Healing the Root Chakra

The Root Chakra is located at the base of spine and is connected with your sense of security. When your root structure is blocked, it leads to feels of instability and anxiety. The Lotus flower is often used to represent its energy. This chakra governs over the basic human needs. Examples: A sense of belonging, shelter, and food.

Signs of an Imbalanced Root Chakra

  • Fear or a constant sense of unease
  • Disconnection from the physical body
  • Trouble with grounding and staying present
  • Issues with the lower body, such as lower back pain or problems with the legs

Signs of an Balanced Root Chakra

  • Emotional Stability.
  • Confidence in decision making.
  • Healthy relationships.

How to Heal the Root Chakra

Grounding exercises are important to harmonize this chakra with your earth energy. By spending time in nature, and practicing yoga poses, you can reconnect with earth’s energy to restore the element of stability.

Consider incorporating grounding foods such as legumes, and whole grains into your diet. Important gemstones smoky quartz, jasper and hematite.

Meditation is also an important factor to grounding and healing this chakra. Consider visualizing a red energy spinning slowly in the base of the spine.

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