Twin Flame Tarot Spread
A Twin Flame Tarot Spread is designed to help individuals gain insight into their twin flame connection, a deep and spiritual bond that transcends time and space. This spread can provide guidance and clarity on the twin flame relationship and the journey towards union. Here’s a 7-card Twin Flame Tarot Spread:
Your Energy This card represents your current energy and state of mind regarding your twin flame connection. It can reveal your thoughts, feelings, and attitudes toward this relationship at the moment.
Your Twin Flame’s Energy This card represents the current energy and state of mind of your twin flame in relation to your connection. It can provide insight into their thoughts, feelings, and attitudes toward the relationship.
What Draws You Together This card represents the spiritual and energetic forces that have brought you and your twin flame together in this lifetime. It can shed light on the divine purpose of your connection.
Challenges to Overcome This card highlights the challenges or obstacles that you and your twin flame may need to overcome on your journey towards union. It can offer guidance on what needs healing or resolution.
Divine Guidance This card represents the guidance and support from the universe or higher powers in your twin flame journey. It can offer insights into the spiritual lessons you both need to learn.
Union Potential This card reveals the potential for union between you and your twin flame in the near future. It can provide insight into the timing and conditions for your reunion.
Overall Message This final card provides an overall message or guidance for your twin flame journey. It summarizes the key lessons, energies, or actions you should focus on to nurture and strengthen your connection.

What happens when Twin Flames meet?
When Twin Flames meet one another, they experience a shift in their consciousness. It can be compared to a life changing experience. Usually there is an instantaneous recognition. Something will feel different about the person in front of you. Everything will seem to be a blur in those first few moments. Your insides will start to twist in excitement.
You could find yourself staring deeply into their eyes and feeling a surreal connection. You will have a heightened sense of awareness. You may find yourself studying the features of your Twin Flame closely. You will look at the shape of their eyes, you will notice the shape of their nose, eyebrows, etc.
Twin Flame Recognition
A lot of focus will be placed on eye contact. You and your Twin Flame may stare into each other’s eyes for a few moments. Though, it will feel like eternity. Breaking eye contact will feel strange. Your mind will be racing with thoughts. You will try to process the situation. Some questions you may find yourself asking in those moments. Who is this person? Have I met him/her before? I know this person. From where? When did I meet him/her?
Nothing will come to mind. Of course, you will not have met the person prior to that initial meeting, since it is your very first meeting. So none of it will make sense in that moment. You will also experience a plethora of emotions. As you engage with your Twin Flame, you find yourself going from hot to cold. Your emotions are doing the Mexican wave, and you can feel the butterflies deep in the pit of your stomach. The butterflies that used to sway in a harmonious manner when you were nervous, well they are now in frenzy.
As you jump from one emotion to the next, you find yourself moving from a place of courage to a place of nervousness. There could be a flurry of laughter followed by a burst of anger. Each experience will depend on the disposition of the Twin Flame essence. Each person will have a slightly different experience. However, the common theme will be a desire to understand why you are suddenly feeling drawn to this person. It is a different sensation to falling in love, and it is completely opposite of Love at first sight.
Meeting Your Twin Flame
As Falling in Love deals with going through a different set of emotions. You gradually fall in love, this could be over the course of a few weeks or days. Whereas, Love at First Sight is based on a physical appearance and an emotional connection based on preconceived notions. Often based on a fantasy of a person, and a hope for the other individual to fulfill a missing element. Whereas the Twin Flame experience is based on I’ve always loved you. I’ve always known you. I’ve always yearned for you. You were missing piece of my soul essence. Not a soulmate, soul essence.
Twin Flame Signs
Powerful Connection
You and your Twin Flame will share a powerful connection. This will be different to the connections that you share with other individuals. This will be a unique relationship. Unlike anything that you have ever experienced in your life. Your Twin Flame will be the person that understands you completely and unequivocally. This connection can be emotional and intellectual in nature. The two of you will agree on most things. Disagreements can also be intense. However, those will be fuelled by the ego.
Emotional Connection
The Emotional Connection goes beyond sympathy and empathy for one another. There is a genuine desire to lift the other person up. It is completely unbearable to see your Twin Flame suffer. It can be excruciatingly difficult to watch them cry or feel sadness.
Although Telepathy is an under researched field of study, it does exist. Many people are aware of it. What is Telepathy? It occurs when two individuals communicate via their thoughts. It is a profound experience. In some cases, mothers have an astute awareness of their child’s pain. It has been shown that they can sense when their children are in danger or have been hurt. Even if they are thousands of miles apart. In the same light, Twin Flames experience the same telepathic connection.
If your Twin Flame is thinking about you, you will sense their presence. If your Twin Flame is going through challenging times, you will feel that energy as well. It is difficult to comprehend how any of this is possible. However, the connection is profound and unique. There are certain things that scientists have not been able to understand.
What happens when you are experiencing a Telepathic connection with your Twin Flame?
You will feel a connection to your Twin Flame. It can come out of the blue, you may sense that they are in need of your advice. If you are on speaking terms with your Twin Flame, you should reach out to them.
What happens if you sense that your Twin Flame is in danger?
It is strongly advisable that you do not ignore your connection and telepathic insight into their well-being.
