The Giraffe Spirit Animal

The Giraffe Spirit Animal stands tall and proud on the African Continent. With the ability to see things that other animals cannot due to its towering height, it is often considered as a gentle giant in the animal kingdom.

When you are connecting to this spirit animal, it means that you are in unique position in your journey. Giraffes have long slender necks which is commonly associated with the element of grace and composure. Giraffes walk with poise and exudes elegance.

What does it mean when you are connected to the Giraffe Spirit Animal?

  • Pay attention to your vision.
  • Trust your Inner Perception.
  • Carry yourself with grace.
  • Surround yourself with confident people.
Giraffe Spirit Animal
Giraffe Spirit Animal.

Understanding the importance of your Vision.

Without a clear vision, you will not have a proper understanding of your destination. Knowing exactly what you want and going after it is half the journey. The Giraffe Spirit Animal is calling on you to get clear on your vision and purpose.

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.

Carl Jung

Many people hold onto their safety nets, afraid to step into the unknown. They delay relationships, new job prospects and moving to new countries for fear of discomfort. Opportunities that were once there wither into the darkness and fade off into the sunset.

The Giraffe Spirit animal is calling on you be decisive and get clear on what you really want out of life.

Trust your inner Perception.

Your inner perception has a way of letting you know what will make you happy versus what will not make your happy. Your inner compass has the answers and the direction that you need to head in, especially to accomplish your goals.

We must not allow other people’s limited perceptions to define us.

Virginia Satir

One of the biggest mistakes people make is surrounding themselves with individuals that do not think much of themselves. It is crucial for you to understand that most people do not evolve beyond basic knowledge.

Some people acquire a high-school education, others a tertiary education and then the learning process stops entirely. They fail to learn new things and get left behind.

Your inner perception will let you know when change is necessary. By keeping an eye on the horizon like the Giraffe Spirit animal, you can see further ahead than most people. It is important to never stop in the acquisition of new knowledge.

Carry yourself with Grace.

In life, you will encounter all sorts of people. Some peaceful, and others chaotic. On the African Savanna, the Giraffe is rarely disturbed by the activities of the Lions, Hippos and Monkeys.

Within the African continent and among the numerous animals, there are social structures. Giraffes are herd animals and often co-mingle with one another. The females roam together with their young and the male form bachelor groups moving along with more independence.

In the same light, consider networking and forming bonds with members of your gender. This can be helpful for you in the long term.

Surround yourself with Confident People.

Whatever you put around yourself, you will be the mirror of it. Surround yourself with things you love.

Marcel Wanders

This is critical for your well-being and overall life. Good people that are positive in nature will inspire you to do better in your own life. Many individuals are unaware of the fact that humans are like sponges, they absorb their behaviors from other people.

This behavior is called mirroring. If you surround yourself with stupid people, you will become stupid. If you take advice from an idiot, then you will surely make idiotic decisions.

Oprah Winfrey recommends surrounding yourself with people that lift you higher. And I couldn’t agree more.

For years, in my personal life, I was surrounded by a few individuals that were not on my level intellectually, I always had to choose my words carefully, and basically tone it down to not make them feel stupid.

By downplaying my achievements, I took away from my experiences and sense of self-worth. It was not like these individuals were uplifting my spirit either. There was always some type of competition with these folks.

They were always highly critical whenever I accomplished something amazing. I recognize that I had to work on myself and realize my own value. So I take full responsibility in terms of working on my self-esteem and choosing better for myself.

I also realized that it does not serve me to be nice and make myself smaller to make other people feel better about themselves. It was in my thirties that I realized, enough is enough. I am only going to surround myself with like-minded individuals that lift me higher.

Final Thoughts

In the same light, the Giraffe Spirit animal calls on you to rise higher in terms of your consciousness. You are not your friends, family or parents. You are an individual with your own unique strengths. Establishing your individuality and surrounding yourself with confident people can change your life.

The Fox Spirit Animal


Isabelle has over 20 years experience in reading tarot and has helped millions of people from around the world live an empowered life. She is the creator of three tarot e-books, a few oracle decks and tarot courses too.