The Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is one of the seven chakras in the body. It is linked to water, and symbolizes adaptability, depth and pleasure. This chakra is necessary to balance your emotions and access your creative reservoirs.

Individuals that are able to balance this chakra will experience a sense of joy, and a passion in their emotional well-being.

How to Activate your Sacral Chakra?

  • Meditation.
  • Gemstones such as Carnelian, Tigers eye and amber.
  • Orange foods such as carrots, pumpkin and papaya.
  • Aromatherapy oils, Jasmine, ylang-ylang and sandalwood.

Signs of an Imbalanced Sacral Chakra

  • Creative blockages.
  • Emotional instability.
  • Fear of intimacy.
  • Low libido.

Signs of a Balanced Sacral Chakra

Creativity is one of the most powerful avenue of human expression. If you have a close look at the famous creators in history, many will have possessed a balanced Sacral chakra. Examples: Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Leonardo Da Vinci & Michelangelo.

Creativity Flows

When the Sacral chakra flows without limitations, there are no creative blocks. You can unlock inexhaustible amounts of imagination.

The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions.

Leonardo Da Vinci.

Fear of instability and fear of intimacy are two premises for this weakness in men. When a man is unable to accept love and happiness, he pours his frustrations into his work. Some achieve greatness, but never real and true happiness.

Emotional Resilience

Resilience is distinct from mere survival, and more than mere endurance. Resilience is often endurance with direction

Eric Greitens

Emotional resilience is the ability to acknowledge your emotions without judgement. This allows for a cathartic release from challenging feelings. By embarking on this path, you open the door to personal growth.

Passionate Living

To live life passionately is to allow for meaningful connections. True intimacy is an exchange of energy. When you possess a genuine desire to understand and support people around you, there is a genuine opportunity to transform your life.

Healing the Heart Chakra, A Guide to your Emotional and Spiritual Wellness