No.

Its a No.

Questions to ask when you receive the Ten of Swords in a tarot reading?

What has come to an end in my life, and how can I accept this closure? In what ways might this ending offer an opportunity for a new beginning? What lessons can I learn from the difficulties I’ve faced? How can I recover and heal from any feelings of betrayal? How can I move forward constructively, leaving behind the past?

Read next: King of Swords, Page of Swords, Queen of Swords.