How do you find your North Node? There are many websites on the internet that will provide you with this information for free. You need to enter your birthday, and place of birth.
We as a human race are on the brink of an incredible revolution, it is spiritual in nature and has the power to transform this world from a planet that once allowed institutions to govern, to one that shifts the balance in favor of the awakened beings.
Many have embarked upon this spiritual journey, in fact if you are reading or listening to this work.
Unleashing the Power of Your North Node.
You are clearly on the right path to discovering more about who you are and the direction you are heading in, when it comes to your life purpose. You may have known that your life has a purpose and apart of you cannot rest until you discover that purpose.
Some say our destiny is written in the stars, others believe that we make our own destiny. You always have power over the decisions you make and if you are tapped into your deeper spirituality, you can live a life of enlightenment and pure joy.
Many People underestimate the power of your North Node, however this will change fast. It is important to note that each of us are on a different path with a different purpose. We are not the same in terms of our destiny.
Your role in society will differ from the next person, as you step into your North Node energy, always carry this one piece of advice with you. You are here to fulfill your destiny, there is no right or wrong way of doing things.
Do not be fooled by individuals that tell you that you need to be a certain way to be a good person, and avoid individuals that try to guilt trip you out of your divine purpose.
You are here to live life on your terms. Remember Savior complex is a mental disease. Do not fall into the trap of trying to to make everyone happy unless it is specifically mentioned in your North Node energy.
Have you ever wondered why the world is so out of whack? Its because individuals are living their lives according to other peoples expectations and not according to the universal laws at work.
Aries North Node
If you have an Aries North Node, then you are destined for success. Individuals with an Aries North Node have a corresponding South Node in Libra. In your past life, you lived to pleased other people.
You did not allow yourself to form your own independent line of thinking, in fact you lived for other people. You sacrificed on your own unique identity to adopt a shared identity.
With a Libra South Node, you may have inclinations to seek validation from other people. In some ways, you might care more about what other people think than your own thoughts. Thankfully with an Aries North Node, you can move towards your true purpose and start living life on your own terms.
You may find yourself triggered in relationships that try to force you to be a certain way, you may quickly anger when someone tries to force their opinion on you. What you are seeking is your own expression of your internal truth. You are not here to please everyone.
You are here to lead, you will do things that shake things up and yes, people will feel intimidated but that is not your problem. The Most Powerful Part of Your Journey is learning about your unique individuality.
Learn to make decisions without asking for permission or seeking advice. Remember you write your own rules. If people call you selfish, so what, you know what you are doing and the universe wants you to excel in what you are doing. You were born for greatness.
Individuals with Aries North Node are in a league of their own. You have made a lot of sacrifices in your past life to ensure balance and diplomacy, you sacrificed for others, in this life, the world is your oyster.

Major Lessons for Individuals with Aries North Node
- Remain independent.
- Form Your Own Opinion and have confidence in it.
- Do not follow the Crowd. Stand up and do what makes you feel happy.
- Be Willing to Say No.
- Have Firm Boundaries.
- Stay true to your North Node.
Taurus North Node
A North Node in Taurus is a Powerful aspect in your chart. You were brought on this earth to build an empire. You are naturally predisposed to financial stability.
In fact you yearn for a comfortable home and a dependable partner. Having a Taurus North Node means you have a Scorpio South Node.
This translates to a past life fill of abuse, instability and emotional manipulation. You may not been the one that was causing these different types of trauma, you may have been the victim of it.
People with a Scorpio South Node often have past lives with toxic relationships and connections that undermined their own ability to create a life of abundance and prosperity.
You may have been depending on a partner that used money as a form of control. It is possible that you were attractive and alluring. In this life, you are called to leave behind the emotional rollercoaster of your past life behind.
You are asked to build your own wealth. To stand on your own feet and to have relationships that are supportive and comforting in nature. Your Taurus North Node wants you live a luxurious life full with comfort and stability.

