Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

The Eight of Swords shows a blindfolded woman that is standing with her hands bound, her posture is an indication of her present helplessness.

At her foot, there is a puddle of water that is drying up, compared to behind her which shows a larger body of water. She remains in a situation that she has no emotional connection to, her bound hands can easily be undone, but she chooses to remain powerlessness.

Upright Meaning

In upright, the eight of swords is an indication of deeply challenging emotions. You could feel trapped and powerless in your situation.

This could present itself in the form of external limitations or internal limitations, you could be allowing past choices to dictate your current choices, preventing you from moving forward. It is vital for you to stop underestimating your abilities.

If you are lacking clarity in some aspect of your life, then it is important to figure out what your idea of happiness is, doing so can help you gain an understanding of your vision.

In situations where you feel overwhelmed, doubts could creep in and negativity could take precedence, in this circumstances, it is necessary to re-evaluate your situation. And find ways to overcome this temporary situation.

Reverse Meaning

In reverse, it means that you are liberating yourself from self-imposed limitations, you are starting to recognize your inner strength and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. You are starting to gain clarity and insight of your situation.

You are encouraged to confront your fears, you are called to be more assertive and proactive in addressing challenges. You are realizing that you have more control over your circumstances that you previously thought. As you start to consider new perspectives, you are exploring innovative ways as solutions to your problems.

Eight of Swords in Love & Feelings

In love, the eight of swords carries profound implications, it can indicate that you are dealing with a highlight complex relationship. It might be difficult to face your reality, you could be in a situation where you feel as if you cannot change things, but you can.

If your connection has grown stagnant or feels as if it is devoid of emotion and love, then it might be a good idea to confront the issue.

Apart from honest communication, it is necessary to remove illusions and start to see things clearly. Stop allowing past experiences to hinder your potential for happiness and love.

Your person is unable to see what is going on, they could be in deep denial and not facing the situation. The prospect and opportunity of a relationship is before them, yet they do not see it. There is a possibility that they are unable to accept the connection as they are facing a personal challenge in their life.

Eight of Swords in Health

In health, you are called to pay attention to your health and mental well-being. If you have been dealing with issues, it is time to deal with the negative thoughts and behaviors that are adversely affecting your health.

This is the time to evaluate your beliefs. How do you interact and engage with your workouts, diet-plan? If you are facing mental health challenges, seeking out professionals can help you greatly.

Eight of Swords in Wealth

In wealth, the eight of swords can present the idea of financial restrictions or the fear of taking a risk. Your hesitancy to step and take opportunities that are showing up.

You could lack of confidence, this is the time to break free from limiting beliefs and explore new approaches from financial experts.

You are cautioned from taking a complacent approach. You are encouraged to assess your situation and have an open mind in order to adapt in your situation.

Stepping out of you comfort zone can provide you with outlets of new expression, you could find yourself addressing a large group of people that find you relatable.

Eight of Swords as Yes or No?

Its a No.

Questions to ask when you get the Eight of Swords tarot card?

  • What is causing me to feel trapped?
  • How much of my situation is due to my own beliefs?
  • What steps can I take to liberate myself from these limitations?
  • Is there help available that I haven’t considered yet?
  • What fears am I allowing to control my actions?
  • How can I change my mindset to see new possibilities?

Read next:Ā Nine of Swords Tarot Card, Ten of Swords, Page of Swords, Knight of Swords.

Complete List of Tarot Meanings.