This Guidance Tarot Spread is designed to help you find the answers to your difficult questions. Its purpose is to cut through the noise and find the right path ahead.
The Guidance Tarot Spread

Explanation of The Guidance Tarot Spread:
Your Present Self
This Focuses on your current situation, your emotions and thought processes. This energy sets the tone for the Guidance tarot spread. It helps establishes the hidden elements that are unseen and that require your attention.
Your Present Challenges
What is Holding you back and preventing you from tapping into your inner guidance? What is blocking your path to clarity? Why are you not accepting the guidance your spirit guides are bring you?
Your Desired Path
What is your desired destination? Where do you hope to end up? How do you reach your destination? What is your end-goal? Why are you being led to this path? What is its purpose?
External Factors
What are the outside elements that are controlling the narrative and can it be changed? What needs to change in order for you to reach your objectives?
Your Soul Guidance
What is your soul guiding you to do? What is the right path ahead for you? Where will you feel most happiest? Why are things happening in that way? Can you choose a different path and yield a different set of results.