The owl spirit animal has a strong connection to wisdom and intuition. When you follow the guidance of the owl spirit, you will tap into the spiritual world, thus gaining the necessary knowledge and intelligence.

The owl spirit animal is a powerful creature that looks after the forest in mysterious ways. The owl is an apex predator that operates in silence. You may not know that it is there, even though it is watching you.
With a powerful sense of awareness, there is nothing that escapes the watchful eye of the Owl Spirit animal. The owl accomplishes its tasks swiftly and uses its intuition and intelligence in sophisticated ways.
What does the Owl Spirit Animal Teach you?
The owls have the power to see clearly in the dark to catch its prey. They are equipped with the wide angle of vision, pin-point hearing, accurate judgment, powerful claws and the ability to fly without a sound to accomplish its mission. All the qualities of an owl make it one of the most successful hunters in the animal kingdom.
When you are connected with the owl spirit animal, you are granted with their ability to see beyond the current circumstances that you are in, such as someone being deceitful and trying to manipulate you.
The owl spirit animal gives you an advantage, regardless of challenges and difficulties. In situations where you cannot see clearly, you are called to trust in your intuition and listen to your inner voice.
In situations where you feel like you have no control, you are called to awaken to the power of your intuition and trust your inner compass to lead the way. This is the time to surround yourself with confident people. Avoid the doubters and Debbie Downers.
Your decisions, when based on clarity and a deep understanding of your situation, you will naturally see the right path to take on your journey.
What does the Owl Spirit Animal mean in your dreams?
When the owl spirit animal visits you in your dream, it means that you are seeking spiritual guidance in your life. You want to understand your true nature and acknowledge your identity.
You want to awaken your intuition and enlighten your soul by doing things that pleases you. You will dream about the owl spirit animal when you are at a turning point. You could be on the verge of making one of the most important decisions of your life.
If you are looking for a sign from the universe, the Owl spirit animal is suggesting that you are on the right path. If you feel like you still need time to discover where you are in your life and had a dream about the owl, the owl spirit wants you slow things down and focus your energy on yourself.
You should be the center of attention at this point in time and you should not be wasting time on other people that are creating confusion in your mind.
If you have made up your mind, but feel doubtful about your decision, the owl spirit is letting you know that you need to keep moving in the direction of your goal, so keep your head up high and push forward to achieve your goals in life.
Owl Dreams
Great Horned Owl
This owl is a powerful predator that can take down birds and mammals bigger than itself. It has the piercing glare that can see in the darkness and effortlessly maneuver through the forest with ease.
If you dream about this majestic animal, it means that you are capable of achieving greatness. These fierce animals are the worst enemies to crows. If you have been dreaming about the Great horned owl, it means that you will triumph over your enemy.
People that have the Great Horned owl as a spirit animal make dangerous adversaries. It is advised to avoid these individuals and not engage in combat.
Snowy (White) Owl
This owl is bulky and covered in dense feathers. Its striking white appearance captures your attention with a sharp look. The Snowy owl spirit animal in dreams is a sign that you are seeking guidance to connect with your inner being and awaken your intuition.
You are asking questions to seek the truth and yearning for more than what is given to you at this present moment. You have an affinity toward things that linger in the unknown, apart of you yearns for mystery and adventure.
You are drawn to the unknown elements of life, apart of you enjoys solving these mysteries. Always on the search for greater meaning to your life, you live to make unique discoveries in your human existence. You are called to tap into these gifts and utilize them for the greater good.
Barn Owl
Barn owls are the most loved species of owls. They look cute and adorable. However, do not let their appearance fool you, because they are lethal hunters that silently catch their prey at night and they will swallow their prey whole. 🙂
The barn owl spirit in your dream means that you need to plan your journey ahead rather than rushing into it.
It is important for you to be patient and carefully analyze the pros and cons of your situation. Your goal may seem out of your reach now, but the barn owl spirit animal is assuring you, that the effort that you put into your work will be greatly rewarded.
Baby Owl
Seeing a baby owl in your dream is positive sign that you are on the right path. The baby owl spirit is showing you that you are about to embark on a new journey that will bring abundance, joy and prosperity in your life.
It is also a sign that you are going through a rebirth. There is a life changing event about to happen for you, you will be given a second chance for something important to you. It is advised for you to be patient and stay focused on your goals.