Immediate Connection
As stated above, the connection occurs rather fast. There is no time to think, process or analyse the depth of your feelings. All of your common sense will go out of the window. You feel drawn to their presence, like a moth to a flame. All you want to do is to stare into their eyes. Its as if you are going on a space expedition inside of their soul. You are fully aware in those moments that if you go deeper inside of their soul essence, you may not find your way out.
They feel the same way towards you. This is not a one sided thing. They are also drawn to your presence, they want to spend every moment with you, by your side. They feel a distinct connection to you. They want to know everything about you. They long to be in your presence. They do not play games with your emotions.
Age Difference
There could be an age difference between the two of you. However, this is not always the case. In some situations, it can be an age difference of twenty years. However, the maturity of the soul can vary. In some cases, the younger soul will be more mature than the older soul.
Cultural Difference
In some cases, the Two souls could be from different cultures, religions and countries. This will only serve to make the experience more unique. Why do Twin Flames choose to come to earth in different cultures, religions and races? The answer is quite simple. In some cases, they might not have a choice. In other cases, they could do so to spread the lovely message, we are all the same and love transcends barriers. Consider it a love note from a higher force, one that teaches to unite rather than divide.
With your Twin Flame, you may notice that there are certain numbers that align perfectly. For example your birth-date could be 8/07/78 and your Twin Flame’s Birth date could be 7/08/87. This is just an example. The two of you could have grown up on streets with a similar number. There could be cellphone numbers that are similar or contain important digits that relate to your Twin Soul. Check your social security number.
Are Twin Flames Meant to be Lovers?
It is a natural progression to have a sexual relationship in the Twin Flame union. It is not necessary, however, it does make the experience more powerful. It can be a wonderful experience as long as both parties are able to handle the energetic flow between their bodies and souls.
However, on some occasions, it can be hard to be lovers with your Twin Flame. For example: Your Twin flame could be married to another person or you could be married to another person. Many people do not realise how many Twin Flame are actually married to other people.
This is a sad reality, however in some cases, it is difficult to walk away from a marriage to fulfil the Twin Flame union. Why? Well, sometimes the Twin Flame Union can be an unpredictable relationship. Despite the strong connection, the sheer power of the union could cause one party to run away or decide that the relationship is too exhausting.
Therefore, it is not always possible to be lovers with your Twin Flame. Although it would be a shame to not have an opportunity to share in that powerful physical connection. There is a way to get around this situation. Twin Flames can telepathically seduce one another.
Does Everyone have a Twin Flame?
Yes and No. What does that mean? The concept of Twin Flames arises from the notion that the soul is like a cloth. When it has reincarnated through many lifetimes, it comes to a point when it is split into two pieces. That two pieces comprise of two souls.
Twin Flame souls that were initially one. Therefore, not everyone has a Twin Flame during their lifetime. There are many souls that will be content to have a soulmate. They do not feel as if anything is missing from their life. That is due to the simple fact that their soul has not reached a point where it is necessary to be split into two pieces.
If you are falsely mislead to believe that all souls have a Twin Flame, then you are not receiving your information from the right source. Most people that write about Twin Flame experiences are not writing from a place of enlightenment. They could be falsely misled under the presumption that everybody will get a Twin Flame in their Lifetime. This is not true. If this was the case, the world will be moving faster towards a place of enlightenment, there would be less crime, and more love.
How do I know if I have a Twin Flame?
Unless you have met your Twin Flame and experienced some of the signs mentioned above, you may never know. The truth is that the world is a big place. You could be in possession of a baby soul. Meaning that your soul has not lived for more than a handful of generations on this earth. Whereas old souls, the ones that are far more mature and wise than the rest in their generation will likely have a Twin Flame or fast approaching a lifetime in which they experience the Twin Flame Union.
Can you feel your Twin Flame crying?
Crying is a result of an emotional response such as sadness and pain. If you are paying attention to your Twin Flame’s energy, you may be able to sense it. However, you have to be highly evolved to do so. What you can feel is their pain and sadness. You will experience a sharp pain in your chest. It could feel like a poking sensation when they are in deep distress. You may feel helpless and start to question where is this emotion coming from as you were perfectly fine a few minutes ago.
If you cannot attribute the source of the pain to a thought or a bad memory. It is likely coming from your Twin Flame that is experiencing a heightened sense of emotional distress. Something could be troubling them greatly, if they are missing you. You can also feel those emotions. It will start off as a recognition of the emotion within your spatial recognition. However, it will not come from your mind or heart.
It will be sent to you via an invisible cord that connects you and your Twin Flame. This sensation will not last for a long period of time. It can be a sudden awareness of pain, sadness and unhappiness. Again, if you are not visibly upset over something or distressed about something, it is likely coming from your Twin Flame.
What can you do if your Twin Flame is in distress?
Reach out to them if you are able to do so. Ask them if they are feeling okay and if there is anything you can do to make it better. When your Twin Flame is going through these deeply destructive patterns, you may notice a trend in how often they become upset.
In some cases, it can occur 3 to 5 times a week. Out of the blue, you feel yourself shedding a tear or two. You have no reason to feel this way, obviously your Twin Flame is crying or upset. Remember your Twin Flame is the mirror of your soul. The two of you can feel each another’s pain. Hence, if you are upset, they can feel your pain as well.
Can a Twin flame be a Soul mate?