Major Lessons for Individuals with Taurus North Node
- Build your own wealth.
- Start a business if you feel like its your purpose.
- Get an education if it will lead you to financial stability.
- Go after your dreams.
- Avoid unstable relationships or situations.
- Indulge yourself as you deserve it.
Gemini North Node
Being Born with a Gemini North is a Powerful attribute. You are the hunter-gatherer of information and research. You will excel in positions such Cia Superspy. You are naturally predisposed to finding out the details that could be of use to you.
With a Sagittarius South Node, you may have had a tough time forming long lasting relationships. In fact, in your past life, you may have spent more time exploring the world and discovering new places.
Now with a Gemini North Node, you have an amazing opportunity to take all that you have learnt and apply it. More than just that, the Universe is calling upon you to appreciate your current lifestyles.
The reason for this is strongly attributed to your Sagittarius South Node. You will normally feel as if you should be somewhere else, doing something else. There might be this constant need to establish if the grass is indeed greener on the other side.
This may make you feel a little antsy in relationships. Coupled with your Caster and Pollux North Node, this could feel as if you are being told to stay and go at the same time.
Now just imagine your Sagittarius South Node along with its centaur energy taunting Caster and Pollux to move to a different country and or date someone new. That’s a constancy. You are in a unique predicament and you are called to center yourself.
Focus on sharing all the amazing facts and figures that you are gathering on a daily basis. Doing so will enable you to see that the grass is as green as spinach and you are perfectly fine where you are!

Major Lessons for Individuals with Gemini North Node
- Calm your horses.
- Share the information that you have gathered.
- Be Content.
- Appreciate the people around you.
- The Grass is as Green as you make it.
Cancer North Node
Born with a Cancer North Node means that you have a Capricorn South Node in your past life. This is a powerful indicator of the life you lived. It is very likely that you were a high achiever in your past life, you made a lot of sacrifices to live a good life.
You may have had to sacrifice on family time and put your emotional needs to the sideline. In this life, your Cancer North Node is calling upon you to form a deeper emotional bond with the people in your life.
In the past, you served the universe by being a worker bee or perhaps an influential person of great value. You enriched society by your constant contribution towards your work life. You could have worked in any field. It doesn’t matter, what matters is the fact that you made sacrifices for your family.
You may not have had much time to connect with your kids or have fun in love. Always working and deeply committed to your purpose. In this life, your Cancer North Node is telling you to open up. Do not shy from being vulnerable in love or your friendships.

Major Lessons for Individuals with Cancer North Node
- Connect to your feelings.
- Spend time with loved ones.
- Allow yourself to be vulnerable.
- Share your love.
- Be willing to accept love.
Leo North Node
If you were born with a Leo North Node, you will find yourself in an interesting position in this life. Leo North Node Individuals have an Aquarius South Node.
In your past life, you may have chosen to stay in the background without asking for attention or the spotlight. Therefore, in your past life you compromised on many things in order to sacrifice for the greater good.
Having an Aquarius South Node means that you led an eccentric life. Many of you were dedicated to the greater good. In many ways, you put other people’s needs ahead of your own.
Some of you may have lived your past life for other people, you could have been shy and reserved. Sharing your ideas in a way that it becomes apart of the group, instead of stepping up and saying I did this or that was my idea. In your past life, you chose to not take the praise for your efforts.
In this life, there is a need to move your humanitarian behavior from your past life and step into the spotlight with confidence. You will thrive best if you step up to the role of taking charge versus allowing your voice to be drowned out by the crowd.
The key is learning that you have value and that you should not allow your past life energies to dictate the fate of your present life. In Western society, people are often advised to work in teams and to find compromise in a group setting.
This might be necessary in some circumstances, however it also undermines your individuality and takes away from your unique expression.

Major Lessons for Individuals with Leo North Node
- Take praise for your work.
- Take every opportunity to stand in the spotlight.
- Welcome compliments.
- Its okay to say that was my idea. I came up with the plan.
Virgo North Node
Individuals with a Virgo North Node have a Pisces South Node. Having a Virgo North Node requires you to be equally invested in yourself. In your past life, you were deeply in touch with your feelings.
You may have had a powerful intuition and found yourself deeply in tune with other peoples emotions. At times, you may have allowed your emotions to dictate how you interact with other people. Therefore in your past life, you neglected your own needs due to your empathetic qualities.
In some situations, you may have had co-dependent relationships. This could have made you feel deeply overwhelmed. Placed in a unique juxtaposition, you felt your emotions strongly, however you also felt other peoples emotions as well. This prevented you from having the ability to discern your emotions from other people.
Also, your Pisces South Node may lead you to drift into a dream like world, it may make you feel like have to be there for everyone. Even if a relationship proves itself to be unhealthy, in your past life, you chose to put up with these connections.
Having a Virgo North Node means that you need to have boundaries. You have to be discerning between your feelings and the feelings of others. Virgo North Node individuals have the ability to critique situations in a powerful manner.
This means you are built with an inner B.S monitor. The Universe wants you to learn to step into your power. The key is separating thoughts from emotions. Doing so enables you to live your life on your terms and prevent any form of external manipulation.

