The Nine of Swords shows a figure sitting on a bed, her hands are covering her face, she is in distress. There are nine swords that hang on the wall, casting a shadow on the scene. The room is dark and somber. It appears as if the figure is experiencing mental anguish and is the grip of worry.
Upright Meaning
In upright, the Nine of Swords is an indication of inner turmoil, anxiety and worry. If you are experiencing mental distress and sleepless nights, then this is the sign to take hold of your mind and release this overwhelming stress from your life.
If you are trapped in negative thought patterns and feel unable to find peace, then it might be a time to release feelings of guilt and blame. If you have been tormenting yourself with regrets over past actions, then it might be time to release these emotions. If you do not have the insight to make informed decisions, and you allow your fears of the future to take hold off you, you could be compromising your happiness in a significant way. Its time to see beyond your immediate challenges and find a way forward.
Reverse Meaning of the Nine of Swords
In reverse, the Nine of swords is a sign of releasing anxiety and mental distress. This is a time of gathering yourself and gaining control over your thoughts. You are finding a way to manage your worries.
You have learnt to accept the past and have forgiven yourself for any mistakes. You are willing to let go off any self-imposed pain and sadness. This time you are choosing your own happiness over someone else’s happiness. And, You are choosing yourself with peace of mind.
You are adopting ways of dealing with stress and anxiety, and as you do so, you are transforming your fears into strengths. This powerful shift in your mindset is helping you to weed out negative thoughts and negative people from your life.
Nine of Swords in Love & Feelings
In love, the Nine of Swords is showing concern for a particular person or situation. You are finding that your anxieties and insecurities are eroding into your peace of mind. The relationship is more hassle than joy, and eventually, something has got to give. It could be time to let go of your situation, especially if you lay awake at night wondering about your significant other, Where are they? Who are they with? Are they cheating?
If you are looking for love, then this tarot card is a sign of staying awake at night waiting for a reply to your text message. You may possess feelings for someone that is busy with their own lives, and you simply cannot figure out whether they are into you or not, it is recommended to not stress and recognize that things will work out as they are meant to! As feelings, your person is extremely worried and having sleepless nights. Something is troubling them immensely, they are struggling to communicate their feelings and preferring to internalize their pain.
Nine of Swords in Health
In matters of health, the Nine of Swords serves as a cautionary tale about the power of the mind over the body. It embodies the anguish that arises from physical ailments, anxiety, and the fear of the unknown. This card urges us to confront our health-related worries, reminding us that suffering in silence can exacerbate our conditions.
By acknowledging our struggles, we empower ourselves to seek medical advice, implement positive lifestyle changes, and embrace holistic well-being. The card calls for the release of negative thought patterns and the cultivation of a positive mindset that can aid in the healing process.
Nine of Swords in Wealth
In wealth, the Nine of Swords is a sign of financial distress. You could be experiencing an upheaval in your business affairs, your work may not provide you with much joy. If you find yourself in a place where you having sleepless nights due to your circumstances, then it is a sign that things need to change in order for them to get better.
The key aspect is recognizing that you have no power over the past, you have power in the present moment and that is the key. Start by making wise decisions for your present life, go within and search for the answers you seek in order to find your way out of your present predicament.
Nine of Swords as Yes or No?
Its a No.
Questions to ask when you receive the Nine of Swords in a tarot reading?
What are the causes of my current anxiety or distress? How can I address the underlying fears? What steps can I take to alleviate my worries and find peace? Am I holding onto negative thoughts that exacerbate my situation? Who can I reach out to for support during this challenging time? What can I learn from this period of distress to help me in the future?
Read next: Ten of Swords Tarot Card, Page of Swords, Knight of Swords.