No, the two concepts are completely different. Whilst I will not go into great detail of a Soulmate in this article. I will stress that the energetic wavelengths of the two forces are completely opposite of one another. Can a mammoth be compared to an elephant? It is similar, yet it is different in many ways. To smash the two concepts of Twin Flame and Soulmate into one subject is not a sign of an evolved soul.
The Soulmate ideology is based on the ethos that we have many soulmates in this lifetime. A Soulmate is someone you can marry, it is also a person that can be a family member or a neighbour. It can vary in its definition. It is commonly known that we can have many soulmates. In the same light, the Twin Flame concept revolves around the idea that we can only have one Twin Flame. Can you see how the two concepts completely differ? If we can have One Twin Flame and many Soulmates. How can a Soulmate and Twin Flame be one and the same thing? That makes no sense at all.
Are Twin Flames toxic?
Twin Flames are not toxic. Twin Flames can be difficult, but not toxic. Let’s explore the term Toxic. What does it mean? Toxic is defined as poisonous, destructive, venomous, harmful, unsafe, etc. Usually Twin Flames are evolved humans that have lived many generations.
They are the leaders of the pack when it comes to old souls. They are on this earth to make a difference. They do not lounge around smoking weed. Or waste their time playing computer games.
They are constantly searching for ways to improve themselves on a spiritual level. You will not find your Twin Flame passed out in a bar, or perhaps throwing up in an alleyway trying to figure out how to get home. Those are the baby souls of the planets. The ones that are still in the process of learning how to be human and enjoy the benefits of a body.
Now let’s take a look at this unique definition of a toxic person.
The Urban Dictionary gives a rather nice definition of a Toxic Person as being: “Used to describe a person who is tainted by a subconscious malevolence or psychosis that affects the lives of those who come into contact with them.”
Tainted by subconscious malevolence, or psychosis that affects the lives of those who come into contact with them. And not in a nice way, right? Hence the word, toxic. Your Twin Flame should not under any circumstances be robbing you of your peace of mind. You should not be under the assumption that your Twin Flame will show up on your doorstep with some major psychological issues.
And that under the pretense of the Twin Flame title, you can attach yourself to a person that is on a downward spiral. That person is not your Twin Flame, he or she is likely your Karmic Soul. And you should run for the hills. What is a Karmic Soul? Consider the Karmic Soul as the Jack in the box of the Universe. Check out my course on Karmic Souls.
Can Twin Flames Communicate Telepathically?
Yes. Twin Flames can communicate telepathically. Here is a helpful way to do so.
Firstly sit in a comfortable place. Make sure there are no distractions or noises around you. If there are distractions, this will not work. If you want to amplify the experience and improve your chances of success through the experience. You can listen to The Twin Flame Subliminal to make this process easier for you.
When you are sitting in a quiet and comfortable place. Ensure that the room is not too bright. You want to be in a dim room with minimal noise. You need to close your eyes. And concentrate on your breathing. This will help you to relax.
Breath in a Calm and Gentle manner.
As you breath in and out. You need to see your Twin Flame. As you see them before you, smile at them and feel the comfort of their presence. You need to make eye contact with your Twin Flame. Since the connection is strong between the two of you. Reassure your Twin Flame that you have come in energetic form.
You are safe and secure and you were missing their presence. You want to do this to ensure that your Twin Flame is not startled by your presence. You do not want to scare Twin Flame into thinking that something has happened to you.
You want to be in a light and energetic mood. If you are overly emotional, feel stressed or depressed. You should not attempt this process. Your energetic waves will be draining and exhausting for your Twin Flame, and over time, they will come to associate you with a draining experience.
This is something you never want to do, it is a major reason why individuals tend to run in the Twin Flame Dynamic. When things start to get stressful and emotionally exhaustive, Twin Flames cannot handle the connection. Remember your Twin Flame has their own life to deal with, they could be working or busy preparing for an exam or triathlon.
You want your Twin Flame to feel at ease in your company so that you create minimal distress and discomfort. Make sure that you follow the advice provided in a thorough fashion. If you do not feel comfortable completing the Telepathic session on your own, then you should consider investing in the Twin Flame subliminal to make sure that you do things the right way.
Now as you see your Twin Flame before you, ensure that you are radiating a safe, happy energy towards them. Also prepare your message beforehand to ensure that you are not babbling or deviating from the core message.
What is the Core Message in the Twin Flame Telepathic experience?
The core message is the most pertinent piece of information that you wish to communicate to your Twin Flame. If your message is long and in-congruent in nature, you will not be able to send a clear message. You have to define what you are going to say prior to saying it. Make sure that your Twin Flame will be receptive to the message.
If you and your Twin Flame have argued about a topic, it might not be a good idea to argue through telepathy. If you feel that you need to prove a point or that you feel compelled to be right in a particular matter, you will find that the Twin Flame telepathy will not work for you. Why is this?
Well, the Twin Flame Union is centered around leaving the ego behind. Your ego has no place in the Twin Flame dynamic. It inhibits the process of enlightenment and prevents the two of you from coming together in a peaceful manner.
What type of Messages should I send to my Twin Flame?
You can communicate messages centered around love, kindness and affection. You should always keep the message light and radiant. Remember, you and your Twin Flame have a powerful connection. In fact, it is more powerful than the average human connection. So do not underestimate your effect on this human being.