Major Lessons for Individuals with Virgo North Node
- Think before you act on emotion.
- Ask for more time if you feel the need for it.
- Do not allow people to force you make decisions based on your emotions.
- Critique situations and analyze them fully.
- Ask yourself this simple question, ‘Is this in my best interest?’
North Node in Libra
Having a Libra North Node means that you have an Aries South Node. In your past life, you did everything according to your way. In fact, it was your way or the highway. You lived your past life as you had intended to, you did things your way.
The Universe wanted you to be a leader and you served that role well. You had strong opinions and you stuck to your guns. And, you may have made the world a better place through your leadership skills.
With an Aries South Node, Other peoples opinions were irrelevant, you followed your gut and you were probably doing the right thing. With a Libra North Node, it is important for you to consider other peoples needs.
In this life, it will be necessary for you to work in a team and to consider the opinion of other people. This will allow for you to live a more diplomatic and balanced life. Its not just about you in this life, its also about making people feel apart of the greater cause. You will step into the role of being a good friend and useful partner.

Major Lessons for Individuals with Libra North Node
- Think of other peoples opinion.
- Encourage people to share their insights.
- Think of Mutual benefits and mutual rewards.
- Its about Win/Win with the Libra North Node.
- Choose harmony over competition.
North Node in Scorpio
Having a North Node in Scorpio opens you up to unlimited possibilities, especially when it comes to your deepest emotions. Elements of passion, sensuality and taking chances elevate you to new levels of freedom.
With a North Node in Scorpio, you have a South Node in Taurus. This means that you lived your past life in a safe and stable manner. You might have been afraid of taking risks or doing things out of the norm.
There could have been danger associated with some of the things that could have intrigued you, however you never indulged in these desires due to the unpredictability nature of it. With your North Node in Scorpio, you are armed with the Scorpio sting. You really have nothing to worry about and should not fear taking chances.
You are encouraged by the universe to take chances, especially when it comes to following your heart. There will be many changes and transitions in your life, however this will enthrall you in the journey of life.
With a Taurus South Node, you lived a life of predictability. Your world was shaped by safe choices. It may have suited and served you well back then, but in order to grow in this life, you have to embrace transformation on a deeper scale.
You will thrive when you explore the discomfort of vulnerability. If you feel the need to connect deeply or speak sensually from your heart. You have to be willing to take that chance.

Major Lessons for Individuals with Scorpio North Node
- Do not play it safe.
- Follow your heart.
- Live a sensual life.
- Embrace your deepest desires.
North Node in Sagittarius
Having a North Node in Sagittarius means that you were born to live a life of adventure, excitement and expansion, You thrive in situations that take you to far off lands. A North Node in Sagittarius also means that you have a Gemini South Node.
In your past life, you lived your life according to deep quench for knowledge. You gathered facts and figures like a machine seeking comfort through calculations.
With a Gemini South Node, you may have had many intellectual adventures and you may have indulged in one too many books. You desired knowledge like bees sought nectar. In fact, everything you gathered in terms of your intelligent needs led to a path of educational discovery.
Often you would seek the opinion of other people and share the knowledge that you gathered, but it was never really applied. You may have questioned and marveled what it would be like to live in Thailand, but never found the time or courage to actually go find out.
In this Life, Your Sagittarius North Node is calling for application rather than research. Taking action rather than talking. Trusting yourself versus seeking confirmation.

