Using a Career Tarot Spread can provide you with important guidance in challenging situations. Tarot Cards can provide a ton of insight in your professional life.
This Career tarot spread is designed to provide you with a bird’s eye view in terms of establishing your strengths, weaknesses and finding the right path for you at this moment.

How to Use the Career Tarot Spread?
Your Current Career Situation – Where are you right now when it comes to your career. This card can represent a physical outlook, an emotional feeling or a major life event that is currently playing out for you.
Your Career Aspirations – What are your hopes and dreams for your future? Where do you see yourself in a few years? Do you have the qualifications to achieve your dreams? Do you need new skills or experience to climb the career ladder? These are the important questions you need to ask yourself at this point.
Obstacles and Challenges – What is holding you back from the accomplishment of your goals? Are these physical limitations, perhaps you need to move to a different city? Are you experiencing workplace drama? Are there people in your workplace that are preventing you from reaching your full potential?
Opportunities for Growth – How can you pivot forward? How can you take the challenges you have and use it as a foundation for bigger things? How can you leverage your skills and gain an advantage?
Recommended Course of Action – This is the advice that spirit is providing you in your situation. This can apply emotionally, physically and potentially require a major life change in order to reach your destination..
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