They feel your love 10 x more than other human connections in their life. In the same light, they feel your anger and anguish even more. If you consistently send bad vibes to your Twin Flame, they will start to associate you in the negative light. Whilst they cannot severe the Twin Flame connection, they can cut the telepathic connection.
Do Twin Flames Marry?
Of course, if they have evolved to the point of Twin Flame maturity, they can absolutely marry one another. This would be a match made in heaven. Two souls that are on the same energy wavelength would allow for harmonic synergy.
The Twin Flame union is a powerful experience. What would it be like to be married to your Twin Flame? Well, it would be different compared to being married to your soulmate. Here are the most powerful factors in a Twin Flame marriage:
There is a Strong understanding of one another.
The two of you will have non-judgmental approach to one another. There will no discrimination based on culture, race or class. There will be a pure understanding that the soul is occupying a body, and that the two of you are not defined by where you came from or social circumstances. The focus will be on your soul essence as a couple. Therefore, if misunderstandings do come up, it will be handled with a level of maturity.
Your Twin Flame can sense your pain, so if you are offended by something that they have done in the course of the relationship. It is extremely likely that your Twin Flame will want to clear the air immediately. They will not leave things to chance or allow you to go to sleep in an upset manner. Remember if you are in a pain, then they are in pain.
Powerful bond of Love
The two of you will be inseparable. When the two of you are apart, you will feel a sense of emptiness. You will long for your Twin Flame’s presence. However, if the two of you are apart, distance will not separate or sever the connection. Since the two of you are intrinsically connected. Your love for one another will go stronger by the day.
Ego is Out of the picture.
Many people that are not connected to a Twin Flame or perhaps lack the maturity of an evolved human will often find themselves offended for little things. For example: If a person feels insecure about their appearance, they will feel slighted if their partner finds that an outfit doesn’t match a shoe.
They will take the remark to a personal level. In some cases, they may jump to the assumption that their partner doesn’t fancy them anymore. With a Twin Flame Union, the two parties are evolved, they no longer feel a sense of attachment to the clothes that they wear, they know a simple remark is coming from a good place. There is no ill-intention attached to words.
If there is a disagreement, it will be cleared up in a calm and rational manner. There will no need to waste time on arguments and fighting between the couple.
Sexual Experiences
During the Sexual encounters in a Twin Flame marriage, it is a little more evolved than a non-marital union. There is a deeper connection between the Twin Souls. Marriage unites the Twin Souls through the basis of religion. Therefore, in the Twin Flame marriage, there will be the added advantage of commitment. Since the Twin Flame experience is profound, there will be a greater need to be attached to one another in marital form.
The Sexual encounters between the Twin Flames will be more adventurous and daring. The two souls will be completely comfortable to try new things. This is not to say that Twin Flames that are not married have a lack of freedom. However, the Twin Flames that are married will have no hesitation to take the spiritual sexual experience to another level with another. The union becomes sacred with marriage.
Healthier & Happier Experience
Sociologist completed a study which showed that married couples are more happier than unmarried couples. In fact, married couples live happier lives than unmarried couples. The same ideology applies to Twin Flames, only this time it is a more profound, intense and powerful spiritual experience.
Are Twin Flames Rare?
Twin Flame relationships are becoming more prominent in this day and age. The reason for this is due to the fact that more individuals are awakening to their spiritual power. They are realizing who they are through self-help books, they are also actively searching for their Twin Flame. In the past, Twin Flame unions were rare, it was an uncommon thing to find a Twin Flame united together in a relationship.
The reason for this can be attributed to the influence of society, religious doctrines and a lack of knowledge. People did not know about the Twin Flame union to the fullest extent. However, some philosophers such as Plato, and Socrates had knowledge of this phenomenon. And that is many centuries ago!
Nowadays, Twin Flames are more common. When you experience that light-bulb moment of finding your Twin Flame, it is an eye-opening experience. It genuinely feels as if your soul has been asleep for eons. And when you meet your Twin Flame, you realize that the world is a different place. All as a result of meeting this amazing and beautiful human being.
Stages of Twin Flame Union
The Challenges in Twin Flames Union
Prior to meeting your Twin Flame, you could feel a sense of emptiness. You start to recognize that something is missing from your life. You feel uneasy and nothing seems to make sense to you. You could feel as if you are drifting along life and all that you have been hoping for your love-life is not what is happening for you.
You may find yourself dating one person to the next. Those individuals provide you with a temporary fix, its as if the allure of companionship is compensating for the empty void inside of you.
In some cases, you may experience a few heartbreaks along the way. Some relationships will feel suffocating and nauseating. You could find yourself crying for a long time, wishing for things to be better. However, you feel completely helpless in your circumstances.
The Twin Flames Realization
When you know better, you do better. Since, you have realized that something is missing from your life, you want to find the part of you that is missing. You could find yourself going out more, applying for jobs in different cities, looking for love online. You need to put yourself out there. For some individuals, you may change patterns and behavior.
You could find yourself going to a different coffee shop. Things start to line up for you. This is all due to the fact that you are actively aware that something or someone is missing from your life. You want to fill that void. You want to feel better about your life.
Example: Lana was searching for a person to make her feel good about her life. So she stopped chatting to her exes. She felt that it was time to cut ties with the past. In order to find her Twin soul, she needed to be in a good frame of mind. She wanted the right person that was chosen for her by a higher force to come into her life. She yearned for that connection and truly had faith that such a person existed for her. She knew it inside of her soul.