Major Lessons for Individuals with Sagittarius North Node
- Go for the Gap year.
- Travel the World.
- Put down that book and take an adventure.
- Stop talking, start doing.
- Trust yourself.
North Node in Capricorn
Capricorn North Node puts you in an interesting position. You were brought on this earth to carry a large amount of responsibilities. Having a North Node in Capricorn means that you have a Cancer South Node.
It is very likely you are natural workaholic. You have goals and ambitions in this life. The Universe approves of all your desires to be the best you can be.
In your past life, you made a lot of sacrifices for your family and personal connections. You could have allowed individuals to guilt trip you to be a certain way or serve a role that you did not ask for or want.
If you had aspirations in your past life to be a certain person or accomplish something of importance, people may have talked you out of it and told you that you had to take care of your responsibilities to family or friends first.
You could have had a strong paternal or maternal life choosing to take care of others people needs. Your relationships may have defined who you are, in this life you are called to follow your dreams.
People may have formed an unhealthy attachment to you in your past life and your dreams and goals may have fallen to the sidelines as you struggled to make everyone happy. In this Life, the universe wants you to put yourself first. There is no excuse to fall in the trap of not following your dreams.
There is no need to carry unnecessary emotional burdens on your back. You have every reason to say I am going to do what I love doing and succeed at it. It is important to find relationships that support your dreams and aspirations. You have a deep desire to work hard and you should fulfill your needs to the fullest.
In this life, you are seemingly free of this burden and realize that you do have the power to make decisions and stand by them. Instead of being the wallflower, you are called to rise up and foster a sense of independence without fear and hesitation.

Major Lessons for Individuals with Capricorn North Node
- Avoid life-sucking connections.
- Your work will take precedence.
- Find supportive spouses.
- Allow yourself to step into your power without guilt.
North Node in Aquarius
Individuals born with a North Node in Aquarius have been brought onto this earth with a special gift. Consider yourself as the innovators of the Universe. Not only are you smart, you are also gifted with foresight into the future.
Apart from being excellent with technology, your gift is the expansion of consciousness through new inventions. You are not like other people, you look at the world differently. This is a talent and attribute that needs to be taken seriously. When you have a North Node in Aquarius, you will also possess a South Node in Leo.
In your past life, you may have taken the spotlight and thrived in it. You could have been someone of importance making strides in your professional life. A lot of emphasis was placed on your own unique identity. In this life, you are being asked to shift the focus from you to the greater good of humanity.
If you want to achieve great success, then you will have to think of your fellow mankind. Important questions to ask is, ‘How can I make the World a better place?’. By creating services and products that help the world or simply working in the right organizations, you can see incredibly progress.
However, you have to be willing to appreciate your unique mannerisms, you cannot be shy or afraid to show your quirks as that is what makes you special.
You may have to tame your Leo South Node as it will often want to grab the attention back onto yourself, however this type of energy won’t help you to excel in the way that want. Therefore, it is of great importance to think of others before yourself.

Major Lessons for Individuals with Aquarius North Node
- You need to stand up for your unique ideas.
- Have faith in your unusual insights and follow your gut.
- Its not about fitting in, its about standing out.
- You have to learn to adapt and be flexible.
- Its not just about you, its also about your fellow mankind.
Pisces North Node
If you have been born with a Pisces North Node, then this means that your purpose on earth is to connect with your deeper emotions. You have been brought onto this earth with unique gifts such being deeply intuitive and empathetic. You are able to see things from an emotional perspective.
You are naturally predisposed to tap into emotional fields that is unseen by normal people. Your destiny is to connect with these unseen energies as they will be a powerful guiding force in your life.
Having a Pisces North Node means that in this life, you have a Virgo South Node. This meant that you were the type of individual that was deeply connected to your mind. You may have been a very analytical person. Someone that enjoyed crunching numbers or finding flaws so that you achieve perfection.
With a Virgo South Node, you may have had very high standards, almost to the point that you could have pushed people away, unaware of their feelings or the impact of your actions. Some positive aspects indicate that your deep sense of analysis will have without a doubt been an asset to you in your work.
However, there could have been a disconnect to your own emotions. If you felt neglected, you would have found it very hard to tap into your feelings or ask for help.
In this life, you are being called to trust in your emotions and to allow your connection to your heart to lead the way. Instead of overthinking things or being pedantic, it is important to let your intuition play its role.

Major Lessons for Individuals with Pisces North Node
- Tap into your emotions.
- Let go off your need to judge.
- Allow yourself to relax your mind, and follow your heart.
- Life is not always about the facts, it is also about the experience.