The Dragonfly Spirit Animal

The Dragonfly Spirit Animal has iridescent hues and unleashes the power of transformation in your world. If you are on the path of enlightenment and start connecting with the dragonfly, then you are on the right path.

What does the Dragonfly spirit animal mean in your life?

  • You are powerfully protected by a higher force.
  • You will soon be soaring to new heights.
  • Expect rapid transformation.
  • Brace yourself for an unexpected spiritual awakening.

You are powerfully protected by a higher force.

A popular story from Japan is the story of Emperor Jinmu, known as the first emperor of Japan. He lived in 711 BC. According to the story, Emperor Jinmu was bitten by a horsefly, a dragonfly came along and ate the horsefly. This resulted in Emperor Jinmu naming Japan, Akitsushima which means dragonfly island.

Dragonflies are considered auspicious symbols of wealth, happiness and joy. To connect to the Dragonfly spirit animal, it means that your ancestors and spirit guides are watching over you. Your destiny is different to other people. You were born to do something important.

Your spirit guides have sent the symbol of the dragonfly to initiate change in your life. There is a higher force that is guiding your life.

You will soon be soaring to new heights.

This spirit animal is opening the path of success for you. Thereby, lighting the way to greater accomplishments.

Purity and simplicity are the two wings with which man soars above the earth and all temporary nature.

Thomas Kempis.

The Dragon spirit animal is calling on you to keep your mind, heart and soul pure. By adopting the policy of simplicity, this will ensure that you can excel beyond temporary conditions.

The Key is recognizing your gifts and utilizing them to the best of your ability. If you have been working on your goals, then you need to understand that you are almost there, you need to keep pushing forward and you must not give up.

Expect Rapid transformation.

Life and death are illusions. We are in a constant state of transformation.

Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu

Human beings have been going transformations and changes for a long time. The oldest empire known to man is Sargon the Great of Akkad which was the Age of Taurus. During the Taurean Age, we saw the rise of agriculture, materialism and structured civilizations.

Right now, we are living in the Age of Aquarius which is in line with the rise of AI, technology and robots.

The reason for mentioning the above ages and highlighting the differences is rooted in the idea that humanity has been progressing for a long time. Many of these achievements can be charted alongside the stars.

Prior to the Age of Taurus, there would have been the Age of Gemini. There are no civilizations recorded in that period. Despite the absence of records, there would have been undocumented progress.

If you are reading this article, and simply existing without exploring who you are and your purpose, then you are living a life without meaning.

The Dragon spirit animal is calling on you to live a life of purpose and to start shifting your focus from day-to-day routines and onto bigger picture ideologies.

Remember the problems and catastrophes that mankind is going through right now, will be forgotten and hopefully resolved in the next few thousand years. Never forget that dinosaurs once roamed this earth and as big as they were, they vanished.

Brace yourself for an unexpected spiritual awakening.

Dragonflies have the ability to see clearly, they focus on the intricate details and possess a clarity of their natural environment. You are called to delve deep into your inner world.

This will encourage enlightenment and a deeper understanding of who you are as a person.

Fox Spirit Animal, Cat Spirit Animal, Hawk Spirit Animal.


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.