Page of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Page of Wands shows a young person standing with a wand in his hand. The Page is dressed in colorful clothing that is adorned with feathers. The feathered cap atop his head is a symbol of his adventurous spirit.

The Page is a changeable character, with a salamander emblem on his tunic, he is open to change and transformation. He has a resilient spirit and is quite confidence in his approach to life.

The backdrop shows a barren landscape, and despite the sandiness and emptiness of the location, there is immense potential present in this tarot card. The Page of Wands represents a person that is open to new beginnings and prone to creative ideas. On occasion, he may have more than one epiphany lighting up his synapses.

The Page is ready for adventure and wants to explore the world with enthusiasm. He has a determination to discover new cultures, new countries and a different way of life.

This is a powerful energy that young people often possess, some older people too and if you happen to receive this tarot card, it is a positive sign that your life is about to take a turn for the better.

Upright Meaning

When the Page of Wands appears in a tarot reading, it means that there is a new beginning on the horizon. Your curiosity is opening up a doorway of exciting possibilities. This is a time to creatively explore life and see what it has to offer you.

You are called to listen to your inner child and allow your imagination to run wild with ideas. The possibilities are endless. A little thought could turn into a big idea and that could a positive turn-around for your life regardless of your current circumstances.

Another key message of this tarot card is that you could be on the cusp of a new chapter in your life. There is so much potential for your personal growth and you are bound to realize some untapped talents that have been buried deep inside of your soul.

You are being shown a path that will take towards new experiences, there may a little risk involved, but with curiosity and a positive attitude. There is no telling what you can achieve as anything is possible.

Reverse Meaning

In Reverse, the Page of Wands is a sign of restlessness and feeling antsy about delays. You could be feeling a lack of enthusiasm in some aspect of your life. In this case, you are being called to be patient and persevere in your set of circumstances.

If you find that you are easily distracted or lack a sense of direction, it might be time to set goals and find a sense of purpose in your life This is a time to rediscover yourself and find things that ignite your passion.

Depending on the surrounding cards, the Page of Wands can also mean that there is a need for you to be cautious and find balance in your life. You are encouraged to avoid impulsive actives and refocus on what makes you feel alive and happy.

The Page of Wands in Love & Feelings.

In terms of Love, the Page of Wands is a sign of a young fresh love that could appear out of nowhere. There could be a chance to date someone that has a youthful energy or brings a sense of joy to your heart. You are urged to open up your heart to new experiences. Communication can help foster a stronger bond.

There is also a chance on meeting someone whilst travelling abroad or even at a new job. The possibilities of connecting on a shared passion is high. The two of you may have had similar experiences or have a desire to experience thrilling adventures that set your heart on fire.

One key aspect of the Page of Wands in love is that there will be a mutual appreciation and understanding of shared goals and desires. The two of you will enjoy spontaneous trips abroad and live for adventures to far-off locations. Thoughtful and romantic gestures could be the norm and there is a strong possibility of playfulness in the union.

The Page of Wands does not take romance seriously, so this is more off a light-hearted romance than a serious one but it can grow into something more serious later on. You are cautioned to not be too serious with your potential new love as that could be a turn off.

The Page of Wands in Health

In health, the Page of Wands is a sign of vitality and renewal. You could experience a surge of energy, life will feel different and more exciting. This is the time to go out and find new ways to raise your serotonin levels.

Think of exciting exercises that gets your blood pumping. This could occur in a natural setting such a beautiful park or perhaps in a forest. You could take up sports such as jet-skiing or perhaps even sand-dune bashing.

Life is about making the best of it with the people you love, its about making memories that stand the test of time and having a blast.

At the same time, make sure to check that your mental well-being is also nurtured and cared for. Do things that bring you a sense of joy, whether that is going out and living an extraordinary life or making healthy recipes at home. It all starts from a place of love and genuinely caring for yourself.

The Page of Wands in Wealth

In Wealth, the Page of Wands is a powerful sign of exciting opportunities, especially when it comes to financial growth. You may experience new prospects in career or your business ventures.

This may ignite a desire to take a few bold steps towards your objectives. For others, you may find yourself running towards your dreams with your hands wide open.

Right now, your life is filling up with curiosity and a desire to experience exciting opportunities. Whether that means exploring new markets and starting new projects. You are being given the go-ahead to do so.

Another key message is to stop approaching life from a conventional perspective. Start doing things that align with your passions and strengths. And with that attitude, you will find many new doors opening up for you in the most miraculous way.

Page of Wands as Yes or No?

Its a Yes.

Questions to Ask when you receive the Page of Wands in a tarot reading?

  • What new ideas am I excited to explore?
  • How can I express my enthusiasm in a constructive way?
  • What message am I eager to share with others?
  • In what areas of my life am I experiencing a sense of curiosity?
  • How can I take the first steps towards a new project?
  • What can I learn from the fresh perspective the Page of Wands brings?

    Read next: Knight of Wands, Queen of Wands, King of Wands.

    Complete List of Tarot Meanings.