The Elephant Spirit Animal

The Elephant Spirit animal is known for its incredible problem-solving abilities. Elephants have incredible memory and they are known to recall specific migration routes as well as water-holes in the African savanna. They are animals that share their knowledge with future generations.

What does the Elephant Spirit Animal mean in your life?

  • You are called to be resilient during these times.
  • This is the time to foster strong bonds of loyalty.
  • Honor traditions and learn from the past.
  • Build a solid foundation for yourself.
Elephant Spirit Animal.

You are called to be resilient during these times.

Resilience is a powerful attribute and characteristic. It is a sign of a person that overcomes adversity despite the odds. When a person is resilient, it means that they are focused on their vision and nothing can compromise that in any shape or form.

Resilience is distinct from mere survival, and more than mere endurance. Resilience is often endurance with direction.

Eric Greitens

Many people survive through life. They consider themselves as having lived life on their own terms. Endurance is the act of constantly picking oneself up after being knocked down.

When you are resilient, it means that you have endured adversity and continued on your path. Nothing has deterred you from your direction. The elephant spirit animal is not deterred during storms or predatory animals in its migratory patterns. It encounters a lot of challenges along the way, however it persists in its path.

This is the time to foster strong bonds of loyalty.

Loyalty is a rare attribute. Many people seek out loyal individuals, few find it in this life. The key is harnessing this quality within yourself first. You cannot be a dishonest person and expect loyalty in return.

If you stumble upon individuals that gossip, let you down and continuously disappoint you, this is a pattern that they will struggle to overcome in their lifetime. In fact trying to change these individuals will be a futile waste of time.

Now there are two types of loyalty that exist in this world. Good loyalty and Bad loyalty. Sometimes a person will be loyal to you in order to get someone out in return. We have seen this play out time and again in real life. The TV show, ‘Survivor’ is an example of this, when the ball shifts in another court, loyalty changes hand.

If you are dealing with a person that does not possess real loyalty, then you can always test them in your friendship.

The elephant spirit animal calls on you to choose carefully the people that you trust, not everyone can be trusted. Only offer to a person the same degree of love, friendship and loyalty that they offer you. There is no need to offer more or less.

Honor traditions and learn from the past.

The Past presents some important lessons for you to learn in life. You can learn from history, you can also learn from people. Everyone has something valuable to teach you. And when the lesson is complete, you can learn from new people. Life is about growth, if you stop to study people and situations, you can learn some fascinating things.

The Elephant spirit animal teaches important lessons on traditions. Humans carry with them an array of traditions that are passed down from culture, geography and religion.

Some cultural traditions have gotten lost in time, some serve important roles during specific periods of time in history. Others were simply followed without just cause. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Holi and Eid are examples of traditions that are practiced today.

African elephants are known to practice rituals such as burying the dead.

One cannot ignore the elaborate burying behavior of elephants as a similar sign of ritualistic or even religious behavior in that species. When encountering dead animals, elephants will often bury them with mud, earth and leaves. Animals known to have been buried by elephants include rhinos, buffalo, cows, calves, and even humans, in addition to elephants themselves. Elephants have [been] observed burying their dead with large quantities of food, fruit, flowers and colorful foliage

Ronald K. Siegel

Build a solid foundation for yourself.

Having a strong foundation encourages you to live your best life. You can focus on the important aspects of your life and accomplish your goals.

A proper foundation can include forming important friendships, networking, surrounding yourself with positive people. Eating healthy and exercising to release stress.

The Elephant spirit animal has a solid foundation as it is a herd animal with structured behaviors and rituals in place.

Read next: Fox Spirit Animal, the Bear Spirit Animal.