She started to change some patterns and let go off the belief that she did not deserve to be loved, she realized that in order to find true happiness, she had to let go off her insecurities, doubts and fears. At first this was hard to do, however she managed over time to accomplish this feat.
Once she had let those old blockages go, she was able to bring her Twin Flame into her life. Notice that she had to release her old fears before doing this,
Lana started to have intense dreams of a man. At first, she could only see his figure. And then she started to see the figure illuminated by a light. She would have this dream quite often. She thought that it was peculiar, however she knew that this figure represented someone, namely a man.
She noticed that during those dreams she felt safe and comfortable in the presence of this individual. She knew that someone was coming into her life. You may have been experiencing dreams of your Twin Flame. What have your dreams been like?
Synchronicity in Twin Flames Union
You start to notice recurring numbers during odd hours. Perhaps you are stuck in traffic. And you see the time, it is 11:11 am or 5:55 pm. Number plates could stand out as well. It all seems really strange as you hadn’t noticed these changes prior to this experience.
When Twin Flames Meet One Another
The Meeting Stage occurs when you will actually meet your Twin Flame. This individual will come into your life when you least expect it. All of it will feel surreal and beyond belief. Apart of you will feel gobsmacked at the entire experience. You will feel this extraordinary connection to your Twin Flame. It will be inexplicable and completely out of the blue.
Signs of Twin Flames Union
You will feel safe in their presence. You will not be fearful to be in their company. You will find yourself feel as if you can trust this person completely. There will be no need to hide your heart or who you are as a person. Chatting to this individual will be enjoyable. You will find yourself talking to them for long periods of time.
Harmony in Twin Flames Union
The two of you will connect deeply to one another. It will all feel harmonious and peaceful in terms of the experience. You will get to know one another. In some cases, you will spend long hours discussing things about the world. Wanting to know more about them, in the same light, they will be curious about you.
The Dilemma in Twin Flames Union
This phase can be as a result of a breakup or a misunderstanding. There will be some ego-based topic that will be sloshed out during the initial stages of the union. It can create a lot of havoc and chaos in your world. It will be difficult to deal with and comprehend in the beginning. One person could feel heartbroken and shattered as a result of the problem. Not wanting to face it, and wishing to hide away from the issue at hand. It could set off the Runner/Chaser stage.
The Runner/Chaser Stage in Twin Flames Union
This is the most complex stage in the Twin Flame Union. For some, it can last months, for others it can last years. The most difficult aspect of this union is the fact that it causes a lot of upheavals, broken hearts and sadness for both parties concerned. It shakes the core of the relationship into pieces. There is a great difficulty in addressing the main issues.
The Need for Space in Twin Flames Union
The space refers to the frame of time in which the Twin Flames are apart. Sometimes, this is a necessary stage of the Twin Flame union. It allows for both parties to gather their thoughts and assess the situation. In a Twin Flame union, when the relationship becomes difficult to deal with, it’s a good idea to take a step back and collect your thoughts, recharge your batteries, etc.
Reunification Stage in Twin Flames
During this stage, the two souls can choose to come together. They have had some time to recharge their batteries and calm down. This is the best stage of the Twin Flame dynamic, it allows for growth between two souls.
How are Twin Flames Supposed to feel?
You feel energized, full of energy. You have a zest for life. You want to get up and make the world a better place.
What do False Twin Flames feel like?
You will feel drained, exhausted and stressed out.
Can Twin Flames fall out of love?
The Twin Flame bond is not based on being in love. Soulmates can fall in love with one another. Sometimes, people can fall in love with a karmic soul, a narcissist or a gas-lighter. However, Twin Flames do not fall in love. The Twin Flame experience is based on soul essence that is very similar to one another.
What does it mean to fall in love in the Twin Flames sense?
When you fall in love with in a person, you will experience certain chemical reactions that make you feel a surge of dopamine, Adrenalin, etc. Falling in love consists of evolutionary processes that compel humans to find a mate to make babies. This keeps us growing as a species. When you experience your Twin Flame Union, you will not be operating under that frequency.
You will be coming from a place of understanding and a desire to evolve on a spiritual level. So to fall in love is to experience bodily functions that propel us as a species. Whereas, to to meet your Twin Flame, you are fulfilling a spiritual mission. You may never want to procreate with your Twin Flame. You are not coming from a place of evolutionary progress.
Many people confuse the Twin Flame phenomenon with a Soulmate relationship or a False Twin Relationship. They are completely different energy forces operating with different purposes. You cannot fall out of love with your Twin Flame, you were never in love with this person in the first place. Think of it this way. Twin Flames have a purpose and mission on this earth to make the world a better place and to evolve on a spiritual level. Whereas, Soulmates serve to procreate and make one another’s life better. False Twin Flames serve to destroy your peace of mind and make your life worse. You are not better off by being with a false twin flame.
Can Twin Flames forget each other?
No, they cannot forget one another. It is impossible. The Twin Flame energy force is created with the sole purpose of making the world a better place. The connection remains strong throughout the lifetime. However, sometimes it is difficult to be in a relationship with your Twin Flame. They could be married to other people or there could be other issues that need to be resolved in order for the two to come together. Some Twin Flame individuals can struggle to let go off their ego and need to satisfy material consumption. Hence, they can grow apart, yet they can never forget about one another.
