King of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The King of Pentacles shows a man seated on a throne. He exudes a sense of power and control. In one hand, he holds a pentacle which is a sign of achieving financial success in his endeavors.

In the background, we see a bright yellow sky which indicates a sunny day. To the left, there is a mountain which could indicate challenges and struggles, but that is behind him.

Upright Meaning

In upright, the King of Pentacles shows that you have found a way to create and sustain abundance. You are encouraged to embrace your inner power and take charge of your financial affairs. You are being called to look at all aspects of your life and take a practical approach.

The King of Pentacles represents a considerate and cautious man. He carefully analyzes a situation before making his move, he abhors risk, and prefers the path that is tried and tested.

He exudes a sense of maturity, and has a strong sense of diplomacy when it comes to dealing with people.

Reverse Meaning

In reverse, the King of Pentacles is a sign of challenges. You could be facing adversity when it comes to dealing with your career or business. There is a possibility that you are feeling stressed out as you deal with these issues.

Business deals could fall apart or you could face cut-throat competitors that are without morals. This could push you to retaliate or potentially lose sight of your moral compass.

In another light, it can mean that you are over-working and not considering the other aspects of your life. If you are prioritizing material possessions over your loved ones, then this could create cracks in your relationships.

It is important to consider that every action has a reaction. Moreover, the King of Pentacles in reverse could be a sign of shady business deals, corruption, greediness and participating in business deals with a win/lose mentality.

King of Pentacles in Love & Feelings.

In Love, if you are in a relationship, then you could be involved with someone that is strong, steady and reliable. This individual could prioritize your needs over other people. He could be the type of person that helps you out when you need help. He is consistent, and always shows up.

The major benefit of dating someone that embodies the King of Pentacles tarot card is that he is trustworthy and loyal. By nature, he will not be drawn to cheating, lying or manipulation. He can be very straightforward and honest with you.

As feelings, you are dealing with a person that shows up as a consistent, faithful partner. Someone that can be trusted and loyal. This is difficult to find in the real world. You are being called to honor this union and to return the love.

This person values the necessity of long term commitments and realizes that anything of meaning is rooted in building a relationship that last the test of time.

King of Pentacles in Health

In health, the King of Pentacles is a sign of gluttony, sitting and eating for long periods of time. It can also be a symbol of not exercising. Some individuals may spend time in nature, but that is not enough for your health and well-being. You are being called to evaluate your habits, and ask yourself if your are doing enough for your health?

King of Pentacle in Wealth

In wealth, this tarot card is a sign of achieving success in your financial goals. You could have a natural talent in leading a team. You could be running your own business and find that people respect and admire you.

Your talents have proven to lead you towards sound financial decisions. You are called to be practical in how your approach your career or business.

There could be paths of abundance that are opening up for you. Meeting new people that aligned to your mutual goals could be good for you. Forming partnerships with key individuals will be crucial to achieving your objectives.

Moreover, you could have the power to make a difference on a bigger scale, whether that entails giving back and contributing to certain charities, there are opportunities for you to make important changes in the world.

King of Pentacles as Yes or No?

Its a Yes.

Questions to ask when you receive the King of Pentacles in a tarot reading?

  • What strategies can I implement to achieve financial security?
  • How can I use my leadership abilities to influence positive outcomes in my career?
  • In what ways can I further develop my skills to reach the pinnacle of success?
  • How do I ensure that my achievements are sustainable over the long term?
  • What lessons have I learned from my journey to success that I can share with others?

Read next:Ā Page of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles.

Complete List of Tarot Meanings.