Usually Twin Flames that are apart will think about one another at least 10 x during the course of a year. If not more often, which is highly probable.
Does the Twin Flames relationship have to be romantic?
No, this does not have to always be the case. The Twin Flame relationship can occur without romance. In these cases, it is due to the fact that circumstances prevent romance. Such as being married to other individuals or perhaps one person is not ready for an intimate relationship. In some cases, it can also occur that one Twin soul is not the same sexual orientation as the other Twin soul. In those cases, it could be impossible for the union to be romantic in nature. Yes, it does occur! The universe is a strange and mesmerizing place. Possibilities are endless and unique.
Can Twin Flames be friends?
Absolutely! Twin Flames can be friends, however the experience of meeting your Twin Flame will be extraordinary and different to meeting a typical friend. If you did not go through an unusual experience to find and meet your Twin Flame, do not attach the term to simple friendships. A lot of people want to attach the Twin Flame title to relationships that are not Twin Flame relationships. This creates a false dynamic and sets your life into a tailspin. You want to ensure that you are dealing with the real thing, there is nothing worse than believing something that is not true.
Can Twin Flames be Life partners?
Twin Flames can become Life partners. However, they have to be mature to be Life partners. What is a Life Partner and how do you define it? If a Life partner is one that you live with and share your life with, then yes, that dynamic is no different to being in a marriage with your Twin Flame. However, marriage creates a sacred bond around the union. Although it is not necessary.
It simply depends on your upbringing. Do you prefer the religious perspective or do you choose to live in your own way? It’s completely up to how you rationalise the experience and what you need to ensure your happiness during this experience.
What is it like living with your Twin Flame as a Life Partner?
Well, you are constantly aware of your surroundings. You are no longer existing, you are actually experiencing life and the beauty of it. The universe is more amazing than before, you start to realize that you are so special in the grand scheme of things. God chose your soul to share in the experience of the Twin Flame union.
It becomes surreal. You start to appreciate everything. This is not about romance, and it is not about your needs. It is about how can I serve my Twin Soul? How can I improve his/her life to the point that everyday, and every moment is truly appreciated and honored. If you are expecting romance and some fairy-tale romance such as those shown in Hollywood movies, it’s better to opt for a soulmate experience.
The Twin Flame experience is about waking up each day facing your truth. Honoring your truth and seeing what life really is, without a pair of rose tinted glasses. And if you don’t like what you see, you step up to the platform and change it!
Is there only one Twin Flame?
Yes, there is only One Twin Flame! If there were three flames, would it not be called Triple Flames? If there were Four Flames, would it not be called quadruplet flames? It’s quite clear that there are people all over the world that are confused by the possibility of whether or not you can have more than one Twin Flame. The Twin Flame experience is a unique experience. You cannot have more than one Twin Flame.
Do Twin Flames look alike?
In some cases they do have a similar appearances. However this can vary, remember some Twin Flames will be from different cultures, races and countries. This means that they could look different to a certain extent, however, some features could be similar such as the shape of their nose, tooth or eyes, etc. You should not be disheartened if you don’t look like your Twin Flame. It is not the external appearance that matters, it is the internal essence that is important.
Does your twin flame feel the same?
No, they do not. Not all the time, it is important to be aware of the fact that Twin Flames are different individuals with similar energetic compositions. This means that they will have their own thoughts, beliefs and ideas about the world. They will have had two entirely different, yet similar upbringing. They will be shaped by social circumstances such as the environment, etc. This is always important to take into consideration.
Are twin flames the same age?
Usually this is not the case. However, in rare circumstances it can be. It depends on your situation. Often there is an age difference between the Twin Flames. In the Twin Flame Dynamic, age is just a number. It is the soul essence that is important in this situation. The Soul essence that unites the two of you. Remember Twin Flames will have lived a number of lifetimes together.
There is a sense of knowing that you have met this person before, in fact you firmly feel their energy is familiar to you. In some shape or form, you recognize certain qualities in this individual. It’s as if you have been coming together throughout the ages, finding your way back to one another. Yearning and longing for reunification.
Does Twin Flame runner feel pain?
Yes, often the Twin Flame runner feels a lot of pain. That is why they have started to drift away. They do not want to deal with emotions connected to this situation. There is a dynamic that plays out in this situation. Often, the Twin Flame that is running away has a deep rooted fear in facing the truth of their situation.
The recognition and realization of soul matter has taken a toll on the Twin Flame runner. Nothing will make sense, except that the profundity of the universe and the expansive epiphany that we are all energy. Initially when you are born, concepts such as reincarnation, soulmates, twin flames, these were all foreign concept to the human mind. People did not want to face the reality of our spirituality.
Religion came into official existence around 6,000 years ago. However, humans were carrying out religious burials worshiping ancient ideologies and systems, this goes back 200,000 years ago. We know this as there have been solid proof found of these practices by archaeologists. Especially in the manner that humans were buried.
Paleolithic remains shows that humans worshiped objects such as Lion man, Venus figurines also indicate a form of religious worship. As a human race, we do not fully understand the extent of our ancestors existence on this planet.
Around 200 BCE also called the Axial age, scientists found that the spiritual foundations of religion began to form on earth. So it had to have come from somewhere, right? Humans have lived on this planet since a long time. The modern human fossil dates back to 200,000 years ago. However, a species similar to humans, if you are going on the basis of evolution and Darwin’s theory could be dated as far back as 3 million years ago.
So with all of this knowledge, can you imagine how your Twin Flame feels when they meet you. Imagine if the two of you were roaming the earth during the middle ages. Or perhaps in World War One. Hmm, What if the two of you met one another in the Ice ages. All of those experiences and memories compressed in a compact soul. Two souls. Twin Flame souls. Fascinating isn’t it?
Twin Flame Runners often have unresolved issues from the past. Things that were difficult to deal with during those lifetimes. Unresolved issues that need to be resolved in this lifetime.
Do Twin Flames have the same personality?
No, Twin Flames do not have the same personality. Each soul will acquire their own personality. In time, it will seem as if the Twin Flames are completely opposite to one another. However, if you look closely, the similarities are astounding.
This is a powerful realization for many individuals around the world. It makes no sense for the Twin Flames to share the same personality as both have a completely different concept of the world. Hence, the ego clashing when disagreements occur during the relationship.
Essentially, each person is going through their own journey. And the idea that Twin Flames will have the same personality is completely incorrect.
What is the purpose of a Twin Flame?
The purpose of the Twin Flame Union is to live your best life. It is all about honoring your place on this earth. As well as honoring your Twin Flame’s soul. It is often said that Twin Flames are sent to earth to change the world. And if they find fault in something, they have a role to improve it and make it faultless.
The true purpose of Twin Flames does not revolve around romance. It revolves around improving the world. Twin Flames have a greater responsibility to serve mankind. This is not an easy task to follow, people want to make the Twin Flame ideology flowery, they want to romanticize it.
Are Twin Flames old souls?
Yes, Twin Flames are old souls. Twin Flames have lived many lifetimes on this planet. They are familiar with the world in ways that baby souls are not. They understand things on a deeper level. An old soul is someone that thinks differently to other individuals. They view the world in an enlightened manner. People tend to gravitate towards old souls a lot.
They constantly seek advice and guidance from old souls. Old souls are intelligent and emphatic. Usually they love to learn, reading is the favorite past time. They enjoy gathering knowledge. Your Twin Flame is not the type of person to waste time messing around or playing games with people’s emotion. They do not get a kick out of hurting people or trying to offend individuals.
Do Twin Flames have similar birthdays?
In some cases, they can have similar birthdays. The synchronicity aspect of the Twin Flame union can occur in various ways. It is not limited to birthdays. Even your parents could have an unusual age difference that is similar to you and your Twin Flame. You could find a synchronicity in street addresses, telephone numbers and IP addresses, etc.
Do Twin Flames share the same higher self?
The Soul essence between two souls will be similar in nature. The higher self is the evolved aspect of the human spirit. However, each Twin soul will have a separate identity. People are human beings at the end of the day, expecting your Twin Flame to be exactly like you is not what the Twin Flame terminology refers to, at times, there is a distinct difference between the two souls.
Do Twin Flames dream about each other?
Yes, they do. Before you meet your Twin Flame, you may have a dream about them. They could come towards you in the dream. You could see the form of the person. For some individuals you could dream of their aura.
What does it mean if you dream of your Twin Flame on a Horse?
When you dream of your Twin Flame on a horse. Your Twin Flame is the type of person that can handle great difficulties through hard work. He or she is not frightened of change, in fact they long for it. You will have to look at the color of the horse.
If you see a white horse in your dream with your Twin Flame, it means that they are spiritually aware of their soul identity. They understand who they are and their purpose on this planet. In some cases, you could see your Twin Flame falling off a horse. It could be a sign that he or she will run from the Twin Flame connection due to their fear of the unknown. They are not ready to awaken on a spiritual level.
If you dream that you and your Twin Flame were floating on a cloud in a dream, it means that things will be heavenly between the two of you. Everything will go well in terms of the connection. When you dream of your Twin Flame and simultaneously have the impression that you are falling into something. It can suggest that you are afraid of losing control of yourself.
When you dream of flying after meeting your Twin Flame, it means that it is important to let go off your fears. It is time to move forward in this situation and you can only do that if you let go of insecurities.
What’s the difference between a Twin flame and a Soulmate?
The Soulmate is a person that you share a bond of love with, you fall in love with this person and go through the process of opening up your world to them. The Twin Flame is a different experience, you are already connected to this person since birth. They seem familiar, you have no recollection or understanding regarding how you formulated your connection to this individual. Everything seems a little strange at first.
You feel thrilled to have found this individual, yet you are also uncertain about the future. Apart of you wants to take things slowly, however you desire to rapidly explore the relationship. This does not have to be on a physical level. So do not feel compelled to partake in such acts until you are certain that your connection is real, and that you are not simply caught up in the moment.
With the Soulmate connection, you can expect romance, fun and a casual buildup to a stable relationship. Whereas, the Twin flame connection, you feel as if you are on an emotional roller-coaster. In fact, the first few weeks feel like a blur.
You cannot understand what is happening, you have more questions than answers. Your mind cannot stop thinking about your Twin Flame. You are not thinking about romance, you want to love and nurture this human being. In fact, if they push you away, you can become terribly offended, and by their behavior. You strongly believe that something is different about this person.
Can both Twin Flames be runners?
Yes, however this dynamic does not play out often. It usually occurs when two individuals have a deep attachment to their ego. They are unable to separate their spiritual identity from the individual identity. They see both as a combined experience, yet there is a difference. If you notice individuals that are deeply religious, they are often defined by their faith. Whereas, a salesperson will be defined by their job, if he is very passionate for his work.
He will fail to see the difference between the two identities. In the same light, Twin Flame runners are avoiding the truth of their situation. They do not want to face their inner soul path. Running away from their destiny is more convenient than dealing with their mortality, as well as the process of Soul transmigration.
What is Soul Transmigration?
It occurs when the soul has left one body and through the process of birth, moved onto another body. Often Twin Flames will complete this process due to the fact that they have unfinished business on earth. There is something for them to do on this planet.
Do Twin Flames Cheat?
Yes, they can cheat on one another. Especially if they have not evolved on a deep level. Often they will do so, as a result of a lack of understanding of their bond and connection to their Twin Soul. Twin Flames can feel overwhelmed by the power of the magnetic pull to their Twin Soul.
The reason for this is due to the fact that the Twin Flame dynamic is an exhausting experience. It can create a lot of chaos in a person’s world. Even the most stable and reliable person can become the opposite of their character. This experience can cause both parties through an emotional roller-coaster.
Why would your Twin Flame runner deny their feelings for you?
Some Twin Souls will rebel, and try to escape the connection. They will try everything to break free from the Twin Soul dynamic. Often this denial is as a result of fear. They are fearful of what may happen if they were to give into the power of the connection.
Do the Twin Flame ever return?
They can return back to you. However, you will have to know how to deal with them when they do. You see when Twin Flames start the runner/chaser dynamic, it creates a pattern. This pattern is often difficult to break, therefore you really have to understand what you need to do in order to get them re-aligned with your energy. In the Twin Flame Tarot Spread Guide, there is a powerful compilation of Tarot spreads created for Twin Flame individuals to use in order to understand their Twin Flame.
Why does the Twin Flame runner run to someone else?
This occurs often with twin flames! Many individuals are perplexed by the fact that their Twin Flame runs into the arms of another person. This can be extremely painful for you to deal with, especially since you know and feel this extraordinary connection to this human being.
Your Twin Flame will run to someone else due to the fact that they cannot understand their feelings for you. They don’t feel safe to love you or care for you, they feel that you will hurt them or cause them to feel pain and heartache.
They feel safer with the other person. They are second-guessing this experience with you, they do not want to face who they are and the similarities that they have to you. It becomes overwhelming difficult to deal with their emotions, overtime, they start to associate the Twin Flame dynamic as an emotionally exhausting experience. One that drains them of their energy.
They do not want to awaken with you. They want to take their own route to discovering their spirituality. In some cases, certain Twin Flame couples will go through the awakening process on their own. If they feel that their Twin soul is too slow to understand the purpose of the experience, they can, and will evolve without you. Twin Flames are not tied to one another, they can choose to surrender to the experience or simply choose to ignore it.
Finding their own understanding of the dynamic without the intervention of the Twin soul. Often these are solo souls. They will miss their Twin Flame, and care for them from a distance. However, they may choose to go through life with someone else by their side. Simply to avoid the emotional highs and lows of the Twin Flame dynamic.
If your Twin-flame is dating someone else, are they thinking about you?
In some cases, they can be thinking about you. However, as time goes on, this can be less gradual. When you’ve met your Twin Flame for the first time, your emotions will be at an all time high. Everything will seem exciting and new to you. There will be ups and downs along the way.
As you are learning, you are growing on a spiritual level. Your Twin Flame on the other hand, they could be completely oblivious to what is happening to them. In the beginning, they will also think about you a lot. As time goes on, they could gradually look for ways to stop thinking about you. They could spend time occupied with their own personal life, career, etc.
They will want to get as far as possible from you. It is important for you to not pursue them in these circumstances. It is incredibly unhealthy for your well-being. If they ask you to leave them alone, then you will have to give them that space. You cannot try to push your way into their life. They will start to resent you if you don’t let recuperate and recharge their batteries.
Can your Twin-flame fall in love with someone else romantically?
Yes, they can. Remember your Twin Flame does not belong to you. They can make decisions without your input. They can also decide to go live in Alaska, and you may never see them again. It is their choice. If they choose to go through this experience on their own, it is entirely up to them. In the same light, your Twin Flame is fully capable of falling in love with another person. They might find the comfort of a soulmate more suitable for their lifestyle.
There are many reasons why your Twin Flame may decide to do this, it can be due to their free will, career demands, children, family expectations, etc. They could feel a more romantic connection to their soulmate. Their soulmate could provide them with stability and consistency. As the Twin Flame union is not concerning romance, but more enlightenment, therefore they can possess far more inclinations towards instability. Some Twin Souls will choose the love of a soulmate rather than a Twin Flame.
In some cases, if you have many disagreements with your Twin Flame, or perhaps there is an emotionally draining dynamic, they could choose to be with another person. Some choose to avoid it entirely, and others choose to work through it. This will depend on the nature of your Twin Flame. If they feel that they cannot have a serious relationship with you, they could look elsewhere for what they need. The key is understanding that the connection will always be there, however over time there will less of an emotional dependency on one another.